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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2020 in Posts

  1. Picked this beauty up for zero dollars this weekend. It has been passed around several of my son's friends and the last kid was just tired of tinkering with it. Mostly complete 96 300FW. The pic is my boy robbing the swing arm and rear diff for his 300 for a big memorial weekend ride. Wiring is garbage at the battery, kick start doesnt work, no coil, smoked like cheech and chong when it ran last. I figure a couple hundred and a few hours and this will be ready to ride. Journey will be documented on Instagram at @martincyclellc if ya wanna follow along.
    1 point
  2. I have heard of that one about it being handled through "Ebay Motors" and such. I came across one of those "great deals" years ago and got a similar line of bull. I told them I only do Paypal through Ebay so if they had the Ebay transaction number. Poof! never heard back
    1 point
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