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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello Everyone, I’m a new guy here as I just acquired 2 atv’s at an auction that need some work.This seems like a great place to get information. Have been searching for help and that’s how I found Quadcrazy. I live in N.E. Ohio and have a little acreage to take care is why I bought the quads..anyways thanks for having me and I’ll be asking lots of questions I’m sure. Haha Jeff
    1 point
  2. Last video I did and a bit of a rocky day there. Still had fun, still couldn't keep up with my son on the 400EX, but we switched halfway through the ride.
    1 point
  3. Had the privilege to get out both days this weekend, weather was fantastic. Was able to take my oldest brother out to an area he hadn't been to yet, and was thankful that we got to spend that time together just the two of us. I did ask some others to go but they were unable to make it so it ended up making a special day for us. His health is not the greatest so will definitely treasure the time and memories of this outing. Was also able to finally link up with my neighbor and some friends of theirs and take them on one of our favorite trails today. They seem to be gone most weekends over the summer so has been tough to connect over the past 4 years since they bought their Razors. They seem to stick pretty close and go riding and camping together most weekends. With fall setting in and it dipping into the high 20's and low low 30's at night, our camping season is coming to a close. Still in the 50's - 70's during the day but pretty chilly at night. They had a free weekend so we were finally able to take advantage and get out. Today confirmed for me, once again, why we haven't moved to the sidexside realm yet. We were going to ride on one trail, and even though they have 50" machines. The trailheads have huge rocks, posts, or arched cattle guard type gated areas that are exactly 50" apart. This keeps the larger sized SxS's, jeeps and other 4 wheel drive vehicles off the trails and from getting torn to shreds. My wife and I drove our ATV'S through and friends attempted to do the same. Even though the posts were 50" apart and perfectly plumb, the ground was sloped side to side causing the fenders and door area to lean too far to the side and would have scratched the entire side of the machine as he drove through. He couldn't even get the front fender flair through with out it getting scraped and gouged by the wire of the fence wrapped around the posts. So had to change plans and go different route. Still ended up being a terrific day and they had a great time riding in a new area. No SxS for us in the near future!!! Here's some pics from both days
    1 point
  4. I've got a few acres of semi cut over pine forest, about sixty acres, steep to very steep, and with a swamp running length-ways down the center nearly.. Lots of skidder tracks and clearings to do donuts and get muddy. But these days the quad is mainly a workhourse for maintaining the drive and getting firewood in and going to see the sons who live over the back. Here, if we want a day out on the quads, it's off to the beach.. Ninety mile beach in the far north of N.Z., or remote beaches on the east coast.
    1 point
  5. Yeah I think it's too easy to do, time passes quickly and before you know it loved ones are gone and you didn't do anything. He's 14 yrs. older was gone and in the Navy when I was 4 yrs old, after he was discharged and came home, there was such a huge age difference between him and the next brother (12 yrs) I just didn't really have any sort of relationship with them. It was like two different families, even the 6 years between my 3rd brother and I was so big that I was just a pain in the neck to him as well. Ot wasn't until I was in my mid 20's that I started connecting with them. And well into my mid to late 40's that was we were able to relate and develop our friendships. I was raising a family so that took a lot of time as well. Thankful for the relationships and time I get to spend with them now and the fact that we can share the same interest in ATV's and get out together. With failing health, will make a more concerted effort to get out more frequently. As of late have shared interest in Radio Controlled Rock crawlers. We have come across some great areas out 4 wheeling that have some awesome areas to use those. We plan on making some ATV outings this coming summer to go do that as well. One of the places we want to go is about a 10 mile ride in to some huge granite rock slabs, will be a fun outing. Hoping to talk the other two into each getting one as well. Do you get out riding much or have places you are allowed to ride?
    1 point
  6. I posted enough now, and have been able to download the manuals.
    1 point
  7. I started watching boxing after the Deontay Wilder /Gypsy king saga
    1 point
  8. I personally understand the plight of people dealing with this situation on this forum. I have scoured the internet for a free manual for my 4 wheeler and this is the only place. I'm sure this is the situation for many people, many of these people are not used to being forum members. While the may be a perfect candidate for someone who will be helpful down the road they may not be familiar with the etiquette of sites like this and they have a problem to which they are looking for an answer. While I appreciate this site for the community, information, and the offered download section. I am just now discovering it, but at the same time I need the manual for the 4 wheeler I just bought. I absolutely get what the mods are trying to do with this requirement, but it seems that it will inevitably lead to people doing things such as the OP (who by the way was much better in his execution then some of the people I have come across in my short time on this forum). It comes down to a situation such as not reading a warning label on a product before using or signing a terms of use without actually reading it. People are just in a hurry to get what they need and probably aren't taking a very long time to read the wall of text that accompanies signing up. Some gentle explanation and pointers from more established members is all that's required for most people to get them to realize the actual purpose of this rule and abide by it. Just to point out I normally wouldn't have even responded to a post such as this, but I too am hoping to finish my 10 posts. While I have been doing a lot of perusing around the site to find information the last 3 days I have little to no input to give people because I haven't had the chance to learn about particular 4 wheelers myself yet which is why I say there's people that may be very useful parts of this community in the future, but they need a bone thrown to them right now, because the need the opportunity to learn. I love forums and now that I just bought a new to me 4 wheeler and will be working on it, I will be keeping an eye on this forum and helping people where my knowledge base will allow.
    0 points
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