Hello everyone. This is a Go Cart and not a typical "ATV" but it has an engine so I'm hoping someone can help me. It's a Helix FTX with a Manco 150cc engine. The engine will start and idle for awhile, but will not take even a small touch of throttle. Stalls. It seems to take throttle and rev up when you first start it cold, but in just a minute, it will not take any throttle. I've replaced the Fuel valve/Pump on the fuel tank with no joy. It's a nice little cart, but without a workable engine, it's a boat anchor. I'm not dumb when it comes to small engines, but this one has me stumped. I'm running out of options.
I'll mention that while it is idling, it will sort of "cough" every 6 or 8 seconds and then recover and idle again. Eventually one of those "coughs" causes it to stall. It will start back up pretty easily, but as I said, it absolutely will not take any throttle and then it will cough and stall a minute later. I thought it could be timing, but there is no "adjustment" for timing on this engine. I downloaded the user manual and it mentions nothing about timing and is pretty much useless as a service guide. It just shows the basics. I'm attaching the manual so you can get an idea of the machine I'm dealing with.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
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