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Everything posted by wheeler0801

  1. heyyyyy don't be hatinnnn.... i think your drtygrl is awesome.....girls like us are far and few.........every guy should appreciate us we can bake good brownies and still rip up a mean patch of dirt:yes: and have fun on the honeymoon....I bet ya'll will have a BLAST!
  2. hey ya'll...maybe you didn't see what forum you're in...........................SHE RIDES :) but thanks for the answers.....no girls have been here yet..... where ya at ladies?!
  3. what's the reason you're on here...do you race, just ride? race and ride? me....I'm a racer chick. Last summer I started motocross/supercross and actually won the championship in the women's class......this year I'm going to start harescrambles I'm stoked:yes::biggrin:and I LOVE to beat the boys:laugh:
  4. here's one of my favorite pictures...i'm just proud...i just found it matching trophies.....supercross champions as husband and wife
  5. ...........ok but the topic is who are you? and he's a photographer and i'm a racer and that's what we're talking about :) lets see some pictures....your dirtygirl posted some, what about you?!
  6. wahooo welcome i've only been to niagara falls in canada......probably not as pretty as the actual country/trail ridin' part...... so you're holdin out on us....where the pictures at?!?!?
  7. wowwww we might just have to go to that!!! what an awesome event..and I LOVE how they sponsor an essay and drawing contest for the kids..............very cool way to get families involved more:yes:
  8. :grouphugc::bouncing_smiles::party2: we have a lot of fun in these forums. i thought they were boring at first, until i got more involved :) now i'm a super addicted post wh***.....or so as some of my friends on this site may say.........
  9. and hey the name of this thread is who are you?? we're talking about stuff that makes us...USSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! like...I'm 100% GOD made...that's who I am
  10. damn straight i'm 100% God made :) and I'm happy that way!
  11. bahaha, if you get to meet hef, tell him he's a genius and he should invite me to a party cause i'm wayyy cooler than his girlfriends :)
  12. aww Niagara is pretty, have you ever been there? I don't think we have any races up thereeeee.... you'll be sad when I become a pro racer and you didn't get to shoot me :-D
  13. tx: let me know when you'll be up to photograph watkins again if you are that is..... monica: awesomeeeeee, our reception was ripped up by a severe thunderstorm w/tornado like winds....we didnt even get a piece of our cake except for the piece we fed each other......glad yours turned out better than ours
  14. you already live in NY silly. I'll be living in the Finger Lakes region...well in three weeks that is 'member???
  15. baaaaaaaaaahahahahahhaa that south park one is classic. you gonna come photograph me at some of the races so i can feel like a pro rider
  16. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww where the heck are you???
  17. wow, lucky. i want to go ride on the beach or in the dunes. i get stuck with dirt, mud and snow.
  18. I had to move my shifter up a bit...I have the same boots...the black ones. It takes some time to get used to but you'll be fine Moving the shifter was a BIG help for me though.
  19. I'm hoping its warmer by April 15th....that's when we'll be back for good.
  20. Carnival....and the ship was the Destiny and it was flippin awesome and beautiful and HUGE...basically, we had a blast and ate everything we could possibly fit into our bodies!
  21. awwwwwwwwww how cute are they?!?! i can't wait to have little ones....oh wait, yes i can....
  22. wow, and to think that I really missed chattin w/ya'll....... maybe i need to rethink my hobbies:frown:
  23. you can post yourself silly :) lets see whatcha look like cause I know you're not a stuffed animal!!
  24. isn't it great i really kinda miss that feeling sometimes. you have to trust them and their skills soooo much. when i first started learning how to ride and about quads, nick would do wheelies with me on the back and i'd be scared out of my mind....but now looking back, its the crazy stuff like that we did together that made me love him wow, how sappy was that:Angel_animc::bouncing_smiles:
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