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Everything posted by fox300exchic

  1. I would agree...they do look pretty sweet!
  2. DANG IT!!!!! Why didnt I see this SOONER!
  3. Hello and Welcome to the site!!! I know you will enjoy it here! My sister lives on the border of Indiana and Michigan.
  4. Grrrr!!!!!!!! The quads only get to ride from 1 to 4 now!!! Im sooo freakin angry!!! I sent a few messages to their myspace page about it and they told me its because of "SAFETY"! How in the world is it suppose to be because of safety when the bike still get to ride when the quads do?!? Doesnt make ANY sense to me!!! So im gonna talk to them this Saturday when I go. Cuz thats bull!!!
  5. lol I didnt even notice the age thing. Yeah Im 23 not 24...dont turn 24 till august. You know...you really shouldnt mess with a womans age! You never know what might happen. :smilielol5c:
  6. Its alright I guess. I kinda liked how the other one was just needed different colors. I dont like how the forum part of the site looks.
  7. MWKE...That post was from November! lol
  8. The game, including the commercials, SUCKED!! It was so boring! Im sorry but I dont care who won...both teams suck because they couldnt get in gear until the last 3 minutes of the game. What was up with the commercials? Arent they suppose to be funny?
  9. lmao!! I didnt wanna be the one to say that! lol
  10. Love the mud pic! I rode on Sunday there once and will never again. Its too beat up by the time Sunday rolls around. I dont think they do any maintenance on the track during the weekend other than watering.
  11. What day did you go? You gotta go on Saturday! Which one is you in the pictures so if I see you out there I know who you are? It seems like just lately they have been over watering the track. It sucks. I dont know why.
  12. Scotts dog is cuter than that one.
  13. Hello Marissa!! So glad you joined the site! What kind of quad do you ride?
  14. He's cute but not as cute as mine hehehehe lol
  15. Lets see a picture of your dog. lol
  16. Hello Christy!! Welcome to the site! Make yourself at home!
  17. He has a bicycle helmet that he loves to wear. So I doubt there will be a problem with gear. But when we can put gas in it he will have ALL the gear THEN.
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