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Everything posted by PolarisRich

  1. Still below freezing here and snowing to boot! Morning all!!
  2. TGIF Morning QC, I'm thinking there's some riding in my future today!!
  3. Wooo Hooo -4 out with a wind chill of -22 Fahrenheit I think I'll stay in today and watch a few ATV movies. P.S. Morning all and I hope your feeling better Bio.
  4. Afternoon all! As long as the 2 stroke doesn't smell like strawberries then all is good!
  5. Thanks. I just didn't think washers were the way to go.
  6. Best snow fall in 10 years and I had to sell my sled. Kind of regretting it now!
  7. [attach]644[/attach] No gap between the hub and rim. Washers would have left a gap. [attach]645[/attach] Clearance is always good.
  8. Heres what I got so far... [ATTACH]639[/ATTACH] 1/4" steel spacers [ATTACH]640[/ATTACH] Longer studs. [ATTACH]641[/ATTACH] Before [ATTACH]642[/ATTACH] After [ATTACH]643[/ATTACH] Good guess on the tolerances
  9. Morning to all you QC's. Hey Bimmerdog you do know it's winter right? 33 outside I'd be out cutting the grass.
  10. Morning guys. Well the "storm of the century" fizzled out a little too early. All we got was 6-8" of snow and another 1" this morning. Just enough to make shoveling the drive a PITA. -7 right now droping down to -14 tonight. Burrrrr
  11. Morning all, high of -8 today with the storm of the century to hit us tonight. SO THEY SAY? http://www.windsorstar.com/news/Windsor+waits+storm+century/4199735/story.html
  12. Good morning ye all! Little sore today from a poker run yesterday. We started riding a 8am and got home around 8pm. Thats a good day of riding especially when nothing broke and no one got hurt.
  13. That would be great but the closest Polaris dealer to me is around a 2 hour drive.
  14. I'd say some crazy engineering. I think your right Raptor8, there would have to be a few different shim rings to cover all the different models.
  15. I kind of had the same idea but to modify the spacer ring to fit all makes. Basically one ring with a dozen holes or so and make them come in 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2" sizes.
  16. My brother's shop didn't have the stock so he's going to send it out to another shop that's going to laser cut the pieces for $20. I kind of wanted aluminum but by the sound of it it's going to be made out of 1/4" stainless steel.
  17. Ten minutes later he sends me these..... [ATTACH]636[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]635[/ATTACH] Does the measurements look good to you guys.
  18. Ok so here's an update on what I'm doing... I ordered longer studs from Polaris (STUD-3/8-24X1.38,PRESS FIT-Z #7518378) and instead of using washers I'm going to see if my brother who works at a tool shop can make a spacer ring that is only 1/4" thick. Don't laugh, I'm not an artist or a CAD programmer but this is the pic that I sent him. [ATTACH]632[/ATTACH] I think this should work!
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