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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2022 in all areas

  1. Good Morning Mech, yea you want a Longer wheel base for dune riding. Oh I am well versed at mechanical advantage. I worked for the largest logger in Vermont when I was a kid thinking I wanted to work on heavy equipment. Picture riding in the dunes except it's not sand it's mud an swamp. Your right it's easy to get out of a hole when you have something to strap to. My rig is loaded with pulleys etc. We have actually had to strap rigs together and use pulleys to get a buddy out as we didn't have the weight advantage he was so embedded. All in the fun. He's one for ya.I was riding with him in his Can Am. We crossed this " Stream " a 100 times. It rained and he miscalculated how much it had risen as you really couldn't tell. So you drain um and go bsck at it. We are not fair weather riders. We don't come out to look for another excuse to drink beer, those boys stay on the porch. You say these vehicles weren't made for this, I disagree, guess you haven't watched many videos as there are thousands of great ones where guys, an girls, are seeing exactly what there buggys can do. For me that's the whole reason I purchased it. If I wanted a show piece I would buy another hot rod.
    1 point
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