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Everything posted by WillyPoP

  1. all pics..... GeorgeTown June 2012 pictures by WillyPoPP - Photobucket
  2. WillyPoP

    460 stroker

    good lookin rig
  3. where did u find those???
  4. this has been my best oops so far.......stupid hurts sometimes! i look back now and go wow! my mistake.
  5. Mr. Nut is one tough cookie...he'll be back in action in no time!
  6. nope....i've grown fond of her.....i think i luv her! she rides with me wherever i go! lmao
  7. brother Dale in traction.... link to all pics KillPecker June 2012 pictures by WillyPoPP - Photobucket
  8. WillyPoP


    great looking ride!
  9. weeble wobble and they ALL fall down! just a dern treacherous rock...but it will be conquered!
  10. i think it's named scotty's rock for a reason......not sure ol' scotty made it. that dern rock has discouraged me twice now. the third trip out there may not be so discouraging~...
  11. could be any of these! https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=2143&bih=1159&gbv=2&oq=Bashan+ATV+&aq=f&aqi=g-S3&gs_l=img.12..0i24l3.1435.1435.0.3323. little more help on which one???
  12. good ride with good peeps! the crunch is on to get packed for the dunes now. I call my 450 the "princess" and she got all dressed up yesterday for some sand! :partyc:
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