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2002 Kawasaki Bayou 220 Jumps When Shifting

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No I haven’t but now when he was shifting it splattered oil everywhere and a bunch of hoses came loose that were underneath and we can’t figure out where the hoses go to can anybody help me out with this? I have found where one of the ends connect but I can’t find where the other connects!!!


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The other hoses most likely don’t connect to anything. They are breather and over flow hoses. They are supposed to run down the back of the engine and hang.   If it spits oil out it really can only be from a few things. 

You over filled the engine with too much oil.

The bike was tipped over and oil got into the over flow hoses. 

The engine breather line that goes to your air box is clogged.    



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That’s your carburetor bowl overflow. It should run down to the bottom behind the engine.  If fuel is coming out then the float in the carburetor is having an issue.  It’s not raising up and pushing the pin that shuts fuel down.   Maybe a quick carb rebuild may be in order.  

Oil issue, drain the oil out and might as well change it. There should be a sight glass on the side of the engine or a dip stick.  Find it and fill it back up accordingly.    


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Your welcome but it’s no big deal. The  smoke coming off of the engine on my bayou was the small valve access caps on the top of the engine.

May not be your problem but this is what I did.  First I bought a can of gunk  engine cleaner. Follow the directions on how to use it and clean it good. This way you can see where the oil is coming from. 

Two caps have o rings and they flatten out over time. I took mine off left the o rings in place. Cleaned them from any grease and put high heat silicone and re installed. 

Again this may not be your problem but worth a look.  

You will get the hang how to do things on the bike just take your time and ask if your not sure. Put a piece of cardboard under the bike so you don’t stain the floor with the dripping oil. 

My son didn’t know much about atvs and two years into it it’s a great pass time hobby we have now. We find older neglected or garage buried bikes and fix them up and bring them back to life. 


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