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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2019 in Posts

  1. Hi, my names jade 25. Western NC Mom of two young boys. Who wouldn’t have a fourwheeler if I hadn’t picked up learning about what it took to repair a China 110 quad. That lead to a passion of atv repair. 5 months in and I’ve learned quiet a bit and interested in helping and learning how to fix my current Honda 87 250x that’s been through some hands as well as a china 50cc dirt bike that’s been rebuilt on the outside and soon learn how to replace valve stems and piston rings.
    1 point
  2. Nice job on the bayou. I had a bayou 220 years ago, bought it new at the time. Took it riding a lot and held up everywhere. Here's an old pick of me on it about 15 or 16 years ago...I never had a winch by my buddy bought his at the same time and put one one. It was convenient for when we got stuck!
    1 point
  3. UPDATE: Wow it's been forever and a day since I last was on here. lol Anyway, too may things kept pushing the Bayou back on hold but I finally got it going after a little more carb work and replacing the fuel selector switch and fuel lines. Took it out on a day ride with a friend (in case it broke down) and did great! Don't know about fuel mileage, but was out for around 6 hrs of almost non-stop trail riding and used almost half a tank. Had it out again for 4th of July on a camping trip and still ran good. It did have 1 incident when I opened it up on a gravel road; was clipping along in 5th gear and it started sputtering like it was running out of fuel. Lasted about 15 seconds and then cleared up. Other than that (and that it needs tires and shocks) it performs great. Am looking at doing a 22 mile OHV trail up in the mountains soon as soon but not sure when yet. Oh, and am waiting for my winch kit to show up. May be a little over kill for a 220, but if/when I upgrade, I'll transfer the winch to the new one. For now, this little 220 is working great for everything I need.. the real test comes in Oct when hunting season starts hahaha
    1 point
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