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Everything posted by Mech

  1. If the book and the parts diagrams say there's meant to be a washer then there will be meant to be a washer and it must be something else wrong in there if it is the washer causing the cover not to fit right down. Can you check the shaft for end float/movement ? If you loosen the bolts does the cover try to spring out ?
  2. Your wife's car sound like just the thing for me to buy.. haha. Yeah I used to prefer manuals, but I've had autos for a few years now and they seem pretty good compared to thirty years ago. The auto I overhauled for my self went bad at about 250,000km, and by that time the car would probably have needed or been on it's second clutch, and so the cost of parts was somewhat comparable to overhaul the auto or have done two clutches. They charge you an arm and a leg though to overhaul an auto, so I guess my considerations in all these calculations aren't the considerations or calculations I'd make for other people. And yeah, it's good to have two cars, and a nice one for the wife. My cars, which are always station wagons, always used to end up smelling like oily old motors because of the car truck or tractor parts and tool box I inevitably used to end up having in the back.
  3. Yeah it's green and beautiful, but I think the best thing is the state of it's society. It's stable and peaceful. The people are easy going and friendly.
  4. But how come the two party's don't put younger candidates forward Quad ? Surely they must have some other decent competent people. Surely the democratic system can't really be subverted by money so easily, and so irrationally.
  5. Ha.. Defensive much Johniii.. Nobody makes you read posts, or respond to them. Yes closing our borders was a good idea, it saved a lot of lives I'm sure. And I wouldn't call anyone raciest, not for closing their border anyway. Like I said, we get on fine with the Chinese, and I'm part Maori. Perhaps it's someone else you're thinking of.
  6. Yeah I agree Gw.. People are just people and all have their own concerns for sure, but it still seems strange that there aren't any better candidates putting their hand up or being put forward. I don't understand how that can happen. Democracy should in theory ensure that the best man wins.. Surely there must be better candidates, so why aren't they being pushed forwards ? How can there not be some better man or woman in a country of that size ? Come on Johniii and Quad, explain that to me.. If you guys can see what's wrong with the candidates, why can't anyone else see it, and why aren't you or some other dissatisfied patriot putting their hand up ? And I have to ask, are either of you guys paid up members of either of the parties, do you attend the rallies, do you campaign or nominate someone better ? I'd like to hear. I've asked earlier how it comes to this, and you both have plenty of criticism of the candidates, but you don't explain how it is they are the candidates.
  7. Leaders are always a reflection of and on their people Johniii. Eat it up. It makes N.Z. look like a good place to be living.. In my opinion...
  8. "Whether you want to believe it or not, Biden is respected internationally and tRump is viewed as an incompetent laughing stock and a threat to your "democracy".". You're right again Gw.. Trumps seen as a madman that's a threat to world peace. I'm amazed that these guys can't see he's a threat to their country's peace. That video wasn't news. It was biased commentators claiming to know what Biden was thinking, claiming to know he was confused. For all I know he might have been wondering if it was ok to take a piss on the wheel of air force one. He had his wife with him because he's a nice guy in a good relationship. He might be getting feeble physically, but his character is a far better bet that Trumps. Every time I see Trump he's spewing vitriol and promulgating nationalist views. He's a threat to world peace, the enviroment, and to most of the people of the world. Again though, I have to ask, what's happened to America that these two are the only candidates seen as leaders ? How does a country get so spiritually decrepit that they can't find better candidates than that ? Where are America's values that it comes to this ? It's a worry.. Seriously guys.. Looking from the outside, this is just sad and worrying to see. America is looking far more demented than Biden, and even more morally bereft than Trump... Seriously
  9. They both make the kiwi leaders we've had in the last few rounds look good.. Great little country New Zealand..
  10. Yup.. For the price of a manual from the book store or off the internet, you can have all the manuals you will ever likely need. Or, just keep chatting. You could describe the rough running in a bit more detail.. Does it do it all the time, hot and cold ? Does it run rough at idle, or only when you open the throttle a little, or only under a heavy load or at speed ? Resetting the light doesn't make them run any different. It's just to tell you it's time for a service(you've done 100 hours), or the belt is loose and needs some work.
  11. Gw's right about the rough running.. You should do a standard tune/inspection first, checking the rubber hoses, air-cleaner, spark-plug, drain the carb perhaps looking for water in the fuel.. Then see how it goes. The service light reset procedure is in the manual, in the electrical section. I'm not going to describe it because there are pictures of plugs you need to find. Get the manual.
  12. Yeah good engines shouldn't use any oil, well shouldn't need a top up anyway, between oil changes. All my subs were non-turbo. They were a bit gutless for sure, but I'm never in a hurry. I used to go to the city with people to help them buy a car and my suggestion was we'll look at a few candidates and choose the model you like best, then we'll look at as many of them as we can in a couple of days and compare their conditions and what they will need to make them good for a few years, and then choose the best one based on that. These were always second hand cars of course. We'd buy something that was the right price for us to do what was needed to make it good again, then take it home and do the work and people have always been happy with their/our choice. I've talked people into buying cars that had over heated, or that barely moved because the clutch was worn out, but were absolute bargains because every thing else about them was in excellent condition, and better than some other things that were running good but were worn out all over or had rust, and sometimes rust hidden under a new paint job. We'd get them cheap, I'd nurse them the two-hundred miles home and then do the work and they would be good for years. They were all cars with a few miles and years on them though, which used to be the norm here in N.Z... Especially for families in the country. All modern cars are pretty good though, except for the occasional recognised fault some models have, so choose something you are comfortable in and like the look of I reckon. About the only thing that would deter me from a model I liked would be those horrible CVT, which seem prone to faults, and seem awful to drive as well. I don't know about there but here we can nearly always get a manual version of things. Some have manual, auto/twin-clutch and CVT options. It's always a worry though buying the next car I think, so good luck with it.. haha Oh.. And I'm sure you don't need to be told.. Make sure wife likes it.. haha
  13. There's a service manual in the manuals download section here in Quadcrazy. Have you tried that one ?
  14. And that's the best the country can offer ? That's the choices you are offered ? How did it come to this guys ? Serious question...
  15. Look in a dictionary what liberal means guys. Look up what the opposite of liberal means.. Understand which of the two meanings each candidate is.
  16. "quadmaniac and johnii mistake bullshit and bluster for strength.. In fact they are signs of weakness. tRump would be a gift to Xi, Putin and Kim. All they have to do is stroke his ego and that narcissist wsill give them everything they want.". Yup.. That's a bully. Insecure, fearful, hate filled, bigoted.. No integrity, (being wholeness..) He's a fragmented man, full of flaws.. Joe at least has his integrity. He is a man. A whole man. A man that knows how hard life can be for people, a man with understanding. Quad.. Trumps ego is a threat to world peace.
  17. Trump's a bully, and like all bullies he is one because he needs to think he's strong, and in control.. That's how it always is with bullies. But they aren't strong, their fear and insecurity is weakness and it's a flaw in their character, and where there are flaws, there isn't integrity. Trump can't be trusted. His words are just hollow words and he will backtrack and change his mind and do any sort of despicable thing as long as he thinks it's ok in his mind. The man is an absolute danger to the whole world if he gets into power. Liberal people aren't like that.. What's really sad is, that people seem to think he's the best choice out there.. What does that say about a nation ?
  18. "He is far more respected and capable dealing internationally than the sadly laughable tRump.". You got that right Dave. It seems that to some people, being liberal is a bad thing, but if we know what the word means, and what it means to be the opposite of liberal, it should be obvious who people are going to like and respect.. Not out of fear, but because the liberal is the better person. The world doesn't need fearful, hate filled bigots in power. Anyone that thinks we do should reconsider.
  19. I don't know that I'd call a subby a SUV, but I've been a fan of them since about 1973. It's not a very sensible infatuation because they aren't really the most reliable of the jap vehicles, nor the most economical, but I've had a good run out of all mine. I've been driving them for the last thirty something years, bought them all about ten years old and at about 150-200,000 and have only ever done cam belts and oil and filter, and coolant change when I first get them, then one head-gasket, about two or three ball joints, some brake pads and I think I did a cv once. They just keep passing their inspections we have here and don't get a bit of maintenance.. And I mean no maintenance.. haha They've all died in the end because of rust, but they live outside and everywhere here is humid and no more than about ten miles from the coast. I've had 1974 1400, 1978 1600(two of), 1986 1800, 1990 2000, 1993 2200, and a 2005 2000.. I've owned two at a time mostly, one for the wife or kids and another for me. Oh.. Once I did have to overhaul an auto trans but that only cost 600 bucks for parts and oil. I've driven them on the land, which is steep and rough, and off roads and on beaches(not something I'd recommend, they lack the power for sand). I've done heaps and heaps of two-hundred mile trips towing a trailer that was bigger and weighed more than the car.. They've all just gone and gone. I'm rough on my vehicles (but listen to them) and don't take care of them, but the subarus I've had have been brilliant.. though.. I'd probably get and say the same if I'd had toyotas or nissans. I think though that a lot of the new ones have crap transmissions.. CVT.. might depend on the market. I wouldn't buy one of those.
  20. The thread pitch looks right to me, and those heads aren't common on common old bolts. I think the pitch is right.. That wasting though.. It wouldn't surprise me if that bolt had been wound in and/or out with a power wrench.. Winding bolts too fast causes galling and damaged threads.
  21. You guys over-estimate America's importance in the world. N.Z doesn't bow down to anyone and we have good relationships based on mutual benefits.. not threats. You might be scared of China, but I'm not, and I don't think many if any New Zealanders are either. And I already like rice..
  22. America isn't the dominant world power any longer guys, and it won't be no matter who you vote in. Trump is more likely to start a war than just about anyone else on the planet. Trouble is, it will be a war somewhere other than America, and though it might serve America's ends very well, it won't be doing the rest of the world any favours. I see Trump as a serious threat to world peace, and the planet.
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