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Everything posted by NinasATV

  1. i cant wait to do just that! It might be a while before it is comfortable.
  2. yes, i had a stupid accident. No, i was not trying to do a wheelie. (now i really wished i had started practicing!) The details of how it went down are a little fuzzy, but i was riding up to an old foundation. the dirt has settled quite a bit since last time i saw the area. now i know why we usually only go down that way and not up. i got bucked up on top then the bike made a quick left. one set of tracks confirm high-side fling action. i landed on my back side, and have a hairline fracture on left side of sacrum (just above tail bone). my helmet slammed on the ground giving me a slight concussion, and the heavy riding boots helped twist my left knee. i wished my chest protector was much longer! i'm afraid i will be out for a while. i hear these butt bones take a long time to heal. idk when i will even be able to sit on my daughter's bike with her. my parents are pissed off and cant understand why we still want to ride after my husband's 2 shoulder surgeries our friend passing away and now this. my mom and i are barely speaking. the mother's day BBQ should be fun! okay, must rest now...
  3. Congrats! she is beautiful Brooklyn has been a popular name in my neck of the woods lately. my parents were not crazy about my daughter's name Meadow, but now they think it fits her perfectly
  4. welcome to qc! glad to see another family that rides together
  5. haha, idk about all that...besides im more of a trails kinda gal. even if i do get my front wheels up it wont b for long or i would hit a tree. (never saw a superman wheelie before)
  6. your right ya know. the first time i got on the bike and was learning the clutch. the front came up on me. i started to panic but leaned forward & kept it under control. i just need to get over the fear! the tore up back photo is not helping but the other tips w help me think of what im doing and not seem so out of control
  7. ouch! ok, def don't want to get foot stuck. man, that makes bruising from the chest protector padding being smashed between a rock and atv look like child's play ...guess it was, cause i rode back w just some bruises and bent handlebars.
  8. yeah, i saw that. another reason why i need to learn!
  9. i have never even done a wheelie on a bicycle. sad. ...thanks for the video! he makes it seem easy
  10. i'm not gonna lie...im a little scared. the only wheelie i have ever done was holding on for dear life to someone else when they unexpectedly decided to have some fun. now, i do have a chest protector, but after having used it to its fullest potential in the past, i prefer to wear it for its great looks & comfort. (haha jk) with all that said, i still feel i must learn this to improve my riding skills. not to mention the fact that i have a capable bike. how do u do it? what are your tips?
  11. thanks i think the 2 mountain pics are pretty cool, too. cant wait to see more!
  12. yea, my husband said he will just take it off and we wont have to worry about it again. then i can continue to ride over whatever i want. i dont see it when im riding anyway
  13. i agree. i dont really get it. even though im a girl and should like those pretty accessories, its more about the thrill of the ride, not how u look when doing it. i would def scratch it first time out
  14. no just got a branch lodged...it happens. after that i had a great time. just breaking in the new bike
  15. guess i should have cleared the trail before going balls to the wall over all of the fallen tree branches. had to unlodge the half that didnt break off on the tail light. Bright side: i had the most fun on the bike so far. starting to feel a little more confident with the clutch, and had a 2 wheeler behind me adding a little speed pressure = an adrenaline good time http://www.quadcrazy.com/NinasATV/gallery/id_7622-tail-light-2.html
  16. def start small with a little burm or the table top is also good. accelerate off the top in standing position w/ knees and arms bent to absorb the landing. havent had the chance to jump on the new honda, but with the heavy ozark (not really meant for jumping) i would push down on the pegs at the lip to spring off the ground and get more air
  17. Hi everyone! I LOVE trails! I regained my riding experience on a Suzuki Ozark about 6 years ago, but finally upgraded to the TRX400x. It is a completely different beast. It is like learning all over again. (getting used to the clutch, and this bike picks up speed when I let off the gas instead of stopping like the heavy Ozark) I am the only female rider in our group. There have been others, but they obviously dont feel the love since they give it up after they get that ring on their finger. This is why I joined. I am tired of feeling like the only woman on the planet who loves to ride. Riding time has been limited since my daughter came along in 08, but we just got her a raptor 50 and I am looking forward to spring training!
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