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Everything posted by mywifeknowseverythin

  1. I dont know what yet but I have Stuff for Sale!!!! Parts...Gear...Stuff!!!!! Ill Be diggin around in the Garage all Weekend as well as the Honey Do's....Ill post my Stuff a Little Later if there is any interest....But only if there is any interest in my Stuff.....Otherwise I wont post my Stuff..Anyone have any Stuff in particular they are lookin For??? Cause if you did....I could Specifically look for that Stuff....It would just make it easier if I knew what Stuff to look for....Ok,,,,Im off....
  2. If I posted this yet..... Redneck Sling Shot!!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SRCqfdAKak]YouTube - Slingshot[/ame]
  3. LMMFAO!!!!!!! Just Curious if ANY of you have EVER been on a Nice Trike?? If so,,,,Did you just Putt around on it or did you Ride it to its full Potential....???? KidAtv's Need not apply....LOL!!!! Come on you Golf Cart Ridin Ho**'s....Its time to come out of the Closet!!!
  4. Here are some pictures that I stole from a Friend of mine of us out at Glamis last yr.... It was Epic.....Also,,,,Im not in the Video much because it didnt take long for my Z to SPANK and Clip some Honda Wings.. Im on the Z with the Yellow Shirt on...Racing in a Big line and also racing a Turbo 500 Honda Trike....Enjoy.. Here is the Video Glamis Trikefest 2006! ATC 250R 350x Tri-Z 3 wheeler
  5. I think you guys are on the Right track....I believe that ANY of the Unsuspended Trikes are Tough. As the Suspension Got Better So did the Speed...However,,,,Tough is Relative to the upkeep or Lack there of
  6. I have went into my User CP and I have also went to a Couple of Threads that actually get posted in and used the Thread Tools to Subscribe....I am STILL not receiving Topic Notifications
  7. Why dont you guys set up a Day and Time Once Every week or two to be in there....Or just Get rid of the Damn thing....
  8. Here is the only Picture I got of her....Notice she is wearing a Trike Hoodie!!!! God I love her!!! I let my Buddies wife take it out too....This is her Second time on a Quad...Her first time was on my wifes old bike...She liked this allot Better....My Buddy took my Sons Quad to follow her...Didnt want to Foul the Plug on the Tecate Following her...LOL!!!! Have to get a Shot of his wife, The Scud and the Tecate in here....
  9. She liked it allot!!! However, she was a Bit Intimidated by the Large Size(Kinda like me)LMFAO!!!! She logged about 60 miles on it....Her and I went out to the Back area Frequently...She Wouldnt climb any hills like she would on her old Bike...She said she wasnt used to the bike yet and didnt feel comfortable so I didnt Push the Issue...I just wanted her to have fun and she did....I Must confess though.....I did Ride the Damn thing....and Here is my Review... Out in the Flats(Beach, Sand Highway, ETC.) it gets up and Goes pretty well....However, I felt like I needed to Shift all the time..I never felt like I hit a "Powerband" and I lost my Sense of Speed...I found myself Second guessing if I had the momentum to make it up a Hill..I did not like that Feeling....A couple of times I had to Turn around before the top...Me not being a Quad Rider and it being a 550 LB machine wasnt Easy...LOL!!! In Two Wheel Drive going down hill with no Accelerator was pretty KEWL...It Decelerated and didnt really need to Brake. I also tried out the 4X4 part of it too....I got Stuck Immediately...Thank god for Reverse...Did I mention this Freakin thing is 550 LBS??? Im not impressed with the Limited Slip Diff. I think if it had a Locker I would have been able to Pull....Or maybe if it wasnt some Soft Sand it would have done ok....Ill tell you what though....Going down a Nice Dune about 1/4 to 1/2 throttle then let off the Gas in 4X4 isnt cool....The damn thing Decelerated so fast the Front end almost Buried itself almost throwing me off the Front... All in all,,,Its a Good Machine....I was able to take the Garbage out with it...I was able to Take the Dog for a Ride on the Beach....I was Able to Actually Drink my Coffee, Ride, and look at Bikini's Joggin Down the Beach at Sunrise....That right there was worth the Purchase price....LOL!!!!
  10. Please tell me that you will be bringing the 250R.....Jet it for Sea Level and Spank some Quads!!!! Ill bring the Ninja, the Z and the 350X....
  11. I cant wait to here....What do you think about making a POLL on the Subject????
  12. Now I want to see him do a Back Flip while Juggling...LOL!!!!
  13. Here is the one we have.....Take the Tour..... http://www.blackbirdnav.com/
  14. Your Right,,,,I had to go Back to my User CP and Set it again....Hopefully that will work....Its just Weird...Sometimes(Before you Updated) I would receive Notifications then all of the Sudden they would stop for a while then I would start getting them again.... Ok there,,,,I used one of those TERRIBLE SMILIES!!!! Thanks for all your help....Just doin my part to keep your post count up!!!! LMAO!!!!
  15. Ok,,,,,Ive got a Question.....LMAO!!!!! Do I need to go back and Physically sign up for Email Notification that someone has posted in a Thread ????? I haven't Been Receiving ANY Notifications......
  16. I say Put your Foot down and Demand that you Pick them out....I will not use these....And the powers that be do not seem to respond to me....LMAO!@!!!!
  17. Sorry,,,,,I cant Remember now....When I posted it,,it would take you right to it....You just need to be faster at reading my Posts!!! LMAO
  18. Those were Good!!!! Reminds me of Stuff I didnt learn in High School that my 12 yr old is Asking me Questions about....LOL Freaking Smilies!!!!
  19. Yeah,,,My Wife wanted one for a long time...I finally broke down and got her the Alpine Blackbird....Very Nice unit and I can Take it on my Bikes....Not Cheap though....
  20. And to all of you that didnt make it....Dirtdog says Hello!!!!!
  21. Well we got back from Pismo Safe and Sound.....It was a Great Trip!!!! Lots of People showed up....Had Great Big Bon Fires, Good Grub and SMOOTH DUNES:smile: However,,,Every Day there was a Good Wind that kept us in the Trailer for a While....Up Side was the Smooth Dunes....I didnt get As many pictures as I would have liked because of the Wind(Blowing Sand), Didnt want that in my camera But I was able to Ride out to the Drag Strip and Snap a Few.....Here is what some of you missed.....BTW....5 of these people in the Drag Pics are part of my Group....They have gone to the Dark Side....I also didnt bring my 2 Strokes to run them.....It was a Nice and Easy 4 Stroke Weekend:rolleyes: :smile:
  22. Yeah,,,,,Like I said before,,,, Let her Pick them out.....From what Ive seen she has Very Good Taste in the Smilie Dept....:smile:
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