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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2019 in Posts

  1. Could be a number of things. But first you have to identify what color smoke then pull the spark plug to see the color and also do a compression test. Black smoke rich fuel condition caused by a stuck choke of a dirty/improper adjusted carburetor. Blue smoke is oil from either bad valve seals or worn piston/rings.
    1 point
  2. The only reason I could see the idle changing while your shaking the bike is fuel swishing around inside the bowl of the carburetor and somehow making its way up and into the intake portion of the carburetor. Something along the lines maybe a loose jet of some sort inside the bowl. Secondly would be the main jet needle where it locks into the slide in the carburetor is missing the clip or installed wrong and loose.
    1 point
  3. so turned out to be the CDI.Ibet if you know someone with same quad switch it and bet it starts easy each and every time.Mine took a few years until no more spark.Perhaps keep a spare plug around as bet you see no spark.I only wish I knew this when mine started giving me issues.I also tried the oven trick but never helped one bit.Also must be off same qurd motor size so no testing with other either.Sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense but I almost falling asleep while writing this post bro.Hope it helps but my cdi lasted for many years but the replacement was like 220.00 Canadian.The dealer even had ne in stock which was so nice for me as the recyclers had none so had to buy new which when it worked it was so nice again.ÙBest quad or should I say tank wish they still made them so tough.Good day & good luck.
    1 point
  4. @Frank Angerano very nice, you always find good deals. I like the camo wrap. My trailer needs a little tlc... I believe that's the width. check out https://www.etrailer.com/faq-trailer-tire-sizing-tables.aspx If you can fit it move up to 13", you can get cheap rims and tires as a combo.
    1 point
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