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2016 Presidential Election Discussion Thread

Next President?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your choice for the next President of the United States

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Donald Trump
    • Gary Johnson
    • Jill Stein

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10 hours ago, LT80 said:

 "I  have  news for you ..  You  have none  of that"

"Since the 60s government has grown like a cancer and changed all that"

I think you missed that part dave. As you see..we agree.

Nope .. Didn't  miss that part..  It  isn't  "government  growth  like a cancer"  that  is the problem;  it  is the GOP  turning so  far  right  and away  from the lower and  middle  earners and towards the  rich  that  is the  problem..  There's  nothing to   encourage  the  have's  to   re-invest  in the  country ..  Everything they've  done  since the  '60's   is cut the taxes  and controls  on the  rich, culminating  in the  famous "Trickle  down"  of the  Reagan  years and the subsequent accelerated split  between  the  rich  and poor  with  a diminished  middle.

Here's  something  for the  Trump  followers to  consider: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/10/donald-trump-scandals/474726/

I can  attest  to  being told  by  my  neighbour  of the company  he  did some electrical  and security  work  for  being  pushed  into  bankruptcy  because  TRump  did  not  pay  the full  contract price  on a  project  they  worked  on  for him  in our  north.  There's  is only  one  of  many stories  of  companies failing  because  Trump shorted them  on their  contracts  and they  were  unable  to  afford  to  go to  court   to   try  to  get  the   full  payment.

 I  cannot understand  in the least  how anyone   can think  Trump  would  be  fit  in  any  way  to be  President  of the  US. He  isn't  fit  to  hold even the  most menial   of any  elected  posts.

Anyone  who thinks the  US  is in bad shape now "ain't seen  nothin' yet"  if  somehow Trump  actually  does manage to  get  elected.

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I  watched  tonight's   "debate"  town hall  meeting.  I  saw  Trump  being  Trump  again.  I have only two  comments.....Trump's  claims about the  Canadian  health care system  were  patently  false, and ........ how can anyone  seriously consider  him suitable for the  Presidency  of the  US?


Edited by davefrombc
fixed a typo
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On 10/9/2016 at 10:58 PM, davefrombc said:

I  watched  tonight's   "debate"  town hall  meeting.  I  saw  Trump  being  Trump  again.  I have only two  comments.....Trump's  claims about the  Canadian  health care system  were  patently  false, and ........ how can anyone  seriously consider  him suitable for the  Presidency  of the  US?


It gets harder and harder everyday with the drama that comes out. But at the end of the day, he would end up changing more than Hillary would and if you want change, that's the way to go. If you like it the way it is, vote Hillary. They are both flawed candidates.

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Change   can be  good ...... or  bad . Change for the sake of change  is  not the way to  go. Watch Trump.  He would bring  change  alright, but  not the  kind of change  you  or the  world would like to  see. 

Here  is a video  posted on Facebook  with the  opinions  of  members  around the  world.


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I don't think that video necessarily captures what some of the American people are feeling. I do believe that there are many world leaders that are extremely concerned about a Trump presidency. But then you have to really think about why, and what the outcome will or will not be for them that they feel compelled to interject and make comments. I also don't think outside America opinions really impact American votes. Most Americans are focused on what's going to immediately impact them and how they feel and not so much how some Mexican or other leader likes or dislikes the candidates or process. 

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America ,  like every other nation depends on world trade for their prosperity..  I know very well  world opinion  has little effect  on American  voter, far too many of which  don't really have any idea  what goes on  outside their  own  community  and state ,  let alone in  the rest of the world .. Who you have  for a  President and the policies  he / she pursues will  have  a  direct effect on your  pocket, and internal  trade is only  a small fraction of  the total  financial  picture. Trump plays to the  lowest common  denominator,  xenophobia,  racism,  misogyny  and conspiracy theories whenever someone disagrees with him.  He  poses  as  much a threat to  American  peace  and safety  as any radicals of  IS.  His temperament  could easily  lead  the  US  into  a  major  shooting war that nobody  would win.

That  is world opinion,  and the opinion   of a very  many of both   Democratic  and Republican  powers  that be.

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32 minutes ago, Buttugly1 said:

Judging by the responses to this poll I see this is not the forum for me. Good luck to you all and be careful what you wish for.

Dude, don't let a political thing stop you from visiting a atv forum.

Altho, I do understand your thinking. Even a few votes for hillary scares me too!  j/k :)

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1 hour ago, Buttugly1 said:

Judging by the responses to this poll I see this is not the forum for me. Good luck to you all and be careful what you wish for.

I have to agree with LT80, this is an ATV forum first, this is posted in general discussion and I don't think the small sampling represents this entire community. It's mostly to discuss for those that want to only. This is the only topic that is like this and it'll be over with the election in a couple of weeks. So don't let it discourage you or anyone else. 

We are all here because we like ATVs first. :)

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Politics  has nothing to  do  with  atv riding,  or anything else to do  with the  outdoors.  We  can disagree on politics but that has nothing to  do  with the enjoyment of  our  pastimes.  I  have friends ( both net friends and personal  ones) with very  different  views on politics,  religion and race  relations.  That  does not affect our  friendship.   I know their  views  and they  know mine. They know very well  not  to push any of their  racist or religious views on  me. 

This is an  atv  forum, and as  such  I will offer any help, and share any information  I  can  with   all  members, despite  their   social  views;  and  in  this   particular  thread,  I  am  not  one  bit shy   of  saying  how  deplorable I think  Trump  and his  views and actions  are. I  cannot  understand  how so  many  can blind themselves to just what Trump represents.

The  election is  in  14  days . . After that  will  come  all  the  wailings  from the  losers, and I hope  not too much  gloating from the  winners.  Not one of which will  have  anything to  do  with  atvs  and  the  love of the  outdoors that we  all  share.

The  one thing  all  can  do to try to take the country  in the  direction they think  it should  go..  is get  off  your   ummmmm   "atv sitter"  and go  vote.  That  should be  your  duty, no matter  who  you support.  Sit at  home and you  have no  complaint  over   who  gets in   or what they  do ..  By  not voting,  you vote for the  worst candidate.

I  can't  vote in your election . I  am  Canadian   and you  better  believe  I  vote in every  one  of   ours. 

Edited by davefrombc
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How can anyone not scratch their head about what the hell is going on...Between all of Trump's scandals and claims that the media doesn't cover Clinton scandals, it's all over the news today. If I were him, I would just sit back and not make any comments. 

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On 10/8/2016 at 10:15 AM, specter said:

Why copy the rest of the world when America had the best health care, best education, highest paying jobs, highest standard of living...in the world.  We had limited government.



It is sad how many people want bigger government and less freedoms.  They have been conned into thinking the government makes our lives better.  What would make our lives much better is if we got to keep more of the money we earned and the companies can do the same.  



I guess it didn't work. :/

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On 10/9/2016 at 11:17 AM, joevee1446 said:

I think the pole on this site says it all.  Trump at 80% and Clinton at 20%.

I think people who post on forums and leave comments on youtube are mostly Trump supporters.  I think that's all this poll can illustrate.

There are more registered democrats, so Hillary has that.

There are 50% women, so she has that too.

And she has control of the media and support of wall street.  

If Trump wins, it will be the biggest upset since Reagan when he was trailing Carter by 6% just two weeks before the election and then won by 10%.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_polling_for_U.S._Presidential_elections#United_States_presidential_election.2C_1980

It would be another Brexit, which is a vote for nationalism rather than globalism (do you see why wall street wants Clinton?)

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On 10/9/2016 at 7:57 PM, davefrombc said:

 I  cannot understand  in the least  how anyone   can think  Trump  would  be  fit  in  any  way  to be  President  of the  US. He  isn't  fit  to  hold even the  most menial   of any  elected  posts.

Anyone  who thinks the  US  is in bad shape now "ain't seen  nothin' yet"  if  somehow Trump  actually  does manage to  get  elected.

I would really love to "like" many of your posts here, but I don't understand how you came to this opinion of Trump.  If we can have an actor as president, surely we can have a successful businessman as president.  And being a sexual deviant didn't hamper Bill Clinton in his presidential duties.

The founding fathers never intended there to be "career politicians".  The idea was that you'd serve in government for a while then go back to your real job and life.  The idea of a life-long politician is too much like an aristocracy... and they just fled from that.  So, Hillary having experience can be a bad thing.

You say a lot of sensible stuff, but then get emotional about Trump.  I guess I would "like" it more if you didn't :)

So, what is the "ain't seen nothin yet" scenario you're envisioning?


He reminds me of Hoover with the talk of tariffs right at the top of a stock market bubble:

When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months after he took office, Hoover tried to combat the ensuing Great Depression in the United Stateswith large-scale government public works projects such as the Hoover Dam, and calls on industry to keep wages high. He reluctantly approved the Smoot–Hawley Tariff, which sent foreign trade spiralling down. He believed it was essential to balance the budget despite falling tax revenue, so he raised the tax rates. The economy kept falling and unemployment rates rose to about 25%. This downward spiral, plus his support for prohibition policies that had lost favor, set the stage for Hoover's overwhelming defeat in 1932 by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised a New Deal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Hoover

Lots of familiar talk comparing with Trump.

What do you see?

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On 10/31/2016 at 10:09 PM, JustRandy said:

I would really love to "like" many of your posts here, but I don't understand how you came to this opinion of Trump.  If we can have an actor as president, surely we can have a successful businessman as president.  And being a sexual deviant didn't hamper Bill Clinton in his presidential duties.

The founding fathers never intended there to be "career politicians".  The idea was that you'd serve in government for a while then go back to your real job and life.  The idea of a life-long politician is too much like an aristocracy... and they just fled from that.  So, Hillary having experience can be a bad thing.

You say a lot of sensible stuff, but then get emotional about Trump.  I guess I would "like" it more if you didn't :)

So, what is the "ain't seen nothin yet" scenario you're envisioning?


He reminds me of Hoover with the talk of tariffs right at the top of a stock market bubble:

When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months after he took office, Hoover tried to combat the ensuing Great Depression in the United Stateswith large-scale government public works projects such as the Hoover Dam, and calls on industry to keep wages high. He reluctantly approved the Smoot–Hawley Tariff, which sent foreign trade spiralling down. He believed it was essential to balance the budget despite falling tax revenue, so he raised the tax rates. The economy kept falling and unemployment rates rose to about 25%. This downward spiral, plus his support for prohibition policies that had lost favor, set the stage for Hoover's overwhelming defeat in 1932 by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised a New Deal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Hoover

Lots of familiar talk comparing with Trump.

What do you see?

Trump isn't the all successful businessman he claims to be. Do  some searching on Trump,  his business practices , and all the  lawsuits  he's facing . That  might  just give you some clues  why  I, and   so many others  in , and especially  outside the  US  dislike Trump. I am not being emotional  about Trump.. I  am  trying to  point out to  his supporters  who  blind themselves to all  the  negatives of his personality  and business  practices and support him  because  he  represents  "change".  He  will  bring  change   alright,  but it  is  not the  change you want to  see. Clinton,  for    all  the  flaws  she  has,  real  and  falsely claimed  by the  Extreme Right Wing  of the  GOP is really the  only  choice  you  have  this  election. Trump  will  very  quickly show everyone  just  what  a bad  choice  he  was  after  Inauguration. Nobody ,  including  the  ERW,  will  be  happy.  Would I  like  to  have seen  someone other than  Clinton take the  Dems   nomination ?..  You   betcha... but it  didn't happen. There  are  far  better people,  at least  people  with  far  less baggage,  who  could have run  for  both the   Democratic and Republican  parties who  would   take  my  vote  if  I  had  a  vote  in your  elections.  Hillary  is well  qualified  to  hold the  Presidency.   She  is not a  loose cannon like Trump,  but a  far  more  pragmatic  individual.. I don't see her  making  any  radical  changes,  good   or  bad.  She  has  far  more respect  internationally  than  she  does at home.  Believe  me  when  I  tel l you,  people  outside the  US  know   far  more  and  can see far  more with  a  much less biased eye  than about  40%  or  more  of the  U.S.'s  population.  Trump  has the potential  to  create  a depression to  rival  that  of 1929.  Trumps   call  for  protectionism and his xenophobia could well  be the trigger. Really ,  don't   just  listen to  me,  and don't reject  what  I  say outright.  Do  some research on Trump, his business history, and the  lawsuits  he  faces   later this month   and in December to get  some  clues   why  I warn  against him.  I  know  damn well  nothing I say will sway  anyone  bent on supporting Trump, but I  hope  it will  get  some who  are  not so dedicated to  him , or  are so  against Clinton to  really  look at the  history  of both  of them , and  listen to  other voices  who  have  not  direct connection to  either  of them.   Just  maybe  then you  and others  will  hold  your  noses  this  election and get out  and vote for the  best  for the  country  and not  just  against the one  you don't like. The  main thing is    get out  and vote.  Don't  sit at home  and complain  about the  candidates.  Vote , and then  you  can   condemn  or  cheer  as you see fit ..  Don't  vote  and  you effectively  vote  for the  worst possible  choice. Apathy.


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A recent  poll  of  Canadians  showed  80 % are  afraid of a  Trump Presidency..  I wouldn't  say  afraid,  but I and the  rest of the  80% don't see any good coming from  him. I'm  quite sure  if  you  checked polls in  the rest of the  US's trading partners you would find  similar results..  Only  die hard  Trumpsters  refuse  to  face  reality.

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I have to agree that there are many people afraid of a Trump presidency but there are also those that are afraid of the direction that Hillary Clinton will go as well. I also think there may be a lot of "closet Trumpers", afraid to speak in public about supporting his candidacy but want change enough to vote for him. We shall see soon enough.

I thought it was funny what Huckabee said...


Trump may be a car wreck, but at least his car is pointed in right direction. Hillary is a drunk-driver going the wrong way on the freeway.

I like what Obama said...


Don't Boo, Vote!


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I agree,   whoever you support,  get  out  and vote. 

  I certainly  hope  Clinton would take the  US  on a different direction than the   extreme right  has  been   taking it.  I've said  before .. The  kind of  change  Trump  would  bring to  America  is not the  kind of  change you  think  he'd bring ; and  I seriously  doubt   you'd like  the change he'd  bring.... I  hope  I   won't  be  put in a  position  of  saying " I told you so ".  4  more  days  and we'll  learn where  it will  be  headed  next  year.

We'll be following  the results election night  on this side of the  border just as closely  as  you will  on  your side of it. 

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3 hours ago, quadmaniac said:

2 more days and the shenanigans will be over, or just beginning...lol.

Maybe they all can be friends again..haha



Top Photo captions~

Trump: I'm gonna bang her Bill!

Hillary: I heard he's great in bed.

Bill: Go for it man! She won't let me on top.

Ivanka(sp): I'm beautiful!


Lower pic captions~

Trump: Sloppy ho. Said she was tight. I can't believe she lied to me!

Hillary: Bill never did any of those things he did.

Bill: How come he got to be on top?

Ivanka: I'm beautiful!


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On 11/4/2016 at 1:01 AM, davefrombc said:

Trump isn't the all successful businessman he claims to be. Do  some searching on Trump,  his business practices , and all the  lawsuits  he's facing .



 I am not being emotional  about Trump.. I  am  trying to  point out to  his supporters  who  blind themselves to all  the  negatives of his personality  and business  practices and support him  because  he  represents  "change".  He  will  bring  change   alright,  but it  is  not the  change you want to  see.

I think you are because you haven't cited any evidence or reasons, just mud-slinging and fist-waving it seems like.


Clinton,  for    all  the  flaws  she  has,  real  and  falsely claimed  by the  Extreme Right Wing  of the  GOP is really the  only  choice  you  have  this  election.

What about the child sex trafficking?  Can we dismiss that?  Ignore that?  Deny that?  Stick our head in the sand? http://www.usapoliticstoday.com/breaking-wikileaks-just-dropped-nuke-hillary-see-potential-clinton-foundation-sex-trafficking-ring/


Trump  will  very  quickly show everyone  just  what  a bad  choice  he  was  after  Inauguration. Nobody ,  including  the  ERW,  will  be  happy. 

Got anything to go on other than just making a statement that I will not like Trump?  Can you explain in what way I won't like him?  That is what I mean by "emotional".

I'm aware that prices will rise due to the tariffs.  I won't like that, but I'd prefer it to Hillary I think.


Hillary  is well  qualified  to  hold the  Presidency.  

Politicians and diapers must be changed often and for the same reason - Mark Twain.  

The founding fathers never intended people to make a career out of politics.  Too much like an aristocracy that they fled from.


I don't see her  making  any  radical  changes,  good   or  bad.  She  has  far  more respect  internationally  than  she  does at home.  Believe  me  when  I  tel l you,  people  outside the  US  know   far  more  and  can see far  more with  a  much less biased eye  than about  40%  or  more  of the  U.S.'s  population. 

I hope she don't make any changes.  She has no respect from Russia.

On another forum I'm arguing about minimum wage with a Canadian who supports Trump lol.


Trump  has the potential  to  create  a depression to  rival  that  of 1929.  Trumps   call  for  protectionism and his xenophobia could well  be the trigger. 

Yes, he does remind me of Hoover with the tariffs and other things.  It's not that I like Trump so much, but that I can't stand Hillary.  I probably would have supported Bernie over Trump.  I can't ethically support a Clinton.

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On 11/4/2016 at 8:26 PM, Ajmboy said:

I have to agree that there are many people afraid of a Trump presidency but there are also those that are afraid of the direction that Hillary Clinton will go as well. I also think there may be a lot of "closet Trumpers", afraid to speak in public about supporting his candidacy but want change enough to vote for him. We shall see soon enough.

I thought it was funny what Huckabee said...

I like what Obama said...



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That  meme  has the revolver  chambers  reversed.  It should show the  Trump  revolver  loaded with 6 chambers full of  dumdums.

Tomorrow  will tell the  tale  of where  the  US  will  be  headed..  The world is watching the  election  more than  it has  any  other.

Whether  you  believe what  I say  or not .. Get out  and vote for your choice.

Don't sit at  home  and complain about  who  won  if you  don't  vote ..Not voting is a vote for the  worst in America, and that  means who you think  is the  worst,  not who others  do. Support your candidate, or don't complain  on the  results of the election.

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