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2016 Presidential Election Discussion Thread

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Everyone knew Hillary would be the democratic candidate, but I still can't believe that Donald made it this far. I never would have thought it when he came down the escalator. To be quite honest, I thought Romney would get back in it. 

If he wins, every political mind will change.

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13 hours ago, davefrombc said:

That  meme  has the revolver  chambers  reversed.  It should show the  Trump  revolver  loaded with 6 chambers full of  dumdums.

Tomorrow  will tell the  tale  of where  the  US  will  be  headed.. 

I was certain Hillary would become president maybe as far back as 2 years ago.  It was the only thing that made sense given the momentum of the feminist-thing.  Women are more educated and more likely to work now than ever (while raising kids even), while men are tending towards playing videos games in a state of apathy.  A woman president, especially after a black one, makes too much sense.  I'd prefer it were a different woman, but a Clinton was their best shot for getting any woman elected for the first time ever.  The Republicans should have picked Ann Coulter, but they needed a man for balance.

50% of the pop are women + those guys who want to vote female to be progressive.  The other men are likely too lazy to vote, while the women are extremely motivated to assert their equality to men.  I can't imagine how Hillary could lose, especially with the FBI, CNN, MSNBC, and all MSM, and all of wall street on her side (plus Soros).  Her losing would be worse than Brexit.

With Brexit, all the polling showed "remain" to win.  All the bookies had "remain" to win.  Everyone thought "remain" would win, and look at the fallout after the surprise.  Even as polls were reporting, at first, they all showed "remain" winning.  "Leave" came up from behind at the very end.  I watched it happen and it was almost like someone planned it to be that way to set everyone up in currency and futures trading.

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8 hours ago, Ajmboy said:

Everyone knew Hillary would be the democratic candidate, but I still can't believe that Donald made it this far. I never would have thought it when he came down the escalator. To be quite honest, I thought Romney would get back in it. 

If he wins, every political mind will change.

Yup, a year ago I was sure he would stick his foot in his mouth, sooner or later, and get booted from the race.  He's defied all the odds so far.

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38 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

It's  looking like by  about  February  / March I'm  going to get to  say to my  American friends  " I told you so ". Trump  will  prove to be  Trump to the  detriment   of  America.

What do you think will happen?


I think Yellen at the fed will figure it's a good time to crash the economy by raising rates, since she won't have to worry about making Hillary look good anymore.

It could go down like with Hoover in 1929... the fed raised rates and crashed the market while Hoover instituted tariffs that sent trade down and then raised taxes to pay down the debt.  It was a complete disaster.

When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months after he took office, Hoover tried to combat the ensuing Great Depression in the United Stateswith large-scale government public works projects such as the Hoover Dam, and calls on industry to keep wages high. He reluctantly approved the Smoot–Hawley Tariff, which sent foreign trade spiralling down. He believed it was essential to balance the budget despite falling tax revenue, so he raised the tax rates. The economy kept falling and unemployment rates rose to about 25%. This downward spiral, plus his support for prohibition policies that had lost favor, set the stage for Hoover's overwhelming defeat in 1932 by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised a New Deal.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Hoover

You could be right, but I'm still glad Trump won.

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At the end of the day, the voters have spoken and landed a major F/U to Obama, Clinton, and the establishment. All that hype, all those polls, they need to take a look at themselves and realize the majority of the country is not with them.

Big history moment. Trump will have the house and senate and able to get his agenda across more than Hillary would have been able to. 

I think most people did not see this coming and are waking up in shock...

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7 hours ago, Ajmboy said:

At the end of the day, the voters have spoken and landed a major F/U to Obama, Clinton, and the establishment. All that hype, all those polls, they need to take a look at themselves and realize the majority of the country is not with them.

Big history moment. Trump will have the house and senate and able to get his agenda across more than Hillary would have been able to. 

I think most people did not see this coming and are waking up in shock...

I think the biggest  shock is yet to  come  after  he  is inaugurated...  I'm confident  I'll  get  to  say  " I told you so " before  his  first  year  is  out .... Appalachia  and the  rust belt  will  be  first to  learn  he  cannot  deliver  his promises  to them.

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10 hours ago, Ajmboy said:

At the end of the day, the voters have spoken and landed a major F/U to Obama, Clinton, and the establishment. All that hype, all those polls, they need to take a look at themselves and realize the majority of the country is not with them.

Big history moment. Trump will have the house and senate and able to get his agenda across more than Hillary would have been able to. 

I think most people did not see this coming and are waking up in shock...

I'm not sure the majority have spoken.  The popular vote looks like 47% for Trump and 48% for Clinton (about 200k difference).  Plus, probably lots of minorities couldn't find the motivation to vote or weren't allowed to vote.  There are more registered Dems than republicans.  I think the Trump supporters were more determined to vote than Hillary supporters.

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1 hour ago, quadmaniac said:

Lol...that is true! It's definitely going to be interesting after the inauguration, starting with the inauguration...lucky news networks and twitter!

Lucky for everyone but cnn

Stephen Colbert is making a big splash as well

In one of his videos he sincerely thanked Trump for the easy material.  It's gonna be YUGE!  Bigly style!

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On the other side of the coin..... If you  remove  the  years of fake  news and false accusations against   Hillary  Clinton;  remove  the innuendo that  Comey  made  by  announcing  in  days  before  the   general  election  of further  investigation  of  e-mail  that proved to contain no damaging evidence of wrongdoing  by  her,  and the interference by   the  Russians  under Putin in the  campaigns and release  of  innuendo  and   more false claims  against  Clinton, you'd  most likely  have seen a very  different election result .. We'll  see  down the road  how true the allegations  of Trump's  misdeeds during a  trip T Russia  turn  out..  Personally,  I rather  suspect they're  true.....  The  GOP  got their  majorities in  both  houses , and will  have  it  on the  Surpreme  Court after  Trump's inauguration.. The  country  is being handed  to the  ERW of the  Republicans  and  a  man   who,  by  most observers  outside of the  US  and most Americans  not  buffaloed  by  his  rhetoric,   is totally  unfit  for the  job.

We'll  see  whose  predictions  for  the  Trump   Presidency turn  out to  be on  point.  I'll be  very  surprised if Trump   lasts one  year,  let  alone  4,  ,and  I  don't think  Pence  will  be much  of an  improvement  when  he takes  over  to  finish the term.

I also  hope  for the good of  both  our countries that  I  am  proven  wrong.

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1 hour ago, JustRandy said:


I kinda think Trump would have lost if it had been anybody but Hillary.

Most  likely. Far too many believe  all the allegations the  ERW of the  GOP  have made against her  over the  years; even though there  has never  been  an  indictment , let alone a  conviction, for any  wrongdoing by  her.  She has  been and  is still  very  unpopular  because  of the constant barrage  of  unfounded allegations  against her.

 Ramifications  of the  Russia  thing? If it is true  that  Putin   has tapes proving the  allegations  against him,  and  possibly  a lot  more  in shady  business dealings,  it could give them  a  great deal  of  leverage   on  him. Trump is a narcissist by all  accounts . . He  doesn't  like to  look  bad. In  my opinion he  doesn't  know  how to  tell the truth .. Everything  he  says  is embellished.  He constantly  flip flops  in  his stance on  nearly  every  subject , depending on his  audience of the moment.

If  anyone  cares to  search  on Trump's  business  dealings  and the  number  of  lawsuits against him alleging  wrongdoing in his  business practices,  they should be able  to get some idea  how  he will  handle his  Presidency....I  really  don't  like to  see  someone  I  think  acts too  much  like  a  petulant 4  year  old holding the  nuclear  codes.

 On  anotheer  subject .. As far  as  voter fraud  and  manipulating goes .. There  has never  been any  proof of  widespread voter  fraud, or  voter fraud  actually  swaying  an election ..  I've seen  more  GOP  supporters  convicted  of attempted  fraud than I've seen  of   Dems  doing it .. I'm  sure there  is some attempted  by  supporters  of  both  parties;  but  none  successful  in swaying an  election ;  with the   exception  of gerrymandering  and voter suppression.

Edited by davefrombc
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7 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

She has  been and  is still  very  unpopular  because  of the constant barrage  of  unfounded allegations  against her. 

I wouldn't say they are all unfounded.  A lot of people don't like her because she's a Clinton.  You have to figure Baby Boomers were in their prime with Bill and he made Rush Limbaugh popular.  A lot of people are unhappy with career-politicians and none more epitomizes that than a Clinton.




Ramifications  of the  Russia  thing? If it is true  that  Putin   has tapes proving the  allegations  against him,  and  possibly  a lot  more  in shady  business dealings,  it could give them  a  great deal  of  leverage   on  him.

Putin will have leverage on Trump?  What would Putin make Trump do?

With friendship comes leverage.  If you and I decide to go fishing, there's no doubt I could influence where we fish.  But so what?  If we're friends, all we really wanna do is fish and have fun.  How many guys sit in boats together and manage not to throw the other guy overboard?  I guess I'm saying I don't understand that the big deal is.



Trump is a narcissist by all  accounts . . He  doesn't  like to  look  bad. In  my opinion he  doesn't  know  how to  tell the truth .. Everything  he  says  is embellished.  He constantly  flip flops  in  his stance on  nearly  every  subject , depending on his  audience of the moment.

If  anyone  cares to  search  on Trump's  business  dealings  and the  number  of  lawsuits against him alleging  wrongdoing in his  business practices,  they should be able  to get some idea  how  he will  handle his  Presidency....I  really  don't  like to  see  someone  I  think  acts too  much  like  a  petulant 4  year  old holding the  nuclear  codes.

Yeah, he's a narcissist.  A little more than most presidents.

I don't know much about the lawsuits.  I'm sure he will step on toes.  He's not going to use nukes.  He's a narcissist, remember?  How's he going to look good with the world in ashes?  He's going to do the thing that he thinks will make him look like the best president ever.



 On  anotheer  subject .. As far  as  voter fraud  and  manipulating goes .. There  has never  been any  proof of  widespread voter  fraud, or  voter fraud  actually  swaying  an election ..  I've seen  more  GOP  supporters  convicted  of attempted  fraud than I've seen  of   Dems  doing it .. I'm  sure there  is some attempted  by  supporters  of  both  parties;  but  none  successful  in swaying an  election ;  with the   exception  of gerrymandering  and voter suppression.

I have no idea.  I was just being funny.  Search for voter fraud and it's all jokes at the democrat's expense.

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13 minutes ago, JustRandy said:

I wouldn't say they are all unfounded.  A lot of people don't like her because she's a Clinton.  You have to figure Baby Boomers were in their prime with Bill and he made Rush Limbaugh popular.  A lot of people are unhappy with career-politicians and none more epitomizes that than a Clinton.


Putin will have leverage on Trump?  What would Putin make Trump do?

With friendship comes leverage.  If you and I decide to go fishing, there's no doubt I could influence where we fish.  But so what?  If we're friends, all we really wanna do is fish and have fun.  How many guys sit in boats together and manage not to throw the other guy overboard?  I guess I'm saying I don't understand that the big deal is.



There is a tremendous difference  between  friends going  fishing,hunting  or participating any  other  sport or  activity,  and  politicians  dealing  in international  affairs. Those politicians decide what  direction the country is going in with respect to business and  influence  .  Friends  out fishing or hunting  don't  have the potential to throw the world into  a war or disastrous trade  laws.

I have  friends  who  differ greatly  with me  in  views on racism, immigrants  and "liberal / conservative"  views ..  We  remain  friends  and   agree to  differ  in  our  views.. just  as  I  offer to  help  others  in forums where  I  can  without any regard to their social  views.  

What  bothers  me  most with  so  many  on  both extremes especially ,  and   far too many  that  are more moderate , is that the   extremes  refuse to   consider  anything  that  doesn't  some from    their  sites that  support their  views , and so  many in the  middle  don't take the time  to  sort out the truth  from  all  the   propaganda half truths and outright lies  put out  by  those  on the  far  sides.  The years  of  Clinton  bashing  and   the 8  years of Obama's administration  are  prime  examples  of  far too  much propaganda  and far  too little  looking for the truth. That  barrage  from the  far  right  and the  Extreme Right Wing  is  what  has  led to  the situation today  where  people  are  so badly  divided; and somebody  who  never  should even  have   gotten  out  of the  bottom of the  primary   is  going to  become  your  President .

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At the end of the day, I have a $6000 a year deductible on my medical plan I didn't have before Obamacare. Same out of pocket premiums, same big company sponsored medical so why so much different and going up every year since ACA?. Everyone I talk to is pissed about the medical. I used to go to the doctor and have a $25 copay, now I get a "coinsurance" $65 bill plus extra, extra...whatever they decide to code..lol.

Yes Comey came out with the claim at the end, but what really started making it turn worse for her was all the news coverage at the end on increasing premiums for the ACA which reminded everyone that they pay more with a democrat in the office and the ACA in place. When you hit someone's pocket, you dont get their vote. It's always been like that with the middle class. I do not in no manner agree with paying more so we can insure more people. This is a capitalistic society and it needs to stay like that. Work hard and get rewarded, don't work...don't expect much. Take care of your sick, elderly, veterans, children and maybe help some single parents in need. The rest go get a job.

There has to be something said for all these companies agreeing to invest in the US before Trump is even president, because they know its going to be more corporate friendly and that creates jobs, not the government. 

Now back to the funny stuff...:D

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24 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

There is a tremendous difference  between  friends going  fishing,hunting  or participating any  other  sport or  activity,  and  politicians  dealing  in international  affairs. Those politicians decide what  direction the country is going in with respect to business and  influence  .  Friends  out fishing or hunting  don't  have the potential to throw the world into  a war or disastrous trade  laws.

I have  friends  who  differ greatly  with me  in  views on racism, immigrants  and "liberal / conservative"  views ..  We  remain  friends  and   agree to  differ  in  our  views.. just  as  I  offer to  help  others  in forums where  I  can  without any regard to their social  views.  

What's the difference in friends going hunting and trusting each other with guns and friends trusting each other with nukes?

Does Putin seem so bad to you?


 The years  of  Clinton  bashing  and   the 8  years of Obama's administration  are  prime  examples  of  far too  much propaganda  and far  too little  looking for the truth. That  barrage  from the  far  right  and the  Extreme Right Wing  is  what  has  led to  the situation today  where  people  are  so badly  divided; and somebody  who  never  should even  have   gotten  out  of the  bottom of the  primary   is  going to  become  your  President .

The people have been divided for a long time, but this time they had a lot invested in the election.  Male vs female, right vs left, businessman vs politician, nationalism vs globalism,,, it was all on the line this time.  Trump is even the first real threat to abortion since Roe v Wade.  It's like Boom, one swoop and everything changed.  So, the people haven't changed... it's was the extreme polarization of the candidates this time.  What seems strange to me is this sort of thing is in the air.  Brexit then Trump.  Who's next?

I've noticed wherever I go (news sites, financial sites, youtube, atvs, bikes, whatever) it seems to be dominated by conservatives.  How is it that more people voted for Hillary when I rarely see a Hillary supporter?  Do liberals not get online?  Where are they? 


What  bothers  me  most with  so  many  on  both extremes especially ,  and   far too many  that  are more moderate , is that the   extremes  refuse to   consider  anything  that  doesn't  some from    their  sites that  support their  views , and so  many in the  middle  don't take the time  to  sort out the truth  from  all  the   propaganda half truths and outright lies  put out  by  those  on the  far  sides.

That's people in general.  No one wants to be wrong once they've made their mind up about something.  When I read news, I check the comments.  Sometimes I skip the article and just read the comments.  The comments are what validates the truthfulness of the news.

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Dave, I deeply respect your opinion but may I say that you obviously did plenty of homework on Trump but I don't think you may have the same with Hillary. I'm sure I could be wrong.

Allow me to explain like this please: The wife hated trump. I told her that I believed in educating yourself on both candidates and vote as you see fit.

So she did. She looked up Clinton and Trump like a FBI agent. No rhetoric  he said- she said just what she considered truth. 

To sum it up, (as usual) there was a lesser of the evils. Trump. I was proud of her. Not for who but for the work she put into both sides.

We'll see is correct statement for all.

So anyway... horse goes into a bar. the bartender says: hey buddy why the long face...

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1 hour ago, LT80 said:

Dave, I deeply respect your opinion but may I say that you obviously did plenty of homework on Trump but I don't think you may have the same with Hillary. I'm sure I could be wrong.

Not hard to "do  homework on Trump"  when  you  see  him flip flopping ,  see the   long  list of companies in court  with him, and  knowing   of  one company here  is BC  that was victim of his shorting on  paying in full  on a  contract and the company  not having enough resources to take  him  on in court. 

As far  as Hillary is concerned, I don't agree with  all  her stances,  in some things  she's  more hawkish than  I'd like to see.  I do   remember  the  Bill Clinton  years, and I do  catch  the  news regularly  and see where  she  has stood on issues while  she  was  Secretary  of State. I've also  read all  the accusations  of the  ERW against  the  Clinton  Foundation and  her   handling  of Benghazi. I  have found nothing that shows anything  not on the  up and up   on the  Foundation and how it  handles the  charity, and   I'm  sure  you   would also  admit  there really  was   nothing  she could have done directly  about  Benghazi and  the  loss of the diplomats.. She  could only  go  on  the information   given to  her  by  those more directly involved... There  is also the  question of the  financing  for the  embassies  and troops..  The  GOP  controlled  cuts to the  funding  for them   is also to  blame   for the  less than  adequate security.. And, as I  said before ,  despite all  the accusations  put  out  by the  ERW and the millions of taxpayers   money wasted  by them   on a witch hunt trying to find something ,  anything  they  can charge  her  with ,  they  have come  up  with nothing .....  They managed to  severely  damage her  in public opinion,  but  they  did  not find her doing anything illegal. I cannot say the  same for  Trump.

I  live  only  about  10  miles  north  of the  BC / Wa.  border,  have  friends and family  in the  US, and watch  news services  from   both local, national, and  American  sources,  with  a smattering  of  BBC  and international news, so  I stay reasonably up  on  what's going  on.  It also  helps to  have many net  friends in both  Canada and several  US  states  , as well  as some international  friends in  both Europe  and  Asia.

Randy ,   I too  see far more   out there  from  "conservatives"  than  from "liberals", in fact  the  conservatives  I  see the  most  from   are the  ERW.. They are the  ones  trying everything they can to  stop  anything they  equate  with  "socialism" whether  it  is   in the  interest  of the  country  or not .. They cannot   take themselves out  of the  old cold war  and the rhetoric   of those days.  Moderate  conservatives seem to  be  afraid to  speak up   against  the  radicals,  maybe  for  fear  of being  branded  with that  terrible "liberal or socialist /  progressive" name  they  demonize the  Dems  with.  When  you talk to  people  in  China,  Malaysia and  Europe, you tend to get  a different  perspective  on how they  live  and view  their  governments  than  what  you  get  from the  ERW's ravings. 

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11 hours ago, davefrombc said:

Randy ,   I too  see far more   out there  from  "conservatives"  than  from "liberals", in fact  the  conservatives  I  see the  most  from   are the  ERW.. They are the  ones  trying everything they can to  stop  anything they  equate  with  "socialism" whether  it  is   in the  interest  of the  country  or not .. They cannot   take themselves out  of the  old cold war  and the rhetoric   of those days.  Moderate  conservatives seem to  be  afraid to  speak up   against  the  radicals,  maybe  for  fear  of being  branded  with that  terrible "liberal or socialist /  progressive" name  they  demonize the  Dems  with.  When  you talk to  people  in  China,  Malaysia and  Europe, you tend to get  a different  perspective  on how they  live  and view  their  governments  than  what  you  get  from the  ERW's ravings. 

I think you're pretty close to hitting the nail on the head there.





All overwhelmingly male and of the baby boomer generation.  What can explain that?

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