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Nick Brooks

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  1. The wheel cylinders are pretty cheap, mine were seized as well. Was easier and faster to just replace them than to try and rebuild them.
  2. Utah is opening up their DMV by appointment, I'll be able to get both quads registered next week. Have a couple of issues to work out on the trailer before I can go out riding. So close.
  3. The F35 demo team from Hill AFB did a flyover most of Utah yesterday as well. I wasn't able to see them from my place, I'm. further west from their flight path that they took. Definitely heard them.
  4. Definitely should be straight. OEM bowls can be pricey, a Chineseium carb would work for just the parts.
  5. Looking good. One tip on those front drums, if you haven't already, there's a little ratchet to depress to allow the shoes to collapse back in. They'll then self adjust the next time you hit the brakes.
  6. Had a similar problem on my '93 QuadRunner, the front brakes were completely shot after sitting for 20 years. I ended up replacing everything on it, except for the hard metal lines. Those cleared out with a little persuasion. The rubber lines were completely collapsing. I could have gone the used parts route, but I don't like to take a chance when it comes to brakes so I forked out for new rubber lines.
  7. Thanks, it's been a real challenge to get this dialed in. Turned out the carb was missing the needle jet from the factory. Took a bit to track that gremlin down.
  8. Quick and dirty video of it running decent finally. Re-jetted the carb this afternoon, got rid of the sea level jetting. It ran, just now that it's warmed up it would run rich again. Was fine when it was still cold.
  9. Rotax does make some great power, it just takes a bit to really dial one in. Most of the other Can Am/BRP sites on the ol' interwebs are lacking as well. I've gotten way more information on the BSR42 carb on my Quest from Polaris sites than the factory service manual itself.
  10. Yeah, this one is a Quest 500 that my old man bought at auction awhile back and never did anything with. I'm mostly into it my time and a few hundred in parts. The fuel system was really gummed up, fuel tank grommets were hard as a rock. Ethanol fuel is rampant here. Back when we were avid snowmobilers, all of the Ski Doo's had jetting issues from day one, none of the Cat and Polaris had the issues. None of the Ski Doo dealers were ordering for high altitude. I'm guessing they're still ordering machines that way.
  11. I'm stir crazy. I'm in IT, been working from home since early March. Kinda forgot to poke my head in here with everything going on. On the ATV front, can't go register them, DMV here is basically closed. I need to transfer the titles to my name which requires an in person or mail in. Don't know if I trust our DMV to not lose all the paperwork via mail. It's given me time to really go through both quads though. Have to re-jet the Bombardier. Factory jets are for sea level. Should have the jets today or tomorrow. This machine has been a pain to get going again. First, last and only one I'll have. The 93 Suzuki needed the front brakes gone through, moisture got into the system. It sat for too many years after my folks split. Just waiting on one more brake line to show up and then that one is ready to go.
  12. 87 should be fine for it, ethanol free if it's available.
  13. Bad gas can cause that pinging, even with an octane booster. I'd drain and clean the tank out, since you mentioned you were seeing a black sludge coming through.
  14. View File 2002 Bombardier Traxter Service Manual 2002 Bombardier Traxter (Autoshift, XL, XT) Service Manual Submitter Nick Brooks Submitted 01/01/2020 Category Can-Am BRP ATV  
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