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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2019 in Posts

  1. Thought i would share a fix that I came across. I was working on a 99 scambler 500, The customer complaint was that even with the fuel shut off the tank would slowly drain out onto the ground. First I found the fuel shut off was bad/ leaking/ dripping so I installed a new one thinking that would fix it. Then I ran it and and seen that the overflow was flowing fuel out from the bowl. So I cleaned the needle and seat and changed the float height to lower the fuel level in the bowl. Well... It still overflowed and flooded. So I bench tested the needle and seat with a pop off tester. I found that these newer style needle and seats just utilize an o-ring to install the brass seat into the carb. The o-ring for the seat had hardened up allowing fuel into the float bowl from under the seat. New o-ring and problems solved.
    1 point
  2. It is most likely a rectifier/ regulator problem. It is possible when the rectifier /regulator goes for the AC voltage from the stator to spike up to 30 volts or possibly more and burn out your lights. "Lights going really bright and then off" points to that possibility. Check your headlight by jumpering 12v directly to the contacts on it. Check voltage to the battery terminals with the motor running
    1 point
  3. I don't know if this would be any help, but this is the stator of an Arctic Cat. There are two parts to it, the first is the three wires that generate AC voltage which then goes to the regulator to produce power for the quad and recharge the battery. As Frank mentioned you should check each wire to wire (three of them) and you should get the same ohm reading or very close. Any one of these wires testing to ground should be an open reading. Any reading to ground means a bad stator (ground faulted) The other two wires are the pickup coil for the CDI to tell it when to spark. On Arctic cats, this fires the plug twice each full cycle of the 4 stroke (the second spark is basically wasted as its the exhaust stroke) but its common practice, since the coil picks up each time the stator rotates. The service manual tells you what the ohm readings should be for both the stator and pickup coil, but any reading to ground is a clear indication of a bad part. Mike
    1 point
  4. There are some good videos on Youtube when it comes to clutch work.
    1 point
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