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Everything posted by p5200

  1. Ok, I wasn't sure if the bolts were accessible without removing the plastics or not. I've got to get a recoil assembly kit I noticed there is no pull handle. I was going to check the valve clearances but, without the pull rope I can't rotate the engine to TDC like the manual describes. Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Hello, will I need to remove all the plastics to replace the drive belt on this ride? Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚ I've been looking but, can't seem to find the step by step directions/video on how to remove all the plastics.
  3. Well, I got it out this morning using a torx bit. At first, I thought the bit was slipping but put my glasses on and I could see it was turning. I appreciate all the help folks! ๐Ÿ‘
  4. Thanks for all the great tips fellas, I've got a torx bit I think will cut a pretty good bite. I'll start off with that in the morning and go from there if I have no luck. ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. Is it possible to remove the end cap to drain and refill with fluid?
  6. Anyone have any ideas how I could remove this drain plug from the front hub it's a little below the surface.
  7. Anyone know of oil filters I could get at my local Autozone?
  8. So far, I like it pretty well. I'm going to need to replace an outer tie rod end on the left side while sitting on it. I may, just replace them all. I'll probably get aftermarket replacements. I've been trying to find out what kind of bolts I need to put the factory muffler back on it. I looked up replacement bolts but, I can't see how they could possibly work. The mounting brackets on the muffler have like one inch holes in them. The aftermarket exhaust that's on there now, has small torque head bolts/ nuts with some type of washers. I think those washers may be too small for the holes that are in the OEM muffler. I get a chance I'll post a photo of the OEM and the aftermarket. I'm pretty happy with it so far hope to get new tires on it but, I want to take care of nesecites first. ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. Polaris, actually says the type F is fine to use in the front hubs.
  10. I didn't know they made them like that, I'll have to get some. Thanks!
  11. So I guess I'll need one set at .007" and one set at. 005" since all 4 valves calls for .006". I'll look at the service manual for both carb and valve adj. I think I'd might as well do both at once since I have to pull plastics and gas tank off for both jobs. Thanks!
  12. The primary and secondary clutches are not in oil. They just have a housing cover that has a gasket around it just to keep dust and dirt out. I'll check and see if I can find the right additive to add to my oil. I've got my fingers crossed that the cam lobes are ok. I'm going to try to adjust the carb and valves. I have a feeler gauge but, I haven't done it before. Thanks!
  13. From the info I got, the belt has never been changed. I think I'll go ahead and put a new belt on since it's been smelling pretty bad and seems to be kind of Jerky made that word up lol! Also, I'll take a go at checking/ adjusting the valves and adjusting pilot air screw on carb. I hope the cam lobes are OK, I don't really want to dig into the motor that deep already. Thanks folks! ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. Well, I'm not really sure just yet. For a while I was thinking the bogging I get when I flip the throttle quickly was carburetor problems. Then, I ran across numerous posts on how the Polaris 500 was notorious, about the exhaust lobes on the camshaft being too soft. When the new carb was put on, I don't think they adjusted the pilot air adjustment. I assume if the cam lobe has a lot of wear it would show up in a compression check? If, I rev the throttle a little quicker than medium speed I get now bogging. I f I flip it really fast it will bogging and lightly pop just a slight bit but, nothing really bad. I can ride it with no problems. I do think it needs a new drive belt. Sometimes when riding, it kinda seems like it's slipping some and I get that smell of melting/ burning rubber. ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. Other suggestions are welcomed! ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. I'm not sure yet but, would this kit be of better quality/ hardness than the inferior soft exhaust cam lobes that wear out so quickly? https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwilp-KE0LP-AhXa_uMHHejnAJoYABAYGgJ5bQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2iBPqGQOGJWta7Vagzwu14qMcHIBfYtBHxqp2zv5MaZY8Qhrh1RsBS7XpVncrxLwapNUR8nWH0Tc6bAcIwmspP7MZKl1M0iMgw7lIT7b-PVjfgdiuCY-LbCH7-LBl8u5PG4mCbprMyC0&sig=AOD64_3Uda2bcI8yOWvPCE1A7XYQbKIwNw&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj0_teE0LP-AhWqkIkEHbtEBCUQwg8oAHoECAEQMA&nis=8&adurl=
  17. Is this safe for the 2005 model? I know some have used it in the 2000 models. ๐Ÿค”
  18. I think the problem was just me not being use to riding this, starting to feel better now.๐Ÿ™‚
  19. My grandson said the same thing about the steering being pretty much to be expected on these rides. Thanks!
  20. Are there any grease fittings associated with steering on this ride?
  21. Is it normal for the steering to be hard to turn on these. Or, is there something I should be checking on the front end components. also, do these come stock with grease fittings? Thanks!
  22. Glad to hear it's up and running your getting closer to to riding. I'm suppose to go pick the Polaris up this evening when the grandson gets off work. I guess I'll slowly find out what else wants to go south from sitting for 2 years. LOL!
  23. I saw some for the Sportsman model 500 I need to look a little more they might just have one. Thanks
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