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Happy Thanksgiving!

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Yes Turkey Day approaches!!! Everyone have fun! There will be plenty of extras here if anyone is out and about haha. Let us know, we'll FedEx you some turkey samiches! {hey I got a pizza overnight from Chicago]...

Mom usually lays out too much food but this year I get to cook, so it will be the stuff I LIKE LOL. Turkey, taters and gravy, corn, that's good enuf for me.

I have found some fine friends here and I thank you all! Have a good Thanksgiving! [stay home Friday the womenfolk will be in full SALE mode] LOL


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for over 20 years there I had to work 2 of the 3: Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Years. I hated it. It was a waste of time and always created hard feelings with management. They ended up going broke anyway, the greedy so-and-sos....serves 'em right.

Bot don't tell me you're sending xmas presents to Muslims??????? hahaha

what's the rush? they don't celebrate Christmas......:skeptic:

YALL have a GREAT TURKEY DAY! my good friends

Enjoy your family, friends, and take pictures, we all want to see them!

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All the stuff I'm packing and shipping is going deep into Mexico/South America. We are sending down 900,000 boxes and each box has 14 gift boxes in it. Each box contains small gifts that most people would consider an insult to receive. Some of these kids that get the boxes have NEVER gotten a gift and they will open the box and take one item and try to give the box back. They can't even comprehend that everything in that box is theirs.

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me too!!! My sister and her husband have fallen on hard times because of the economy and such..they have a daughter and another one on the way in February. Instead of just adopting a random family this holiday season, Nick and I have adopted them :)

I cant wait to see there faces when we bring them all their presents!!!!! Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside...

or maybe that's just too much egg nog w/brandy on Christmas Eve:confused::biggrin::laugh:

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I don't know about presents but I could sure feed em. SHOPPING is not my forte. I would rather face incoming fire !:wink:


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Tom I was waiting for you........

L-tryptophan is the primary ingredient in my sleeping meds. It's 0738 and I havent been to bed yet. Works quite well doesn't it? hahaha

after years of this stuff I see how clueless the doctors are......

EAT THE MEAT! GRAB A BEER, CRASH ON THE COUCH, TAKE A SNOOZE. You just saved yourself a buncha money and prob feel pretty damm good! LOL

badda boom badda bing. you dont snooze, we come by, you sleep then.

your wife called, CRASH BANG try the turkey!:shoot:

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Had the annual turkey fling-ding at work today.....left for home early....been sitting here all afternoon "doing the chicken" in front of the monitor!

Been taking 5HTP,which is basically tryptophan......it's not a miracle sleep cure, but seems to be doing better than the Ambien.....

I need something to knock me out....doing a 2 days of a 3 day charity ride this weekend AND I NEED FRIGGEN SLEEP! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe I'll stuff a turkey in my shorts on munch on the way to the ride....

I need to learn to spell backwards better.....

Elbbog! Elbbog!


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