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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2018 in Posts

  1. You have the freedom to take risks with your own life and limbs but you should not have the freedom to risk other's. When you knowingly risk the safety of others, that is not freedom. That is stupidity and selfishness . No phone call is worth risking anyone's lives , no matter how safe you think you are using a handheld cell phone while driving or how much you want to risk your own life in the name of "Freedom" .
    1 point
  2. Great read and great points of view. The reality is that Trump tapped into what the majority was thinking. Had he been a little less “off the cuff” and had a little less of the women and name calling issues, he would have received even more votes because the working class was getting tired of: paying for government services for those who don’t work rising healthcare costs, lower coverages to subsidize uninsured Jobs disappearing from the US and economy not improving fast enough Open borders and immigration policies Less money in their pocket from rising costs and lower wages Working class people vote with their wallets and if they think they will be financially better with one party or the other, they’ll vote to better themselves. Most working people won’t vote for free money or “insurance for everyone” policies because they don’t feel people who don’t work should get anything free. That’s just not what this country was founded on and it’ll take years for people to ditch the belief that you have to work to achieve the American dream, you don’t get it for free. Views are going to be different everywhere and I for one think the tax reform is good and it’s about time these blue states start to look at their over taxation and entitlement programs. Internet tax should have happened a long time ago to even the playing field. It’s sunk enough retail businesses already. Just look at all the dying malls and retail stores that have closed. It’s the internet and not just tax but at least it’ll be fair play with tax. Unless the dems have a message that will appeal to the working class, there’s just not enough unemployed anymore to win them a seat. Criticizing Trumps behavior will do nothing, dems need to appeal to the working class. If you are a business owner, in most cases you love trump. If you are a lower earning individual, your taxes are a lot less giving you more under trump and companies are raising their wages. Plus, you now have more jobs than those unemployed, isn’t that something.
    1 point
  3. Here's a front view , Looks like its missing the Cowl that housed the square lights and they popped 2 new round led ones in there https://www.google.com/search?q=yamaha+timberwolf&rlz=1C1RUCY_enUS733US733&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjf5s-ilL7cAhVQdt8KHfazCN8Q_AUICygC&biw=1707&bih=854&dpr=1.5#imgrc=b1LlalN3DaPV7M:
    1 point
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