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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2019 in Posts

  1. Since Kawasaki doesn't give the size and pitch of the bolts, I would suggest estimating the diameter of them and then go to a metric bolt supplier and buy one bolt of each that appears the same size. Get one of each pitch if there is a fine and coarse pitch offering in that size. Here is a conversion chart of common inch bolts and their standard metric equivalent. I'll add it to the downloads section also.
    1 point
  2. Here’s the schismatic for that bike the parts numbers are listed. https://www.kawasakipartshouse.com/oemparts/a/kaw/50a64221f870022674af672b/guard
    1 point
  3. Welcome to Quadcrazy @Monika Novakov I’m not sure what you mean by the generator/starter ? Do you mean the left side engine cover? The starter should be removable with a little bit of wiggling without taking that cover off. You can remove the left side engine cover to see what’s going on with the bendix/one way clutch depending on the year/model and see how it’s all operating and if anything is wrong. If the cover is sticking maybe a little tap with a rubber mallet will help. Here’s a YouTube video of a 250. Should be pretty much the same.
    1 point
  4. 50 psi compression is enough to run, but may have to push start it with another ATV... Had a Bayou once that would pull the front wheels up with 60 psi and it should really have 150. We see a lot of dead Polaris around here bc the gumbo is murder on belt drive and everyone lifts them and snaps axles. But you're right that in modern big displacement ATVs honda has fallen behind. They've stuck with a more traditional style. Post 2000 or so the market has changed a ton.
    0 points
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