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2019 Canam XMR 1000 Shredding with Yamaha Grizzly 700

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Chad joined us on a very short mudding run with his brand new 2019 Canam XMR 1000. It feels like our Yamaha Grizzly 700s are next to stock compared to his modded out Canam XMR 1000.

 Jon managed to slice up his 2017 Yamaha Grizzly 700 silverback tire up on some wire that was hidden in the mud. Gonna have to get that patched up and good to go soon!

This summer you guys will see a lot of Chads Canam XMR 1000 along with the ol 2016 yamaha grizzly 700 and 2017 yamaha grizzly 700.

Follow the grizzlys on instagram!


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