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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2019 in Posts

  1. This is more of a demolition derby than a crazy race! lol...
    1 point
  2. I wear muck boots when I ride. There are two brands I use. One is the actual brand “muck” boots. They are black and have a material that’s made out of almost like a divers suit from above the ankle up to the top of the calve so it’s expandable. The other is called Extra Tough or Servus boots. All good stuff for what your looking for.
    1 point
  3. This week is time for second part of Crazy Race 2019 round 2 - Qualifications! Enjoy!
    1 point
  4. Very nice. Looks like the coons made friends with the deer. I got out this weekend again and did a whole bunch of different things. I was prob not to far from @Ajmboy. We went to Davis firing range in Goshen to play around with the rifles. I have to say my 30-30 after 10 plus years of replacing my and dialing in my scope it’s still spot on. I posted a pic of the target at 100 yards. I got my oldest a 243 he is a great shot also but didn’t take a pic of the target, he’s all in the kill zone if the opportunity presented itself. Then we took the cross bows out for a little fun on the property and did a ton of trail riding. We are making a ton of new friends by the new property. @Ajmboy the property is surrounding other owners, no state land. We have 50 acres behind us that belongs to a nice older gentleman who has given us permission to hunt and ride so between his 50 and our 30 acres we have plenty of room. We added some tree stands and more cameras as well. Here’s a few pics of the things we did and one camera that we set up on the back end of the property where a big buck is hanging out but he’s solely nocturnal since we have only seen him on camera after midnight. This is one night of pics. The other cam had 1730 pics!!!! Monster bucks and fat raccoons. I will post some prob tomorrow. We also found some really old cars on a piece of property we rode. The land owner who owns the hotel we stayed at gave us permission to ride it and explore. It’s about 300 acres, unreal. Looks almost like moonshine runners cars but prob not and just my imagination. I’m bringing this kid up the right way and truly want him to understand what hunting, fishing and appreciation of the land we have. it’s not about going in the woods and killing an animal. We have let many deer walk away and only shoot a deer when it’s the right time and the right deer!! We make a ton of jerkey and roasts etc. I see him get a little sad when we head back to the city and that’s a good thing because he knows what he has up there so he looks forward to coming back. Side note: he rides like a champ, I see it in him as he makes his turns and the way he leans and maneuvers his atv.
    1 point
  5. Got it running. We gas and had to prime the heck out of the new carburetor! thanks all!!
    1 point
  6. Here is first part of promised video from Retro Museum Bulgaria. Here is cars from Eastern Europe and Russia from previous century. Hope you will enjoy video
    1 point
  7. Right back at ya! Still some warm days out here but yesterday it got down to 1C overnight - that's one degree above freezing so 33/34 F I guess. Brrr. A black bear discovered our two apple trees and totally demolished them, ate every last apple & it was a great crop!
    1 point
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