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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2019 in Posts

  1. It all depends. If you change tires etc. I don’t think there’s much if a difference on a bike that size plus the weight of your kid. Should be fine. Stand back and look at the from end see how the wheels look. Also have him sit on it and see how the wheels look. Then have him lean down a bit to push the front end down to see if they change. But over all I think it’s set up fine and let it be.
    1 point
  2. Welcome to QUADCRAZY!
    1 point
  3. Ok so I think I made my mind up and going to go with a ITP Mega Mayhem tire. 27 inch and most likely up a 2” lift kit while I’m at it. Going to go with a SS rim black powder coated. Any objections/suggestions on a lift kit pros and cons ? Doing the same thing on my sons 350 but staying with a 25 inch tire maybe a 26. No lift needed and a little less aggressive tread. Got a great package deal of $1,575.00 for both sets mounted, lugs and lift kit for both bikes. Sound fair ?
    1 point
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