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Everything posted by Mech

  1. And I didn't read all of the posts I did look at..haha.. Does that trouble you? Would my opinion make any difference to you ? Do you think your opinion makes any difference to me ? Is this a pissing contest ? Any ridicule you might imagine I directed at you, any offense you might choose to take, is entirely a product of your own delicate Ego. You can call me stupid if you like..
  2. Yeah you are right.. I didn't read all those posts of yours..
  3. yeah .. keep posting.. I'm not sure if the admin approve of me saying it, but there are free manuals on "manualslib'"..
  4. I've been in discussions with people that had the vaccine, some that were like me planning on getting it if and when the virus came close, and some people that were adamantly against it.. All the people that weren't against the vaccine were easy and congenial, those opposed it have been far too quick to call people morons(yeah seriously), and stupid(yeah seriously), and clutched at straw after straw that weren't logical, weren't supported by a careful analysis of the figures. that were quick to quote numbers, but didn't know the percentages or what the "reported" adverse symptoms were. A lot claimed stuff like "black blood", "blindness" "swollen testicles", "magnetic bodies", and "micro-chip implants".. Yup.. But none of those things are on the adverse reaction reports. The list of adverse reactions is a long one, and it is out there despite the anti vaxers assuring me we weren't hearing about them..Assuring me that the information was being withheld.. But when I suggest they go to our local health dept adverse reaction site and have a look, they didn't even know there was one. They all relied on youtube. The bottom line is, why try and convince other people that they have made the wrong decision..? I've got my vaccine and you are welcome to do as you want. I don't think you are stupid to not get it, I can think of heaps of reasons you might not get it, none of which are any business of mine. As you say, it does take some deep thought and soul searching, but that is something we should do.. The decision to get or not get a vaccine is much more about other people than ourselves..I think. My decision, could effect dozens of people.. I'm only one person. I live in New Zealand though. We have free health care and the health system struggles to provide for all people at the best of times. If you're Trump and can afford top notch health care, I guess it's easy to be cavalier and say it's a hoax, but to me, it's a personal responsibility thing.. a community thing, and I live in a small rural community and I have kids and people I love that are vulnerable. I'm alright with the possibility I may get some side effect down the line.
  5. Don't be so paranoid.. Do you know what Sigmund Freud said was at the heart of paranoia ? Delusions of grandeur.. That's delusions.. of grandeur.
  6. You should get a manual Mellephants. Some seemingly trivial things, such as cable and hose routing, are really quite crucial. There'll be a manual to download here probably
  7. Haha..I was tempted to suggest that he show me the missing posts.. cause you know.. ya can't prove a negative.. No matter. I see that the great leader(ex-president Chump), has now got his vaccines. And the thing is Randy, why are you trying to convince people that have already got their vaccines, that they were wrong to do that ? That's a futile exercise. Is it to make us feel bad about our decision, or to try and convince yourself that you made the right one to not get the shot? I've been through this discussion here and I've heard all the arguments and conspiracy theories, and none of them stack up. Nobody is saying that the vaccine will prevent you getting the virus. Nobody here at least is being forced to get the shot. It may have some long term effects we don't know about, but that being the case, those of us that have got it, aren't doing it out of fear, but in spite of fear. I for sure was very apprehensive about getting it. So Randy, tell me, why do you want, why are you so determined, why do you go to such lengths, to convince people that have already got the shot, which can't be undone, that they have made a bad decision.. Is it for our benefit.. or yours ?
  8. Too late mate. No point trying to convince me I'm stupid.. I've already got the shot, and I'm ok with that.
  9. And it turns out that this site isn't censoring posts... Well well.. Another conspiracy down the drain.
  10. I know of people that drank coffee and less than an hour later they suffered a heart attack, and people that took aspirin and three days later were diagnosed with cancer. I know someone that always wore blue shirts, and he got cancer. I never wear blue shirts and I don't have cancer. Association is not cause. Every day millions of people come down with illness', sometimes after taking something. It doesn't mean the something caused the illness. The number of people that are "reporting "adverse reactions, needs to be taken as a percentage, not a number, and we need to look at what the reactions are. People are reporting sore arms at the point of injection, headaches, tiredness, all sorts of things.. But there are very few reactions that have been confirmed as surely caused by the jab, and even less that are considered serious/dangerous side effects. The science and the "rights" are both debatable. If we go looking for "evidence" for our stance, we will find it. But evidence is not proof, and association, or coincidence, is not proven cause. You Randy, and Freedom, are welcome to your choice, and I'm not going to try to convince you that you made the wrong choice. It's your call. I'm happy and confident in my decision. I don't feel any need to prove anyone wrong, or myself right. I would encourage you though to look at the data, as percentages, and apply reason and logic to it.
  11. Not me, but they are probably six or eight mill. Six mill is just about a 1/4 inch, and eight is near 5/16 of an inch. The heads on those are ten and twelve mill respectively. If you pull a bolt from someplace and check it against the mount holes, then measure the depth to the top of the threads in the frame, and add about ten mlls for screwing into the threads.. you will get bolts to suit from an engineering store no trouble.
  12. I agree with Dave.. The supposedly suppressed information(all the adverse effects anyone here in N.Z. suggested were being kept from us), is available. And yes, we have been using mrna vaccines for more than a decade. The technology is well tested, and the specific vaccines for covid are tested now too. These "experimental" vaccines were released for use early because the technology is so well tested, and even though they hadn't been extensively tested on a large number of people at the start, they are now the most tested and studied roll out of vaccine ever. The rmna vaccines have been tested and documented and studied now, on billions, and not just by the companies making them but by WHO. It's true that some small percentage of people do get adverse reactions, but most of the adverse reactions are really minor,(look them up) and statistically, most are safer than getting the virus. The long term potential effects are still not known, but they would not be known even if the vaccines had been tested on the usual several thousands, or tens of thousands, of people. Regarding all this supposedly suppressed information about adverse side effects.. It's just inconceivable to me that all the medical fraternity, all the scientists, all the politicians, and especially all the journalists, would conspire to try and deceive us. The journalists in particular, would love to bust open a conspiracy like that, of that scale.. To a journalist, it would be a Nobel Prize.. And journalists, they are really really good at ferreting out these things. More tan anybody else, I trust the journalists. All life is risky, and sometimes we need to do our bit and take a risk for the common good.. That's how I see it.
  13. Yeah well that's what I figured it might be like for me Freedom.. Some thing I got over, if I ever did get it. I wasn't worried about myself. My comments are just as an impartial spectator to this thing and the discussions, of which I've had several. There is no conclusive scientific absolute, and "rights" are only things we are wiling to fight for. I don't think my decisions were or need by dictated by either. I am always surprised though how people argue for their right to the decision they made.. It's kinda amusing.
  14. "I have no problem with folks being vaccinated if that's their choice I do however disagree with someone mandating that I shouldn't have a choice to put something I don't want into my body. "... Freedom.. I wouldn't agree to that easily either and it's an argument against vaccines I have heard here too. They say that about fluoride in the water too. Here though, nobody is being forced to get a shot.. They have choices. What I've found since discussing it with people is that every time the final straw that people found intolerable was "being told what to do". Fair enough, and I'm an independent bugger and does what suits me, but.. nobody is being told what to do.. Not here regarding whether they have to get a shot or not. I got my shot, late, because I live in the country, and I got the shot because I believe this thing is overrunning our health system which already struggles. I live in a draughty shed with no insulation. I never get respiratory problems..haha I do though know lots of people that depend on our health services. I believe the statistics that suggest that without a good proportion of the population being vaccinated we will have huge human cost It could be that this vaccine might give me/us some problem in years to come, but so does going to war, or down mines to rescue people, or out to sea or defending the weak and vulnerable. But men have always done it.. That said, none of us need a reason to accept or reject the vaccine. I really don't think the argument/discussion will be resolved with science or "rights|". People should be comfortable with their choices, or rethink them.
  15. We have similar conversations here in New Zealand and it always seem that the anti vaxers are far more insistent on proving their choice is the right one. For the most part the people that get the vaxination say fine, it's free choice, while the anti group call people names, try to convince them they have made the wrong choice.. Is that what I'm seeing here too ? And I agree with the admin, this is a good forum, one of the better atv forums definitely. The antivaxers seem to be very defensive.. Even when there is nobody attacking them.. Makes me wonder about their confidence in their choices.
  16. Thought I'd share this because I see a lot of people wondering how to adjust their idle mixture. On some bikes it's really hard to get at the idle mixture screw and near impossible once the engine's hot. I'm a mechanic and need to adjust mixtures accurately and so I made this tool to do it. It's a piece of wood about 12mm square, with a screwdriver made out of a small bolt, and the drive belt, gear and tensioner out of an old printer. It cost nothing and only took about a half hour to make once I'd decided how to do it. Anyone that works on a suzuki quad needs one. The standard setting as recommended in the manual is only a starting point, and they always run nicer with a proper adjustment. The gear at the screwdriver end is pressed on there and is tight enough to turn mixture screws if they are not seized. The adjustment should be done warm, and it's supposed to be the highest revs you can get with the least throttle opening, then you wind the mixture screw in until the revs just start to drop. That settings called "best lean", and it's what they run best at when hot. Sometimes though if the bikes doing a lot of stop starting I leave them a fraction richer than that.
  17. And yeah, if the cable looks ok on the outside(no worn off outer)wash it with water and work it to get dirt out if it doesn't look like it's been oiled. If it has been oiled then wash it in petrol or kero.
  18. A genuine workshop manual should have wiring, cable and hose routing diagrams. There's probably a manual in downloads on this site, or look up "manualslib".
  19. For a long time now a lot of cables have been lined with nylon or teflon or something and it's advised not to lube them... The manual should say. I'd check the routing of the cable, and that the pedal(if it has one) is operating correctly, and that the motor or body doesn't move under load/oeration and pull the cable.
  20. That cable's probably lined with nylon and not meant to be lubed.. Some genuine suzuki cables are surprisingly cheap..
  21. Not familiar with that model but most shocks have a cam sort of thing under the spring, on the shock. You turn the sleeve/cam thingy and it puts more reload on the spring. If the shift lever is on the frame and with a cable to the engine, then check the foot lever for worn bushes, and the cable ends for play. Normally on kickstart levers there's a detent and spring and ball to keep them tucked in, and nothing to hold them out, except friction from the spring and ball. It's usual to have to use your hand or foot to swing the lever in and out. The lever should be in two parts, one on the kickstart shaft coming out of the engine, and the actual lever you put your foot on. Take it apart where the lever swivels and check for a ball and spring in a drill hole. output.pdf
  22. Yes it is hypoid gear oil.. 90 grade is the viscosity. I don't think there is any such thing as hypoid grease, and if there was, it's number rating would be something like ... oh.. I don't know.. perhaps 2000
  23. Not from Suzuki.. https://www.mickhone.com.au/partFinder/fiche/suzuki/1995/lt-f4wdx/clutch#next
  24. Well done you ! Wires nearly always give trouble at the ends, either broken from flexing where they go into something, or at the terminals.. It's a good idea to take all the body work off and grease all the bolts and screws so it comes off easily in the future. Taking the bodywork off doesn't take long if the bolts are all good, and it makes nearly every job easier. There aren't really many bolts that need undoing once you figure where to disconnect.
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