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Everything posted by hangingon

  1. Cool vid! we don't get much snow in the part of Ga. I live in so unlike you that get pounded by it I like. If we get snow this winter I will be riding in it.
  2. like a golf cart on steroids. Just think how people would try to come up with different windings to get more power & batteries to pump out more juice.
  3. I need bigger keys on this key board that would be neighbors mad not made.
  4. Wonder if my local law enforcement would pull me over in my neighborhood if I were riding an electric atv. There would be no noise to make the neighbors made riding in stealth mode.
  5. Tagels just like my rc cars their is just more of a cool factor of hearing the 2 stroke over my electric even if the up keep is more on the gas & the brushless is just as fast if not faster. It would be weird riding a elect. But we do have the ability to adjust.
  6. We have 2 stroke & 4 stroke now a few co. KTM for one is doing a electric bike maybe. Why not a small diesel & and some bio-fuel. If a vw can get 40 somthing mpg. just think what we could get with a quad. Can we get that with a turbo please. Utility & UTV would be cool. Then in the real world I don't think people would go for it & the price would sky rocket.
  7. Good morning QC. Morning ride was fun with ovrcast & in the 70's here in Georgia.
  8. I named a wooded trail today. The trail stole my right side rear splash guard from my prairie. I looked around on every path I went on. No sign of it but I did find a super ball. Who would of thought I can't find a long black mud flap but a 1" super ball.
  9. I got an invite too but when your over half bald on top a little on the fat side with a wife and three kids you know it's b.s. She must be one huge woman to cover as many states as she did. She gets around faster than santa clause! I wonder what kind of quad runs that fast.
  10. Hot and dry. I just heard of a place to go ride near me it called treat mountain I want to go check it out. There is a few video's on you tube I watched it's 3 to 4000 acres by what I'm told. It's free and not a pay to ride park. Thanks for getting in touch with me.
  11. Skate boards & surfers would be jealous if they could see this pic.
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