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2024 Presidential Election Discussion Thread

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12 hours ago, Mech said:

Now you're just generalising about leaders in general Johniii.


But am I wrong? I don't care for either man. We may end up with an Ardern or a Justin, weak leadership. Bowing down to China isn't an option . China is the next world leader, hope you enjoy the show. Thank a progressive!!

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Weak Johniii? I thought you said they were dictators.

China's now doing what America has been doing for the last century, offering financial incentives to get what it want's in foreign countries, investing in countries it sees some benefit in having close relationships with. If you think that China's doing that as a result of American leadership, and more particularly some recent spate of your local politics, you need to get some education about China's long term plans they have been implementing for the last thirty years at least. New Zealand finds China far easier to work with  and less protectionist regarding trade than America ever was. Trumps isolationist policies aren't going to advantage America on the world stage like you seem to think they will.

It's a big world Johniii, and it extends well past America's borders. Trumps blustering on the world stage doesn't do him or America any credit, Biden's conciliatory approach does.


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4 minutes ago, Mech said:

It's a big world Johniii, and it extends well past America's borders. Trumps blustering on the world stage doesn't do him or America any credit, Biden's conciliatory approach does.

I’m confused, did we have Ukraine, Israel, Houthis/Iran, and the Mexican border crisis during the Trump presidency? The American president taking a conciliatory approach affects the whole world and makes us weak. That’s why this is all happening. It looks to me like Biden is more concerned about his resting and story time. The guy has aged so much that it’s hard to watch his mannerisms and fumbles. World leaders see this as well and take advantage of the presidential term by who’s in it. 

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America isn't the dominant world power any longer guys, and it won't be no matter who you vote in.

Trump is more likely to start a war than just about anyone else on the planet. Trouble is, it will be a war somewhere other than America, and though it might serve America's ends very well, it won't be doing the rest of the world any favours. I see Trump as a serious threat to world peace, and the planet.

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43 minutes ago, Mech said:

America isn't the dominant world power any longer guys, and it won't be no matter who you vote in.

Trump is more likely to start a war than just about anyone else on the planet. Trouble is, it will be a war somewhere other than America, and though it might serve America's ends very well, it won't be doing the rest of the world any favours. I see Trump as a serious threat to world peace, and the planet.

There’s a war starting right now in the Middle East and it’s on Biden’s watch. Ukraine has been going on for two years and we are fighting Russia with our military support. There were no wars like this during Trumps first term. Funny how Putin invaded Crimea during Obama and Kiev/Ukraine during Biden… 

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2 hours ago, Mech said:

Weak Johniii? I thought you said they were dictators.

China's now doing what America has been doing for the last century, offering financial incentives to get what it want's in foreign countries, investing in countries it sees some benefit in having close relationships with. If you think that China's doing that as a result of American leadership, and more particularly some recent spate of your local politics, you need to get some education about China's long term plans they have been implementing for the last thirty years at least. New Zealand finds China far easier to work with  and less protectionist regarding trade than America ever was. Trumps isolationist policies aren't going to advantage America on the world stage like you seem to think they will.

It's a big world Johniii, and it extends well past America's borders. Trumps blustering on the world stage doesn't do him or America any credit, Biden's 

Who said it doesn't extend past the borders? It is because of the weak president trying to appease everyone. You can blame trump all you want but  Biden's the big guy now. Ne2 Zealand playing games. I bet the Māori are even more terrified of the Chinese than all of the wyt population. You will bow down to China, enjoy the rice. I prefer to live free from China's control. Like I said,trump or biden aren't the answers. 

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You guys over-estimate America's importance in the world.

N.Z doesn't bow down to anyone and we have good relationships based on mutual benefits.. not threats. You might be scared of China, but I'm not, and I don't think many if any New Zealanders are either.

And I already like rice.. 

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quadmaniac and johnii  mistake bullshit and bluster for strength..  In fact they are signs of weakness. tRump  would be a gift to  Xi, Putin and Kim.
All they have to do  is stroke his ego and that narcissist wsill give them  everything they want. Really listen to  him.  He wants to  be a dictator;   he  has already praised the 3 big dicttors and  made threats against everyone at home  that appears to  be any threat to  him and said he wants to  be  "Dictator for a day"  and take revenge on all who opposed him..  You accuse  Biden  of being addled but he is not the  one that confused  Nikki Haley  and Nancy Pelosi.   He mixes up states , has claimed there were  aircraft  during the Civil War.  Really listen to  his rants   at  his rallies. Half  of his babble is   incomprehensible. In a way, I  prefer to see tRump running against Biden.  Nikki  Haley  would have a better chance of beating him.

Despite what the right cliams, if you  look at the economics  of the tRump years and Biden's  Biden's administration   has posted far superior numbers for job creation ,  market levels and  every other economic indicator.  He is far more respected and capable  dealing internationally than the sadly laughable tRump.

Yes,  like  many others I would like to see  younger contenders on both sides,  but if the worst happens to  Biden  in the  next 4 years , Kamala Harris  is more than capable  of doing a good job if she had to step into the Presidency.   I shudder to  think  what toady tRump  will  nominate  for a running mate.  He certainly  won't choose anyone he perceives to be capable of being  a threat to  him.

  I would like some other international  members here speak  up  with their opinions.. It shouldn't  be only  Mech and me commenting.

 What happens in the US  affects us all  in the US's trading community.

Edited by davefrombc
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For you non-US North American guys, you should want the US to be very strong, because the day the US goes down under democrat misdirection, is the day that all of the North American nations will need to also fear for their sovereignty.

We had a Trump presidency already, and life was better than it is now, especially financially. Everyone knows it. There’s not much to argue there, things were better under Trump. He may be unconventional, but his policies are better for the future of the US.

Btw, Kamala is not capable. She’s actually really bad and in the wrong position. She knows it too and pinches herself everyday…That’s something to fear with Biden’s condition. Her own party knows it. 

Edited by quadmaniac
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Bull sh** it was better.  tRump  was NOT a strong  President. and the US  has been  far stronger economically and healthwise under Biden.  Get off the extreme right misinformation sites and look up  the real facts.  He was a sucker to the likes of Putin and Xi.
  By the way ,  quadmaniac,  I  m  Canadian,  and last time I looked Canada is a lot   larger part of North America physically  but  much  smaller in population.

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5 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Bull sh** it was better.  tRump  was NOT a strong  President. and the US  has been  far stronger economically and healthwise under Biden.  Get off the extreme right misinformation sites and look up  the real facts.  He was a sucker to the likes of Putin and Xi.
  By the way ,  quadmaniac,  I  m  Canadian,  and last time I looked Canada is a lot   larger part of North America physically  but  much  smaller in population.

Too funny, someone is misguiding you or you are just extreme left leaning for whatever reason. Keep believing that BS. If you base in simple economics, it was extremely better under Trump. Not a little, but a lot. Just ask any American to tally up what they pay for expenditures, like food, rent, cars, household necessities, taxes, gas… there’s no argument there unless you like paying more for things. Ask a business person which environment was more favorable. Ask my 401K, see what she says….I’m talking average Americans who work and don’t sit on the “system”..

Canada may have a bigger geography, but without the U.S. it would probably be target for Russia, and other countries as a land grab. Let’s be realistic, a strong U.S. is beneficial for Canadians.

The best thing the dems can do is replace Biden and Harris asap. They’re going crazy because they can’t, so the talking points are supposed to fool everyone into believing we don’t have an issue going on here with old man Joe.

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"He is far more respected and capable  dealing internationally than the sadly laughable tRump.".

You got that right Dave. It seems that to some people, being liberal is a bad thing, but if we know what the word means, and what it means to be the opposite of liberal, it should be obvious who people are going to like and respect.. Not out of fear, but because the liberal is the better person.

The world doesn't need fearful, hate filled bigots in power. Anyone that thinks we do should reconsider.

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Trump's a bully, and like all bullies he is one because he needs to think he's strong, and in control.. That's how it always is with bullies. But they aren't strong, their fear and insecurity is weakness and it's a flaw in their character, and where there are flaws, there isn't integrity. Trump can't be trusted. His words are just hollow words and he will backtrack and change his mind and do any sort of despicable thing as long as he thinks it's ok in his mind. The man is an absolute danger to the whole world if he gets into power.

Liberal people aren't like that..

What's really sad is, that people seem to think he's the best choice out there.. What does that say about a nation ?

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10 minutes ago, quadmaniac said:

Too funny, someone is misguiding you or you are just extreme left leaning for whatever reason. Keep believing that BS. If you base in simple economics, it was extremely better under Trump. Not a little, but a lot. Just ask any American to tally up what they pay for expenditures, like food, rent, cars, household necessities, taxes, gas… there’s no argument there unless you like paying more for things. Ask a business person which environment was more favorable. Ask my 401K, see what she says….I’m talking average Americans who work and don’t sit on the “system”..

Canada may have a bigger geography, but without the U.S. it would probably be target for Russia, and other countries as a land grab. Let’s be realistic, a strong U.S. is beneficial for Canadians.

The best thing the dems can do is replace Biden and Harris asap. They’re going crazy because they can’t, so the talking points are supposed to fool everyone into believing we don’t have an issue going on here with old man Joe.

Yes  a strong US is beneficial to  Canada; but that is the only thing you got right. tRump will weaken the US,  not strengthen it and by the way , you  golden  god is only 4 years younger than   Biden physically.  Mentally  tRump  is a spoiled brat  2 year old throwing tantrums every time he doesn't get his own  way.


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There’s no problem with being liberal until you are a liberal that hates conservative values or vice versa. There’s a happy middle ground there, it’s when one side goes too far in either direction. Men in women’s sports…too far. Abortion not allowed no matter what…too far.

The US is still governed by three branches. The president doesn’t have absolute power so to say he’s dangerous is a bit overzealous. Do his policies help Americans more than Biden’s? The answer is a clear yes. We’ve lived both choices and know what they each bring to the table. That’s what you’ll see this election. 

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"quadmaniac and johnii  mistake bullshit and bluster for strength..  In fact they are signs of weakness. tRump  would be a gift to  Xi, Putin and Kim.
All they have to do  is stroke his ego and that narcissist wsill give them  everything they want.".

Yup.. That's a bully. Insecure, fearful, hate filled, bigoted.. No integrity, (being wholeness..) He's a fragmented man, full of flaws.. 

Joe at least has his integrity. He is a man. A whole man. A man that knows how hard life can be for people, a man with understanding.

Quad.. Trumps ego is a threat to world peace.

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5 hours ago, Mech said:

"quadmaniac and johnii  mistake bullshit and bluster for strength..  In fact they are signs of weakness. tRump  would be a gift to  Xi, Putin and Kim.
All they have to do  is stroke his ego and that narcissist wsill give them  everything they want.".

Yup.. That's a bully. Insecure, fearful, hate filled, bigoted.. No integrity, (being wholeness..) He's a fragmented man, full of flaws.. 

Joe at least has his integrity. He is a man. A whole man. A man that knows how hard life can be for people, a man with understanding.

Quad.. Trumps ego is a threat to world peace.

You keep insisting I'm for Trump. I have stated neither is a good choice . You keep going on about joe but his cognitive ability is getting worse. He isn't a whole man by any means.Trump is going to sink the republican party, so there's that. Two buffoons. I know what the words mean, maybe you look it up.

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People that do not live in America and DO NOT have a 'Dog in the Hunt' should mind their own tyrants.


the mass of sheeople that vote for their emotional interests and make decisions that have consistently detrimental effects on The Country I grew up in . . . and have always allowed the politicans to make America WORSE OFF without repercussions need to stop screeching and squabbling over color coded rhetoric and LIES and OBAMA LEGALIZE PROPAGANDA and Flat out bladerdash.


they need to STOP listening to the media that has PROVABLY LIED to them Repeatedly, STOP listening to politicians that promise gold plated cotton candy and shove turd covered barbed wire down their throats.

they also need to START reading TRANSCRIPTS of alleged conversations and statements in their entirety as well as study the Court cases they base their vapid, venal and errant opinions on.

Or for the love of god stop voting.


Havent you all figured out that EVERY TIME WE VOTE for the ESTABLISHMENT they SCREW US ALL.


WAKE the hell up.


or please . . STOP VOTING ! ! !


Need to Cliff em All . . .

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49 minutes ago, Mech said:

And that's the best the country can offer ? That's the choices you are offered ?

How did it come to this guys ? Serious question...

If Trump would have just won his second term, he’d be done at the end of the year, and we’d have fresh candidates on both sides. We’re here because the covid/paper ballot fiasco put an old politician into office in the middle of everything…lol. 1/2 joking of course.

4 more years and we get fresh blood on both sides unless the Dems figure out how to push Biden to the side at the last minute, which I’m not sure can’t still happen. 

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6 hours ago, quadmaniac said:

If Trump would have just won his second term, he’d be done at the end of the year, and we’d have fresh candidates on both sides. We’re here because the covid/paper ballot fiasco put an old politician into office in the middle of everything…lol. 1/2 joking of course.

4 more years and we get fresh blood on both sides unless the Dems figure out how to push Biden to the side at the last minute, which I’m not sure can’t still happen. 

He's  too crass to be President.  Biden's mind won't last 4 more years. Such a dilemma. 

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12 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Most of the world sees that in tRump, not Biden. But go ahead and enjoy  your very misleading Youtube videos.

It’s not my video, that’s news in Australia I believe. So somewhere else in the world…. I think it’s right on point, everything the commentators said. Not misleading at all. Go ahead and bury your head in the sand about a Biden..it’s happening. He’s old and declining too much to be a commander in chief. Everyone knows it, just as the sky is blue.

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Yes  he is old-  A year older than me;  but he is still far more aware and capable than tRump.  Fact is tRump  first  tried to  use a run for the Presidential  nomination as a ploy to  put his name out there for business promotion.    Remember his  vow to  spend his own  money  on his  campaign?  When  he actually won the nomination, the GOP  paid all the  campaign  expenses.  When  he actually won the real milking the presidency to  line the pockets of himself  and his family..  Whether you want to believe it or not,  Biden  is  respected  internationally and  tRump is viewed as an  incompetent laughing stock and a threat to  your "democracy".

I too would like to  see younger contenders  but as it is  it looks like  you  are going to have the choice of an old , capable  honest man  and a 4 year "younger" grifter  facing 91 felony charges.

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