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Everything posted by DrtyGrlKristin

  1. Welcome Juan!!! Yep, everyone here is very helpful and friendly for sure! You found a great site! Need any help, just ask!
  2. They truly did turn out sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Let's see the updated quad with the DG graphic plates on!!!!!
  4. What's up! Is this Todd by any chance?! :biggrin: Glad to see you on here man!!
  5. Me, my friend Cathy, Stoopid and Joe at North Sand (Snow) Hills!
  6. Whatup eldog!! It is a cool site, glad you found us!!!!
  7. Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have an '08 Rhino 700, with the Midnight armor body. Lots of little upgrades like a new rollcage, bumper, wheels, harnesses....I don't really wanna list it all! Soon I'll be puttin in my new Twisted Stitch seats and be getting custom red doors and a roof made! I love my Rhino!!!!!! Here are pics! My old yellow Rhino! I miss her.... ....she got totaled by a dumbass! AND, my old blue Rhino....
  8. All good videos, LOVE the wheelie footage Trav! That's one hell of a wheelie ride! But, all the guys were talkin sh** to Stoopidbot when I was getting ready to go thru this mud pit saying I wasn't going to make it.....WHATEVA!!!! LOL! So that's why you all should vote for me, cuz I rock and I'm a girl!
  9. Colorado is for sure one of those places you HAVE to visit. The rockies are amazing and there is some awesome riding out here! That would be sweet if we could get a big group of Quadcrazies out here to ride! C'mon everyone, who's in? June or July would be perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Human jaw muscles can generate a force of 200 pounds (90.8 kilograms) on the molars.
  11. Hey Hellbound! I KNOW there are NY riders on here!!!! This gal named Wheeler who is on here often, lives in NY, maybe look her up! You should start a new thread to get the NY riders attentions!
  12. Hey Quadswest! As Stoopidbot mentioned, him and I live in Denver. His race season just ended, but when we're not out in Deer Trail doing that, we are in the mountains!!! The pics you posted are GREAT! They look very familiar too, I'm pretty sure we've been to the same place. Gotta love the Rockies!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Here's my entry, which is me muddin'! Apparently the guys that were hangin' around were highly doubting I'd make it through and talkin some smack...... But, it was CAKE!! :yes: Drtgrlkristin Muddin' » ATV Videos » QUADCRAZY ATV Community
  14. This is such an amazing video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yes: The Bear - Film by Jean-Jacques Annaud
  15. Um............you're guna be his jock strap???? But really that would be awesome if you came down man! It'd be great to see you guys again!!!
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