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2007 Polaris Phoniex 200


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  • 1 month later...

A ring set from polarispartshouse.com is about $30.

I'd say at least a few hundred, to make it cheaper you could remove the engine from the frame and take that in which would lower their labor charges. I did it on a 110cc Chinese atv and it took me about 2 hours including taking the engine off the atv, but actually replacing the rings only took about 30-45 minutes. Good luck man

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  • 5 weeks later...

is it like a heavy knock like a crank bearing or sorta a ping like a valve? can you feel the engine and kind of tell if it's top or bottom end?

the jumping forward and backwards might be a belt ...

there are a few polaris guys on here that might have a better idea, wylde1 and polarisrich i know off hand have them and do lots of work on their own ... maybe send them a message to look at the thread you posted ...

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as dumb as this sounds,,,it was something I overlooked when I did my first piston job......make sure you replaced the gaskets with new ones, tighten the bolts down to spec (I had an air leak from not doing this correctly and my bike was over-revving and lunging forward) and check the intake for leaks......also, check your engine mounting bolts...Good luck!:wink:

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hopefully you have a manual to go by for the tightening sequence and torque specs:yes: On mine, it was a pia to get to the left side head bolts cuz of the frame tube being in the way..had to use an open end wrench and turn it tiny bits at a time...it was a real learning experience, but now I know:wink:

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