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Possible must haves while trail riding

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I thought of a few things that should probably be carried on your ATV while trail riding.

I got stuck today in a wash out. Every time I tried to get out through a spot that someone has been through I would bottom out. A small shovel would probably have came in handy to knock some of the center Ruts in the trail.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Texsport-Folding-Survival-Saw-Shovel/dp/B000P9H0CC]Amazon.com : Texsport Folding Survival w/Saw Shovel : Camping Shovels : Sports & Outdoors@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41wZhMStyGL.@@AMEPARAM@@41wZhMStyGL[/ame]

Another problem, Ran into a ATV that couldn't start. Think his timing chain slipped. He had to borrow my friends tow strap.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Master-Lock-3174AT-Strength-Working/dp/B001PBQ06G/ref=sr_1_5?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1320630890&sr=1-5]Amazon.com: Master Lock 3174AT 15' X 2" Tow Strap with Forged Hooks and Clips, 10000 lbs Break Strength/3333 lbs Working Load Limit: Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/419eq-TMObL.@@AMEPARAM@@419eq-TMObL[/ame]

We got lost today and couldn't find our way back to the parking lot. Needed a GPS that can back track. Not sure what to point at for a GPS.

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Here is what I carry with me:

Air compressor

Tire plug kits

Tie downs

Registration/ Insurance



Torx wrench

2 bungee cords

Spare fuses

Ratchet straps


Dual screwdriver

Vice grip

Zip ties

Spark plugs

Duck tape






Hose tape

Electrical tape

First aid kit

Jumper cables

Saw (folding)

Work gloves


Large Phillips screwdriver

Large Standard screwdriver

I have a cheaper Garmin and it works fine. I usally don't use the back track feature but I view the map of my footprints as I head back.

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What kind of Garmin? The guy that goes riding with me said he is gonna get one after us being lost yesterday.

Funny last week he thought we hit all of the trails already and we found one that went off to another area that had a bunch more trails. Couldn't find the trail we got over in the area on.

LOST. lol

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What kind of Garmin? The guy that goes riding with me said he is gonna get one after us being lost yesterday.

Funny last week he thought we hit all of the trails already and we found one that went off to another area that had a bunch more trails. Couldn't find the trail we got over in the area on.

LOST. lol

I love gettin lost !! :laugh:Having been in Colorado most of my life we are familiar with most of the trails we ride ! tools -tow ropes - Not a lot of room on sport quads !!

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