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Its been a while (ya think?) - some of this year's work...


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Hola guys and gals.....

Its definitely been a while since I've been on QC; won't bore you with the details, but I started riding and photographing again. YIPPEE!!!

Some of you have seen me over on Facebook....and you probably wish you didn't! LOL!!!

So, here is some stuff I've done this year:






April 30 2011 Clinton Corners NY Spring Festival and Mud Bog

Hope you enjoy and I hope I'm on more often!

<---- *pokes* Buckbilly.......

-Tom D

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I hope you do get to come to a WNYOA event....our riders are very nice, very loyal....and ALWAYS looking for good shots of them slinging mud and dirt.......

I'd be MORE than happy to help you in anyway I could.....except feeding you. Yep, not feeding you dinner. or cookies. or breakfast. or brownies. ok, maybe brownies cause I have them with me nearly every weekend....LMAO :) :)

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