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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2020 in Posts

  1. "I hear ya and agree, the best part about this type of situation is all the members that go through this get very good at pulling the carburetor off so making several adjustments gets less difficult." He's got that right - "Frank" was not the name I'd given him when he recommended that I remove my king quad carb AGAIN to make adjustments - but it was worth it - he's a great teacher - and you do become somewhat of an expert at putting it back on (and taking it out, and putting it back on, and taking it out....). here are some tools I used to help: old long allen head wrench (used to put furniture together) - grinded off end to width of air/fuel screw under carb: it's long enough to access from the side "ol' red" - rounded/sanded an old slot head screwdriver: comes in handy when inserting TIGHT ARSE rubber boot between air box and carb - this gave me fits to no end - a bit of grease on inner lining helps, too old open end 12mm wrench for throttle cable - thinned it out w/ grinder: helps with final tightening of throttle cable to carb - this was difficult to get started but eventually seats
    2 points
  2. Thank you @Jim Denton
    1 point
  3. You're a good man Frank. Pretty work, you'll make your friend very happy.
    1 point
  4. Thank you! Glad to be here and will start browsing for forum. No doubt I'll have questions along the way!
    1 point
  5. I rode a Honda 50cc kids trike when I was a kid. Heard a quad was better... We'll see how it goes....
    1 point
  6. Horrible, simply HORRIBLE! Are you kidding? They look brand new, man! Is it paint? Wax? Since I have no experience painting atv plastics, my only question would be how durable is it - if painted, how is the paint able to stick to the plastic AND REMAIN THERE? sanding / roughing and possibly priming the areas prior to painting likely helps with this. your experiment looks fantastic. and now i'm headed to the plastics posts. just read your post - makes sense - and it'll likely work. good test run for all.
    1 point
  7. I hear ya and agree, the best part about this type of situation is all the members that go through this get very good at pulling the carburetor off so making several adjustments gets less difficult.
    1 point
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