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China virus

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9 minutes ago, Mech said:

Desperate guy !

Don't you have snow to shovel or something ?

Hey look... over there.

It's Freedom. .You could talk to him.

Nope, no snow.  We took our snow vaccine.  It works great!  We have zero cases of snow!

And just because I quoted you doesn't mean I'm talking to you.  Pointing my finger and LMAO is more like it.

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On 2/7/2022 at 3:16 PM, Mech said:

If your theory Randy, that vaccines do nothing, and masks do nothing, is right, then how do you account for NZ's success in controlling the spread of this disease ?

Behold:  Success!

Doubled the last record high in a few days.


The rest of the world is over it and moving on while New Zealand is inundated.  Must be the fault of the 4% unvaccinated LOL


More likely all the lockdowns just pushed the inevitable into the future.

Everyone is going to get it, vaccinated or not, and all the precautions are just kicking the can down the road and causing more suffering along the way.

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Rise in Non-Covid-19 Deaths Hits Life Insurers

Industry executives and actuaries believe many of these other fatalities are tied to delays in medical care as a result of lockdowns in 2020  https://www.wsj.com/articles/rise-in-non-covid-19-deaths-hits-life-insurers-11645576252

Some insurers see continued high levels of these deaths for some time, even if Covid-19 deaths decline this year.

In earnings calls for the past two quarters, Globe Life Inc., GL -3.03% Hartford Financial Services Group Inc., HIG -2.78% Primerica Inc. PRI -0.56% and Reinsurance Group of America Inc. RGA -2.80% were among insurers noting higher non-Covid-19 deaths, compared with pre-pandemic baselines.


So all the governments and Karens caused more death than if no one did anything.

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Holy cow!

I didn't know NZ had plans to visit the moon lol


Tripled the last record high.

The start of the pandemic has been reduced to a few barely discernible dots.

For reference:



In other news:

The New Zealand High Court has upheld a challenge to a vaccine mandate for Police and Defense Force staff, stating that it was not a “demonstrably justified” breach of the Bill of Rights.   https://www.theepochtimes.com/new-zealand-high-court-vaccine-mandate-not-demonstrably-justified-breach-of-rights_4301646.html

Smart judge.  No sense in violating the Bill of Rights over a vaccine that obviously doesn't work.

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Anyone wanna place bets on when it will end lol

Democrats are desperate to distance themselves from their covid nonsense because they know they are going to be absolutely slaughtered in the election.

They're hoping the war will make everyone forget.

They should be thanking Putin for curing covid LOL

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Wow that sure aged well with fear mongering morally righteous ombc dude. Now their is proof big pharma suppressed cure and so far with a partial release of info from the fax manu. That the experimental jab changes dna in the liver. I never believed it to begin with. Cause of death was falsified and induced comas and ventilators were a prescribed death sentence when infected with the CHINA virus

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4 hours ago, mymint87 said:

Now their is proof big pharma suppressed cure

There has never been money in curing people.

I was watching a video about antibiotic resistant bacteria and learned that no pharmaceutical company researches antibiotics anymore because there is no money in it.  Instead they focus on drugs like statins that don't cure anything, but make people life-long customers.

Around 36:00 here:

Thinking pharma wants you healthy is like thinking the military complex wants peace.

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I also learned the FDA does not test drugs.  Instead they rely on the manufacturer's word.

The Ketek drug is a good example.  The manufacturer made up some of the trials that were submitted to FDA and got busted.  People went to prison.  FDA approved the drug anyway.

Why have an FDA if they don't verify anything?

Awesome video:


Sure enough, it's true:

FDA does not develop or test products before approving them. Instead, FDA experts review the results of laboratory, animal, and human clinical testing done by manufacturers.  https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/it-really-fda-approved

So even if FDA approves a vaccine, it means nothing.

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1 hour ago, Mech said:

And you thought the FDA carried out the clinical trials ?

I think that explains it all.

It's far more telling that you consider it odd that a regulator doesn't function in any such capacity and instead is beholden to the word of a profit-centered conglomerate with billions at its disposal.  Lots of sheep in NZ.

The fact that pharmaceutical companies have no interest in pursuing antibiotics says it all.  Instead they produce the next class action lawsuit to settle for a fraction of the profits.

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What happened in your life to make you so damn miserable ?

You can tell me, I've had my hard time, I'll understand.. I've probably got more reason than you to feel disgruntled with the world, but I don't.

You should get over whatever it is that's eating you... It does you no good you know.. to be miserable.. not even if you like the feeling of it.. It'll kill you in the end.

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You're hallucinating.  The only evidence you have is my anger in context of the topic of this thread.  You extrapolate that I'm angry in every context and miserable in general which says more about you than me.

Indeed you stated a few weeks ago that antivaxers are perceived to be "attacking" in your experience.  Then you beat into my head that reality is perception.

The anger you perceive in me comes from your head.

Why are we talking about me anyway?  The topic is the china virus.

The gist of an ad hominem is to divert from the topic to the person.  Since you're obviously not seeking friendship I don't know why else I would be a topic.

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Yes, I'd like to know what is interesting about it too.  Open up a discussion.  I usually don't care much for Charlie Kirk, but I can tolerate him if he's making a good point.

Not to change the subject but....

New York Times is perplexed at why masks and distancing haven't made any difference:




NYT very nearly made a profound discovery.

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