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Anyone ever had to get Cortisone shots?

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Hey all I was wondering if any of ya'll ever had to get Cortisone injections in the lower back. I finally got my MRI results and I have a herniated disc (L4-L5) and the doctor is recommending the injections. I've been researching on the web but I see alot of mixed comments so I'm not sure what to believe. I figured maybe someone here could give me the low down.

1. Does it hurt and for how long?

2.DOES IT WORK and for how long?

3.any side effects?

4.would you have it done again if the situation arose or would you seek different treatment?

I've had severe pain for about a month now pretty much keeping me on my stomach unable to do much. The pain meds are getting old and really not working like they did at first. I need some relief! I can't even ride my Popo!:mad:

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1. Well yes, when some one sticks a needle in your back, IT HURTS! For how, well not to long. Should be less then a day.

2. It didn't work for me at all. But it does work for some. Depends how bad off you are. It can't hurt to try.

3.I think only after repeated shots, but the doctor won't do more than 2, so you should be alright.

4. In '01 I herniated the L-4 L-5 and after 3 months of therapy, I had surgery. After 2 more months of therapy, I was back to about 70%. In '08 I did the same thing but had surgery within 30 days and received great therapy and I'm now at about 95% of what I was before I ever herniated it at all.

Both times I had pain shooting down my leg and into my foot. I couldn't move my foot in front of hip while standing. If you have pain to that degree, then talk about surgery. And stop taking pain pills. They will hurt you in the long run. If you want to hear more in detail, send me your phone # and I'll call you. [email protected]. Good luck.


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I've had quite a few, plus surgery. They numb the area they are going to inject pryor to sticking that huge needle next to your spine. Just kidding on the last part. It stings for a little while while injecting but that fades. You might be uncomfortable for a day then feel improvement. My first one lasted about 3 mounths and that seemed to be the norm till my surgery.

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Thanks for the repiles gentlemen! I was just curious as what to expect as I'm alittle nervous. John I guess maybe I'm not quite as bad off as you where from what you describe. I don't hurt while laying but it hurts pretty bad if I walk for very long and rides in my truck are almost unbearable! My pain is low in the back and left as* cheek and hip. I also have a slight numbness in the left side of my left foot. Anyway I figure it's worth a shot (no pun intended) before I decide on surgery. I won't lie, the thought of surgery scares the livin' $hit out of me but I also know I can't spend the rest of my life like this either.......This sucks!

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One of the most important things you can do after surgery is keep a good attitude. As hard as it is, and as weird as it sounds your moral has a lot to do with the healing process. Before you go into surgery, you should go around to different rehab centers. Ask for tours, tell them you are having surgery and see what each has to offer. Good luck with everything.

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What's the long term? Keep getting shots? Is there any physical treatment you can get?

My father has back problems and I also a little on occassion. My father had an epederal to get rid of the pain.

Doctors are not suppose to give a single person more than 2 shots in a persons lifetime. It usually last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. I used to work at a Rehab Clinic for athletes. I could be wrong on how long they work but that is what I've been told by different athletes.

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Try the shot and ask about therapy or at least the exercises to help strengthen your lower back. Try to take it easy and keep truck rides to short distances. Along with exercises, don't forget about good posture, lifting with legs, ect... You know, all the stuff they've been telling us since we started getting OLD. Ha ha

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You could also talk to your about betting an epidural injection. It's not just for the ladies giving birth. I'm having another one on Monday. What that does is block the nerve receptors that are giving you the problems. I used to work at a state mental hospital and was involved in a riot back in '94 and really skrewed up my lower back. You name it, Ive had it. Therepy, fit for work programs, pills, surgury, specialists, ect. The people that I've found to be the best for me is a pain clinic, usually the doctor is an anistesiologist and they really know their stuff, unlike me and my spelling. I know everyone is different, I'm just telling you what has helped me. keep em rollin

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Thanks for the help everyone. I'm going Monday to get an injection, I'm praying it'll help atleast alittle bit. I just got back from running a few unavoidable errands and MAN do I friggin' hurt! The pain got so bad on the way back home that I had to pull over and stretch out in the back seat of the truck for about 20 minutes to let the pain settle down! I'm scared of surgery but I'm at the point now that I'd let one of ya'll cut me open if you said you could fix me! This insanity must stop!

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  • 2 years later...

I know this post is old, hope your cortisone shot went well, my doc had recently suggested i get one two cuz ive had to take oral steriods for previously unknown inflamation. But my doc just found out its my hip thats cuzin all my pain, have to go to orthapedic specialist now, im only 27 but theyr talkin possible hip replacement, hope not i think that might disrupt my riding lol. whatever happens im just gonna keep a good attitude, im alive and my kids are healthy. anyone expierencin pain keep your head up and keep goin to docs till they give you an answer, i've had to practically harass my doc to get a diagnosis

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey all I was wondering if any of ya'll ever had to get Cortisone injections in the lower back. I finally got my MRI results and I have a herniated disc (L4-L5) and the doctor is recommending the injections. I've been researching on the web but I see alot of mixed comments so I'm not sure what to believe. I figured maybe someone here could give me the low down.

1. Does it hurt and for how long?

2.DOES IT WORK and for how long?

3.any side effects?

4.would you have it done again if the situation arose or would you seek different treatment?

I've had severe pain for about a month now pretty much keeping me on my stomach unable to do much. The pain meds are getting old and really not working like they did at first. I need some relief! I can't even ride my Popo!:mad:

I have had the same problem with L4/L5 herniated disc. I blew out my disc back in 05 and the pain going down my leg was so extreme I had to have a laminactomy with a mircodiscactomy.....that is when they cut out part of the bone in your back and cut out the disc that is applying the pressure on the nerves leading to your leg.

The first operation was a succcess and I was pain free until I fell and blew out the disc again. I've had the same operation 4 times and have had little to no problems since the last operation 2 years ago. I do have the injections from time to time and it hurts while they are doing the injection only because they are trying to get the needle in the pl,ace that is causing the most pain. It is strange because right after I get the injection I feel like a new man without any pain. As far as how long it last....I've had injections last a couple months and I've had them last a year.

If the doctor is suggesting injections I would take that route and see how it goes. I unfortunatly did not have that option when I hurt myself back in 05"

Good luck. I hope everything works out, Jeff

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  • 1 month later...
I just went to the doctor yesterday because I have had a pain in my elbow for 2 months. Says it's tennis elbow or something. If it keeps hurting, he's recommending a cortizone shot...

I have had it in both elbows worked good for a couple years

I would do it, if the doc is good its not much more than a reg. shot as far as pain go's.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have had it in both elbows worked good for a couple years

I would do it, if the doc is good its not much more than a reg. shot as far as pain go's.

Just went to a hand surgeon to confirm the tennis elbow...he said you can get 3 cortizone shots then it's an operation. For now I'm nursing my arm, taking it easy. Plowed a bit with the quad today and it's bothering me.

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Just went to a hand surgeon to confirm the tennis elbow...he said you can get 3 cortizone shots then it's an operation. For now I'm nursing my arm, taking it easy. Plowed a bit with the quad today and it's bothering me.

Did some plowing the past couple of days for the first time with a quad and had a blast, even made some money:biggrin:

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