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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2019 in Posts

  1. I use a water jet, attaches to the garden hose and gives a nice spray, not as powerful as a pressure washer, but more then just a regular sprayer. As far as soap Arctic Cat makes a spray and rinse cleaner that works well. I have used purple power as an alternate. Mike
    1 point
  2. First off...you guys are doing it all wrong! You need to let the Wife do it,and You sit back snap a few pics,and drink some Beers! just kidding...I helped while not taking pictures we have some thing we mix the simple green in and it sprays it on the machines,then we tack a rag and wash it in,then spray it off,lot easier than having it in a bottle and having to squeeze the trigger so much.
    1 point
  3. Patience is not my strong point ! Lol, Veterans Day is coming ! Maybe a sale ?
    1 point
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