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Everything posted by mywifeknowseverythin

  1. AND............. You know when you take that First Pee in the morning....When you Push down and your Heels come up and you automatically brace yourself on the wall in front of you.....Thats about 46-48 FTLBS of Torque:eek: What is the RWHP???? Im gonna start calling you..... Wicked450Rthinkshehas46-48ftlbsoftorqueand63hpbutthatisjustaguesscausesomeoneelseisdingmywork:D
  2. Thanks for all your Hard work!!!! But Next time Feel Free to Let us in on your Doings a Little Earlier..I Had VERY IMPORTANT Stuff to Post:D
  3. I got these for my Wifes 250EX a yr or so ago....Never took them out of the package...Since her Quad will be gone this weekend I have no use for them.... Like I said,,,They are Brand new Still in Package with New Bolts...I dont know the Brand Name.... Make me a Reasonable Shipped Offer....
  4. Her are a couple of shots of the Mohawk in Action... Oh and ScOtt This was just a Quck Search on Ebay.... http://search.ebay.com/helmet-mohawk_W0QQfnuZ1QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ3QQxpufuZx
  5. Oh,,,,and Feel Free to Post some pictures of your model Slithered all over the Jetmoto:p
  6. There were a Few people over on www.3wheelerworld.com that posted that they Saw them there.....Right now they are getting flooded with emails and orders.....Someone mentioned that Dealer cost was around 700 Bucks...... I hope they decide to Market them......
  7. Both links still work for me....Are you holding your tongue Right when your clicking??? LOL!!!
  8. I guess that is nice..... I have a Buddy that is a Photographer for that Mag..As well as others..Takes some GREAT pictures...... www.dtexposures.com http://www.dtexposures.com/dt06onweb/index.htm
  9. A buddy of mine sent this to my son.....He was all over it when it Arrived.....:rolleyes:
  10. My Riding partner building a Track at Camp for the kids Thanksgiving Camp Riding
  11. Here is another of my Youngest son....I beleive it was his 4th Birthday....Pismo Baby.... I know....Home movies Suck..... TG at Pismo
  12. AND!!!!!! The design you wanted on the T-Shirt or Hoodie didnt Win.....Let me know if you want one with this on it.... I believe the Price will be 10.50 for a T Shirt up to XL....and 30 for a Hoodie up to XL...Add a Buck to the price for Every X after that....
  13. Please tell me that when you were at Indy you Picked me up a Couple of these....Or at least Became a Dealer of the Xtreemes;) I want the Inside Line on these....Hook a Brotha Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Are you sure you didnt Blow a head Gasket or have a Leaking Intake???? It will Rev to the Moon sometimes when either of these are an issue....
  15. My Buddy in Virginia sent me a DVD last yr from the Trike Fest that they have in Haspin Indiana.....I took it and did a little High Light Clip of it....I forgot all about it until I was cleaning up my Puter yesterday.....:rolleyes: Anyway,,,,Thought you might like to see some of the fun we have.... TF 06 Bud Lights and Red Lights!!!!!!!1 GET IT RAGGG!!!!!!!
  16. Well,,,,I got it....Her Honda is on ebay right now and its Selling by Friday..... 07 Wolverine 450 Limited Edition..... Have to throw in a Pic of my Home Security System....
  17. Welcome to the Site!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see your post in here More Often than not.... BTW....I LOVE YOUR SIG!!!!!!!!!!! Ive been telling Guys that for Yrs!!!!!!
  18. Well,,,,,, I SOOOOOOOOOOOO wish you lived Closer...Id like a Chance to Clip them Honda Wings:D Keep us updated on the Progress....While its down do you plan on Any other Changes???
  19. Im Sorry But I have never heard of your Mag.... Give me a Break down on what you guys do.... There used to be a ATV Geared Show a Few yrs ago but it Failed Miserably...I know I couldnt watch it.....Boring.... Do you have a Readers Rides Section in your Rag??? If you had a Section that involved the History of the ATV in every Publication I would buy it.... GET IT RAGGG!!!!!!!
  20. Oh yeah,,,,Dont forget to Check the Pismo Thread.....My Kids will be there....We usually Tape off an Acre around Camp and the Adults Build a Track for the Kids to Ride on....That way,,,,,We can do all our Smoking, Drinking And Cussing while they are on the Track...
  21. Great Shots!!!! Looks like he was a Happy Camper:D How did he do Shifting??? Get the Hang of it??
  22. Im tryin to sell the 250EX first....First Buyer Fell through:mad: I might just go get it anyway on Sat.
  23. I was just playing around.....Dont getem in a Bunch:rolleyes:
  24. I have,,,,,But I was Shot down....Do a Search:D
  25. Because Women dont Really know how to ride and we felt by adding it as a SUB CATAGORY it would pretty much be out of site out of mind:D
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