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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2019 in Posts

  1. Nice machine , enjoy your new quad , nice bag system. , it only gets better from here on out buddy be safe , enjoy Wife loves her 450: got her a new kodiak this winter and i think its a fantastic machine , smooth , responsive , just a great quad ,
    1 point
  2. I need to replace the starter solenoid on a 2000 Bear tracker. The OEM is about $70 and aftermarket ranges between $10-$20. Should I buy the OEM or is there an aftermarket brand that is good?
    1 point
  3. You will get there. The trick is to buy low (obviously) and sell at a fair profit. That means not buying someone else’s problems. Finding barn bikes, bikes that have been sitting but in tact is key. I’m very selective in what I pick up. And know the value of a resale even before I buy it. Example. I seen a racer on let go. Father was selling sons old bike he went away to collage and that was that. Bike didn’t run. But it was nice. $400 bucks! I knew I was going to clean the carb fresh gas and plug and sell it for $950. I got right in my truck and flew! Before anyone else got there. Went as per plan except I sold it for $900 three days later. Put that money in my stash can and picked up another and another etc. Wound up with enough cash to hit my 2012 rancher without touching a cent of my own money. All upgrade money. The bottom line is I buy bikes that need very little parts and more labor then anything. Cosmetic work can be done at home. Seat covers, new grips etc. All inexpensive but effective when reselling.
    1 point
  4. Dam I remember 15! I had a CR 80 worked to the gills! I used to race my as* off and come home wash it down with “simple green” every time I see or smell it I go right back to that time.
    1 point
  5. Check also for a weak return spring on the main jet needle diaphragm allowing the carb to creep open above idle , and make sure there is no air leak between the cab and intake . There could be a partially plugged jet making the carb run lean. That will make it rev high at idle and die when you open the throttle . Before digging deeper , check the idle air adjustment. Most carbs are set from about 3/4 to 1 1/2 turns out from gently seated. Try turning yours in or out about a 1/4 turn at a time to find the best spot for idle and no stall. It sounds like it is burning lean right now
    1 point
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