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Good post!

17 minutes ago, Freedomflyer said:

That's how the United States was founded. People were being controlled to the point they left where they were. It wasn't good enough that they left and went away from England to get away from control and religious persecution, they(England) had to come here and try to continue to control them.

Reminds me of


The earth isn't big enough.  Maybe that's why Elon Musk is trying to get off the planet lol


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7 hours ago, davefrombc said:

LOL  JR, the "truckers" you're heroizing happen to be a very small minority of truck drivers. They  do  not represent the trucker's association ,nor the vast majority of the truckers carrying the goods back and fort over the border.  You  are showing  how thoroughly indoctrinized you  are by the military/ industrial complex who are in fact that small group  of elite you so  disdain,  but carry on in your delusion.


You seem to be in the minority here Dave

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Maybe  among the minority on this site, and maybe the majority  except for me and Mech is silent.

Freedomflyer needs to go back to  school and  learn  his history.. The colonists were   Englishmen.  The didn't leave  England to  get away from oppression there. They mainly originally went for the resources there, just as France and Spain did.  The Revolution  was  mainly over taxation. The trigger was the  "Tea tax" and repression afterward .  You  do recall the  Boston  Tea  Party, I  hope or did you sleep through that too?  There were some migration to  escape religious persecution, but again they were Englishmen and  only  a small minority separatist movement.  Even today   you  have small religious or  ideological separatist  groups  leaving the US because of "persecution"  and  trying to  establish colonies  in other countries in  Central  and South America.  The only difference  is they  call their  colonies "towns".  Your  original  separatist Pilgrim  settlers  from   England  landed in  North America  in 1620 to establish a  colony ( town).  A  long way  back  from 1775.

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4 hours ago, davefrombc said:

The didn't leave  England to  get away from oppression there.

You need to go back to school.  The originals came for the resources but the rest came for freedom.  Once the colonies were founded practically everyone came to get away from something.  And the revolution was a continuation of that theme of wanting to be free of a distant power barking orders at them.  The Tea Party was just the last straw.


The Pilgrims, also known as the Pilgrim Fathers, were the English settlers who came to North America on the Mayflower and established the Plymouth Colony in what is today Plymouth, Massachusetts, named after the final departure port of Plymouth, Devon.

They held many of the same Puritan Calvinist religious beliefs but, unlike most other Puritans, they maintained that their congregations should separate from the English state church, which led to them being labeled Separatists. After several years living in exile in Holland, they eventually determined to establish a new settlement in the New World and arranged with investors to fund them. They established Plymouth Colony in 1620, where they erected Congregationalist churches.[1] The Pilgrims' story became a central theme in the history and culture of the United States.[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilgrims_(Plymouth_Colony)


Scotch-Irish (or Scots-IrishAmericans are American descendants of Ulster Protestants who immigrated from Ulster in northern Ireland to America during the 18th and 19th centuries, whose ancestors had originally migrated to Ireland mainly from the Scottish Lowlands and Northern England in the 17th century.[5][6] 

The term Scotch-Irish is used primarily in the United States,[10] with people in Great Britain or Ireland who are of a similar ancestry identifying as Ulster Scots people. Many left for America but over 100,000 Scottish Presbyterians still lived in Ulster in 1700.[11] Many English-born settlers of this period were also Presbyterians. When King Charles I attempted to force these Presbyterians into the Church of England in the 1630s, many chose to re-emigrate to North America where religious liberty was greater. Later attempts to force the Church of England's control over dissident Protestants in Ireland led to further waves of emigration to the trans-Atlantic colonies.[12]  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotch-Irish_Americans

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JR  again  you are trying to edit my post to  claim I an  wrong..    I replied to the  founding of the  US.. The rest of the immigration to  escape tyranny and British rule or for more opportunity  was AFTER 1776. before the revolution you had the "United Colonies", still  part of the British Empire.  The reasons for the revolt with led to the  the split with England were as I stated


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1 hour ago, davefrombc said:

The rest of the immigration to  escape tyranny and British rule or for more opportunity  was AFTER 1776

Maybe you need to brush up on math too.

When King Charles I attempted to force these Presbyterians into the Church of England in the 1630s, many chose to re-emigrate to North America where religious liberty was greater. Later attempts to force the Church of England's control over dissident Protestants in Ireland led to further waves of emigration to the trans-Atlantic colonies.[12]  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotch-Irish_Americans

After several years living in exile in Holland, they eventually determined to establish a new settlement in the New World and arranged with investors to fund them. They established Plymouth Colony in 1620, where they erected Congregationalist churches.[1] The Pilgrims' story became a central theme in the history and culture of the United States.[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilgrims_(Plymouth_Colony)

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So  you claim they were not still in  territory controlled by England at the time and are in the  United States,  which didn't come intro existence until  the 1776 revolution?

Tell me what  were  the reasons for the Revolution and the formation of the  United States from the  United Colonies?


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33 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

So  you claim they were not still in  territory controlled by England at the time and are in the  United States,  which didn't come intro existence until  the 1776 revolution?

I'm not saying who controlled the colonies; I'm saying that practically everyone who came here did so to escape some form of oppression and find more freedom.  Why else travel across an ocean to an unknown land?  And the revolutionary war was a continuation of that theme of being free of tyranny.

34 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Tell me what  were  the reasons for the Revolution and the formation of the  United States from the  United Colonies?

The prime reason was a distant power barking orders at them, whether it be taxation or any other decrees.  That's why our government is as decentralized as possible, giving power to the states and localities rather than a central authority.

The federal government was only supposed to maintain an army and settle disputes between the states, not become another aristocracy.

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10 minutes ago, JustRandy said:

I'm not saying who controlled the colonies; I'm saying that practically everyone who came here did so to escape some form of oppression and find more freedom.  Why else travel across an ocean to an unknown land?  And the revolutionary war was a continuation of that theme of being free of tyranny.

The prime reason was a distant power barking orders at them, whether it be taxation or any other decrees.  That's why our government is as decentralized as possible, giving power to the states and localities rather than a central authority.

The federal government was only supposed to maintain an army and settle disputes between the states, not become another aristocracy.

There were likely  far more came for economic reasons than  fleeing from tyranny, but I'll let you search for data  ( facts)  that  show  it was more for escape from oppression.

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29 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

There were likely  far more came for economic reasons than  fleeing from tyranny, but I'll let you search for data  ( facts)  that  show  it was more for escape from oppression.

How many times do I have to post this?  It says the Pilgrims and the Scots-Irish fled religious persecution.  The Pilgrims are what our Thanksgiving Holiday is about.

The Pilgrims, also known as the Pilgrim Fathers, were the English settlers who came to North America on the Mayflower and established the Plymouth Colony in what is today Plymouth, Massachusetts, named after the final departure port of Plymouth, Devon.

They held many of the same Puritan Calvinist religious beliefs but, unlike most other Puritans, they maintained that their congregations should separate from the English state church, which led to them being labeled Separatists. After several years living in exile in Holland, they eventually determined to establish a new settlement in the New World and arranged with investors to fund them. They established Plymouth Colony in 1620, where they erected Congregationalist churches.[1] The Pilgrims' story became a central theme in the history and culture of the United States.[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilgrims_(Plymouth_Colony)


Scotch-Irish (or Scots-IrishAmericans are American descendants of Ulster Protestants who immigrated from Ulster in northern Ireland to America during the 18th and 19th centuries, whose ancestors had originally migrated to Ireland mainly from the Scottish Lowlands and Northern England in the 17th century.[5][6] 

The term Scotch-Irish is used primarily in the United States,[10] with people in Great Britain or Ireland who are of a similar ancestry identifying as Ulster Scots people. Many left for America but over 100,000 Scottish Presbyterians still lived in Ulster in 1700.[11] Many English-born settlers of this period were also Presbyterians. When King Charles I attempted to force these Presbyterians into the Church of England in the 1630s, many chose to re-emigrate to North America where religious liberty was greater. Later attempts to force the Church of England's control over dissident Protestants in Ireland led to further waves of emigration to the trans-Atlantic colonies.[12]  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotch-Irish_Americans


And then we can move on to the Civil War which was still a continuation of the theme of not wanting to be ruled by a distant power.  The Civil War was about states' rights and had nothing to do with slavery.  The federal government put tariffs on European goods to force the south to buy products from the north instead of Europe.  Then France put tariffs on southern cotton as retaliation and shortly after the first shots were fired at Ft Sumter.  The slavery issue was already settled by the Dred Scott SCOTUS (7-2) decision in 1857, which ruled blacks could not be citizens.  So why would the south start a war over slavery if the SCOTUS already ruled in their favor?  The Civil War had nothing to do with slavery.  Even Lincoln said so.  But that's not the picture the democrats paint because they want the focus off states' rights and to demonize those advocating them as racists.

And still to this day the fight continues between the collectivists wanting centralized power and independents wanting local control.  It never ends.

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1 hour ago, JustRandy said:

How many times do I have to post this?  It says the Pilgrims and the Scots-Irish fled religious persecution.  The Pilgrims are what our Thanksgiving Holiday is about.

The Pilgrims, also known as the Pilgrim Fathers, were the English settlers who came to North America on the Mayflower and established the Plymouth Colony in what is today Plymouth, Massachusetts, named after the final departure port of Plymouth, Devon.

They held many of the same Puritan Calvinist religious beliefs but, unlike most other Puritans, they maintained that their congregations should separate from the English state church, which led to them being labeled Separatists. After several years living in exile in Holland, they eventually determined to establish a new settlement in the New World and arranged with investors to fund them. They established Plymouth Colony in 1620, where they erected Congregationalist churches.[1] The Pilgrims' story became a central theme in the history and culture of the United States.[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilgrims_(Plymouth_Colony)


Scotch-Irish (or Scots-IrishAmericans are American descendants of Ulster Protestants who immigrated from Ulster in northern Ireland to America during the 18th and 19th centuries, whose ancestors had originally migrated to Ireland mainly from the Scottish Lowlands and Northern England in the 17th century.[5][6] 

The term Scotch-Irish is used primarily in the United States,[10] with people in Great Britain or Ireland who are of a similar ancestry identifying as Ulster Scots people. Many left for America but over 100,000 Scottish Presbyterians still lived in Ulster in 1700.[11] Many English-born settlers of this period were also Presbyterians. When King Charles I attempted to force these Presbyterians into the Church of England in the 1630s, many chose to re-emigrate to North America where religious liberty was greater. Later attempts to force the Church of England's control over dissident Protestants in Ireland led to further waves of emigration to the trans-Atlantic colonies.[12]  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotch-Irish_Americans


And then we can move on to the Civil War which was still a continuation of the theme of not wanting to be ruled by a distant power.  The Civil War was about states' rights and had nothing to do with slavery.  The federal government put tariffs on European goods to force the south to buy products from the north instead of Europe.  Then France put tariffs on southern cotton as retaliation and shortly after the first shots were fired at Ft Sumter.  The slavery issue was already settled by the Dred Scott SCOTUS (7-2) decision in 1857, which ruled blacks could not be citizens.  So why would the south start a war over slavery if the SCOTUS already ruled in their favor?  The Civil War had nothing to do with slavery.  Even Lincoln said so.  But that's not the picture the democrats paint because they want the focus off states' rights and to demonize those advocating them as racists.

And still to this day the fight continues between the collectivists wanting centralized power and independents wanting local control.  It never ends.

Enjoy your alternate universe.

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16 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Enjoy your alternate universe.

"Enjoy your alternate universe" = "You're right.  My bad."

But speaking of states' rights:

The U.S. Department of Justice is taking the state of Missouri to court over a Second Amendment bill it claims restricts the enforcement of federal firearm laws. Meanwhile, some state leaders claim the law protects the rights of citizens.

Governor Mike Parson signed Missouri House Bill 85 into law in June 2021. The Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) went into effect at the end of August 2021.

The law “prohibits state and local cooperation with federal officials that attempt to enforce any laws, rules, orders, or actions that violate the Second Amendment rights of Missourians,” according to Parson’s office. SAPA also allows for lawsuits against police agencies for violating Second Amendment rights with exposure of up to $50,000 per offense.

The lawsuit from the Department of Justice argues the Missouri law is invalid under the Supremacy Clause, meaning state governments from passing or enacting laws that conflict or usurp already established federal law.  https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/doj-suing-missouri-in-federal-court-over-second-amendment-bill/


The representatives of the people of MO made a law and the governor signed it.  Now the federal government (ie distant power barking orders) decided they won't stand for autonomy of the states.

Same ole situation.

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I made a  statement, and I guess I was inclined to believe that you would have known that I was talking about our Declaration of Independence, and why our forefathers left the tyrannical oppression they faced. But no, not only did you immediately attack my person, but assumed that that I don't know the history of my own country's origin.  I certainly don't need a history lesson from you. Yes I'm sure there were some that left for economic reasons,  but the majority left for freedom. I found it interesting that you never once addressed any of the questions I asked up above, but I'm sure that everyone up there that wants to think for themselves are all terrorists and want to start a revolution. I am amazed, and certainly shouldn't be, at the lengths to which your tyrannical dictator leadership is going to because of the opposition they are seeing. They must me worried about something in order to be silencing the voices that are speaking out. We have schools in California one of the most liberal states here, that parents have had enough of their kids wearing masks and are repealing the election of school board members who are mandating masks. Mask mandates are being lifted. The DNC is getting very concerned here, we have liberals who are holding signs saying "Dear Democratic party you lost me at mandate, sincerely a lifelong liberal"  Buckle up!!!

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Yup.  Remove all measures meant to limit the pandemic as much as possible . Too hell  with those vulnerable to the virus. Why should anyone be inconvenienced to  protect others?  The only reason the pandemic  killed so  many  and is still ongoing as much as it is  id because so  many refused to  be inconvenienced by simple measures to  protect themselves and others as much as possible . The deniers  must be proud of their "accomplishments".

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8 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Yup.  Remove all measures meant to limit the pandemic as much as possible . Too hell  with those vulnerable to the virus. Why should anyone be inconvenienced to  protect others?

Just remove the ones that don't work, like masks and vaccines.  Staying away from crowds and enclosed spaces is still advisable.

10 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

The only reason the pandemic  killed so  many

is hospital protocol.

If no one knew the virus existed, hardly anyone would have died because it would have been treated like a normal flu.

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9 minutes ago, Freedomflyer said:


They want you locked in your home without god and alone
don't want you looking up dr sebby and robert malone
the truth blocked on your phones
they call the shots when they thrown
these politicians and these doctors they are not in control

Uncover the face that the Lord created so it can be seen
Tired of the fake trending all over the place we just want to be free
there's no fear where faith is present, still we're hiding underneath
All the passive threats and trauma that came from this tyranny
we won't bow down to the golden cow and do as it pleases 
We don't care what they say it's God over government
Won't have it any other way it's God over government
And we just don't understand how they put their faith in man
We don't care what they say it's God over government

God over government, lies that they covering, innocent suffering
Won't let our freedoms just crumble or disappear without a fight and a struggle
they want us so sick and don't want you recovering want you depressed and addicted to pills that they giving

not trusting decisions of these politicians
Right of left wing it's not really that different
Put Fauci in prison
They want you dependent on them, it's a sickness
As God is my witness, I don't need permission
They causing division through our television
They coming for children and all our traditions
So get ammunition prepare for the war
The revolution is in store
I'm waiting for them at my door
Removing our freedoms through force, of course
Judgement day is more important than court
I feel this deep in my bones and my core
I'm going hard til my freedom restored
Or until they put me up in the floor

A patient that's cured is a customer lost
People stood by and let the holocaust
Happen in front of their eyes, while people just died
Stop the mandates and these laws
Government want to replace all the parents
We cannot go let them tear us apart
Whether all this is apparent or not
Don't care if these Karens are caring or not
We gonna be one nation gone under
If we not one nation under God
Bringing the people together through music
Me and Jimmy never going to stop
I ain't trusting no CNN, MSNBC, or no Fox
All get funding from the same people trying to keep us all in the box
I ain't doing this for money, I ain't doing this for no props
We gotta start holding politicians accountable in that swamp

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Make sure you watch the videos in the first link, that guy is a real Gem should be proud to have him at the helm! Really knows how to rally the troops.


Here's random tweet in the comments of the above link, sure this person is a violent terrorist.

"I am saddened that Trudeau didn't even talk to the truckers...and that to me is a great SHAME and shows tremendous lack of leadership...He CHOSE to let it get this big, he CHOSE to be put in a corner, he CHOSE to invoke the Emergencies Act, and he is CHOOSING to name call his own constituents. Grew up in Canada until I was 24 and looking now, I'd never recognize the anti-religion and anti-freedom nation it has become.."

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The "truckers" "protesting"  and  blocking the border crossings and  making asses of themselves in Ottawa have a small  minority of the  border crossing  truckers,  if any of them .. Over 90 % of the ones that were actually hauling cross border  are vaccinated The truckers association has disavowed those idiots "protesting" saying they do  NOT represent them . The majority in Ottawa  want those fools to go  home.  Trudeau's mistake has been  letting them  carry on for far too long before cracking down  on their illegal blockades of the border crossings.  As far as the vaccines and masks working ,  I'm  sorry I didn't realize you lot know  more than the researchers, virologists, doctors and medical  professionals about  the virus, what works and doesn't  work in keeping people safe and combatting the pandemic.

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2 hours ago, davefrombc said:

As far as the vaccines and masks working ,  I'm  sorry I didn't realize you lot know  more than the researchers, virologists, doctors and medical  professionals about  the virus, what works and doesn't  work in keeping people safe and combatting the pandemic.

Are you a robot?  What else would explain your inability to learn?  I've pasted this 6-7 times for your benefit but you seem incapable of comprehending it.

Once again, here are 100 years worth of studies by researchers, virologists, doctors and medical professionals showing masks have never worked.

CDC says:

In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25).  Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article

WHO says:

A large randomized community-based trial in which 4862 healthy participants were divided into a group wearing medical/surgical masks and a control group found no difference in infection with SARS-CoV-2 (76).

A recent systematic review found nine trials (of which eight were cluster-randomized controlled trials in which clusters of people, versus individuals, were randomized) comparing medical/surgical masks versus no masks to prevent the spread of viral respiratory illness. Two trials were with healthcare workers and seven in the community. The review concluded that wearing a mask may make little or no difference to the prevention of influenza-like illness (ILI) (RR 0.99, 95%CI 0.82 to 1.18) or laboratory confirmed illness (LCI) (RR 0.91, 95%CI 0.66-1.26) (44) https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-use-masks

March 2020 Fauci said:

"There's no reason to be walking around wearing a mask.  When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little better, and it might even block a droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think.  And often there are unintended consequences: people keep fiddling with the masks and touching their face."  Watch him say it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/prujdWuCxa8/

From 1919:

"Notwithstanding the fact that the very complete records at the disposal of the California State Board of Health indicate conclusively that the compulsory wearing of masks does not affect the progress of the epidemic, it was advised that individuals wear them when in close association with their friends, as it is upon just those occasions that, under a compulsory law, the mask is most liable to be laid aside.  The use of the face mask was advised particularly in the presence of anyone who was suffering from a cold or who had recently recovered from influenza.

Early in the progress of the epidemic the California State Board of Health issued a regulation requiring the wearing of masks by those in actual contact with known cases, and by persons suffering from a cold while in association with the general public.  Under this regulation any health officer could arrest any person with a cold who was found going about unmasked.  The reason for the above statement regarding the faults of the mask as an effective protection when applied forcibly to whole communities is to be found by a comparison of the mortality charts of those cities that did not use the mask with those cities that did.

The frontispiece shows the cities of Boston, Buffalo, San Francisco and Washington, each with almost identically the same curve and the same death rate per hundred thousand, and in only one of them, San Francisco, was the mask used. New York City, before referred to, as one of those cities that did not prohibit public gatherings, did not use masks either, and its record of deaths is lower than that of any of the other larger cities.  Stockton is one town in California that has worn the mask consistently. In Figure 18 is shown Stockton’s record as compared with Boston, which did not require the mask. The conclusion is definitely established that the mask is ineffective."

Dr. Wilfred Kellogg, MD, Secretary and Executive Officer, CA State Board of Health: Influenza: A Study of Measures Adopted for the Control of the Epidemic (California State Board of Health Special Bulletin, Number 31, 1919, page 12.) https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31378008030317&view=1up&seq=15


Influenza and coronavirus are the same size



It wouldn't matter anyway since masks won't even stop visible particles:


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1 hour ago, davefrombc said:

I am done with replying to  your alternate universe in here. No amount of facts  will  stop the twists and turns the right will take in denying  fact and  accepting spin,  half truths and outright lies.  Have fun  this thread is all  yours.


It seems you are the outlier in this particular discussion

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7 hours ago, davefrombc said:

I am done with replying to  your alternate universe in here.

Yeah yeah you've said that many times before.  Every time you're confronted with facts that contradict your narrative you storm off like a kid who can't get their way.

7 hours ago, davefrombc said:

No amount of facts  will  stop the twists and turns the right will take in denying  fact and  accepting spin,  half truths and outright lies.  Have fun  this thread is all  yours.

What facts have you posted?

I posted CDC, WHO, Fauci, and CA Dept of Health.  Those sources are not right wing.

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