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drag races u have won!!!


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wat have u guys beat with ur quad???................. i have beat an 08 400ex with a yoshi exhaust and rejetted, an 07 400ex with hmf performance pipe rejetted, yamaha dirt bike 125

4-stroke, a honda 100 dirt bike 4-stroke, outlaw 525 with stock pipe with baffle out and rejetted, 300ex with mods,and a couple of other good quads....... my 400ex has white bros exhaust and rest is stock.... let me here wat u guys have beat?:laugh:

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I out ran a kazuma falcon 110 with my daughters e-ton 90 two stroke. The other week my friend came over with another buddy of his and we went riding during the ride the buddy was talking how he could keep up with me and thought his 07 Honda 400 or 4 something 2wd utility quad was as fast as my prairie 650. I hurt his feelings did I not only out run him I also climb a few hills in 2wd he couldn't make it 1/2 way up. His is one of those sideways motor shaft drive Hondas. Then I took down my friends grizz 600

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