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Everything posted by davefrombc

  1. They had no antibiotics or vaccines for the flu in1918. All they really had was masking up and quarantines back then. Yeah , the big Pharma withholding early treatment bullshit. You fool conspiracy theorists have been compounding the misery of the families by pushing it. That's some strange universe you live in. I hear Big Pharma made a deal with the funeral industry to keep the Fountain of Youth hidden all these years too. Obviously you haven't bought your ant-EMF clothes to keep all that rf energy from 5G from affecting your brain. They must be doing a booming business selling it judging by the number of ads for it on social media. Better get yours before it's too late and they're out of stock.
  2. Tell that to the 914K American families and their friends that have lost love ones to the virus. Whether any of the deniers believe it or not, far too many of them died needlessly because some as***** refused to mask up, social distance or get the shot, got a mild or asymptomatic case of it and passed it on to a vulnerable person.
  3. Sounds to me it is leaning out on full throttle. Possibly a carb passage plugged or possibly carb floats set too low
  4. Your perception definitely isn't reality JR. Being armed or perceived to be armed has been demonstrated many times to make you less secure for a start. The rest of your arguments are all sound and mirrors with no substance in reality. The excuse "I thought he was going to shoot me , so I shot him back first " comes to mind as an example.
  5. Youtube , headlines and right leaning or outright hard right sources are the only sources the right wing looks to. Never mind the mainstream and left of center news sources . They're all fake, just ask tRump and his followers. We have some pretty wild protesters going at in here across Canada. The protests are ostensibly over the vaccine mandate to cross the Canada / US border , but the nut cases are out in full force protesting vehemently all measures meant to slow down the pandemic as much as possible .. The Trucker's Association is against the "truckers" protests.. More than 90% of them are vaccinated. It is the fringe 10% nut cases that aren't . LOL only a small, very small subset of those protesters are actually cross border truckers and they do not represent the majority or the Truckers Association
  6. There is a service manual for your quad in the downloads section. The wiring diagram illustrates a different solenoid than the pictured one but I gather from it that on that solenoid the red goes to the starter, the black is to battery, and the small yellow wire would go into the connector with a yellow wire /red stripe. The small black/ white stripe would connect to the white/ red stripe wire on the machine.. There is no connection from the machine to the post with the green top. Those are only guesses on my part since the solenoid looks different from the wiring diagram illustration and the color coding on the small wires. Your best bet to be sure is to go to a Bombardier/ Can-Am dealer and ask their service people.
  7. I looked again ans see that although I copied and pasted the Googleleadad link Mech posted , it appears Firefox truncated it to the link you saw in my post My Firefox blocks ads too, but not all of them and I just learned it handles things like the Google lead link differently by seeing your post showing how the link showed to you in mine
  8. I opened the link to get the actual NZ site address. Here it is .. I suggest when you don't see links others have posted that you browser falsely blocks as ads, you try a different browser Sometimes changing browsers to see some sites comes in handy. My default here is Firefox, but I also have MS's own and Chrome that I occasionally use just for that reason . https://covid19.govt.nz/covid-19-vaccines/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5eDpm-js9QIVOpNmAh03sAjUEAAYASAAEgJPwfD_BwE#vaccine-data
  9. That officer is a fine example of our extreme right. Far better trained legal authorities would point out the misinterpretations of the provisions in our Bill Of Rights that he makes.. I am not going to try to do so since I have no such training , but I can say his claims have been disputed by lawyers in other venues whether there are any you-tubes to show that or not. JR.. The link does show as a "Google lead services pagead, but it is not an ad. Your browser has blocking set a little to strictly for some things. Maybe you can set your browser exceptions to all Googleleadservices.com pageads through. A lot of non-ad links to services go through them on searches.
  10. 6th post from the beginning of page 10 and this was your reply in the 7th post
  11. Page 10 and you quoted it in your reply to Mech
  12. I did some searching for the link Mech posted that you seem to have not seen JR .. Here it is again. Mech can confirm if that is the one he's referred to and you didn't see https://covid19.govt.nz/covid-19-vaccines/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5eDpm-js9QIVOpNmAh03sAjUEAAYASAAEgJPwfD_BwE#vaccine-data
  13. Even at 50 ft. the #4 shot would penetrate very little on flesh. The victim would be very sore indeed but it would not be fatal or even disabling. Yup at point blank range the #4 shot would do a lot of damage but it drops rapidly as range increases. Rounds "passing completely through" do a bunch of damage on the way. The key is "Kinetic energy". A light mass like a #4 pellet has very little at .410 shot shell speeds and cannot penetrate far. Take that same pellet and boost it to meteor speeds and it would have as much energy as a .50 BMG or more. A small bullet travelling at very high speed can do as much or more damage as a large bullet travelling slow. That's why a .223 / 5.56mm does so much damage with a relatively light slug. You need to do a little studying of physics and ballistics.
  14. It isn't the size of the initial hole that does the damage in flesh. The .22 round solid can dive or roam around tearing flesh and blood vessels. A solid makes a little more narrow channel and can penetrate more . The hollow point expands and can either break up and create several small channels or one of a larger diameter but shorter. It isn't the shock of the round that does the damage but the hemorrhage . A .410 with #4 birdshot would likely have to be at very close range to cause a lot of damage beyond some very painful shallow wounds. The individual pellets have very little mass to allow them to penetrate far at low velocity. Put a slug in it and it is very lethal out to 100 yards or more. The ability to blow up a plastic bottle at close range really is a poor comparison of the rounds relative to their lethality. Set that water bottle at 50 yards and see how the shot shell does against the .22LR with a hollow point.
  15. No , they much prefer an assault style weapon, but I can guarantee you don't want to be hit by either the .410 or the .22. LOL but your chances of surviving a hit by a .410 with # 4 shot is a LOT better than if a full clip or .22 was pumped into you. .22 rimfire have taken down moose and even grizzly bear, but I sure wouldn't recommend a .22 for hunting either of them.
  16. We up here have the same problem you Americans rail about.. There are far too many illegal drugs , weapons , gang associations and illegal immigrants coming up across our southern border. I'll let Mech respond on the gun laws in NZ. There isn't enough context on the other studies you quote trying to support your argument against masks but I know your Fauci quote is taken out of context and incomplete. Your arguments about dangerous chemicals and other household hazards has absolutely no bearing on the threat unsecured guns pose. Drain cleaner under the sink can't kill someone nearby or in another room should a toddler get hold of it. I agree guns in a stable home with stable occupants are not a danger or problem as such. It is well known fact that perps don't even consider if someone is armed or not when they burglarize a place. Thieves regularly carry off firearms that are not secured in homes and most often even if they are . Securing them just makes it harder and slower for them. Securing them does help prevent accidental or spur of the moment shootings. You don't realize just how much damage a lowly .22 rimfire can do. Because they tend to "roam" in a victim, they can at times be more devastating than a 9mm.
  17. JR, I don't believe NZlanders are disarmed.. I know we Canadians are not. There are a lot more restrictions for sure .. We legitimate owners are all licensed , either for long guns only ( PAL) or long guns and small arms (RPAL). Guns must be stored unloaded and locked up. There is no concealed carry ( except where the job requires it) and there is no handgun hunting. They may be kept in the home or taken to a shooting range and home. Yes, I would like to be able yo legally carry my .44mag. and .22 pistol while hunting, but it is not allowed. I used to get all my reloading gear from the US and Canadians could easily buy firearms from there , but the GCA of 1968 pretty much put a stop to that by making it too much of an expensive hassle. I personally own a small arsenal. What has been banned in NZ is semi-automatic weapons and I believe that ban was carried too far to include semi-auto hunting arms like shotguns and "normal" rifles.. I would like to see all assault style weapons banned here. As it is most are in the restricted class only, all that was really banned are full auto weapons and clips over 5 rounds ( .22 rimfire clips aren't restricted to 5 rounds) . Weapons in the US held for "home defense" or concealed carried have been shown time after time to be more deadly to owners and their family than they have been useful in stopping the bad guys. Neither NZ nor us have a problem with regular mass shootings like you do in the US.. They are extremely rare just about everywhere in the west except in gun happy America. . Some of our restrictions are too much, but most have come in because of the regular news of the latest atrocity south of the border , and our predominantly urban population pressing for more restriction because their only association with guns is in the "shoot 'em up" tv programs so prevelent on US tv and news of the latest mass shooting or toddler killing a family member with their loose concealed carry. We don't fear our government, and in some ways have more control over it than you do yours. Despite what you think the mRNA vaccines are neither experimental nor are they carcinogenic. Masks and social distancing work in reducing transmission of the virus. It is not 100 %,, more like 25% when both people in contact are masked.. It is those anti-vaxx, and jerks screaming about how their "freedoms" are being threatened that refuse to do either that have been the main sources of infection. The pandemic would have been a lot more under control by now if it weren't for them. Yes the drug companies have a lot to answer for in many of the drugs they have created and pushed on the public. The US media is constantly loaded with ads for patent meds and prescription meds for every ailment the hypochondriacs can dream up. There is far less of it in the media up here but we are still undated with them since American radio and tv programming is well represented up here too. We up here have the same problem you Americans rail about.. There are far too many illegal drugs , weapons , gang associations and illegal immigrants coming up across our southern border.
  18. Maybe some more real freedoms. You know like freedom from worry if you can afford medical coverage and ifyour medical will pay for your operation or won't because of "pre-existing conditions". Freedom from fearing your neighbour so much you feel you have to go armed everywhere. Freedom from cops blowing you away because you were the wrong colour driving a vehicle with a broken tail light .. Freedom from being blown away because you went for a jog and again were the wrong colour , and for the most part freedom from being infected by as deadly virus because your neighbour doesn't know the difference between "freedom" and selfish refusal to follow simple measures to protect yourself and your contacts because those measure might inconvenience you .. Should I go on Randy?...... Unfortunately in some ways Canada is becoming more like the US in too many wrong ways . I wish we were more like NZ in that we could get rid of the attitudes towards "freedom" by too large a segment of our population influenced by the nut cases south of the border.
  19. JR Have you ever considered the possibility of the ones getting the mRNA vaccines having a lower mortality risk may be because they are better educated and as a result are healthier and better able to assess risks associated with activities and diet? You know, maybe a little less "Hold my beer and watch this" among the egg heads than "the Good Ole Boys". It would be interesting to see the results of a study of rates of uptake of the vaccines between the different education levels of the population. I just did a search on education on both health and vaccine uptake. and found many sites quoting results of studies on both. All show both general health and vaccine uptake are greater among the better educated, with increasing levels as education level increases. There is also a rather significant split between urban abs rural areas in vaccine acceptance. Feel free to search for legitimate sitew to refute those facts.
  20. It's still a far higher percentage of unvaccinated being hospitalized with the virus than of the fully vaccinated.. The reason you're seeing more vaccinated in the hospitalized numbers is because of the Omicron variant breaking through the vaccinations than the Delta and earlier variants ,plus the fact that well over half the population is now vaccinated. ( From usafacts.org) Feb. 2 "At least 250,378,993 people or 76% of the population have received at least one dose. Overall, 212,130,684 people or 65% of the population have been fully vaccinated." Yet the percentage of hospitalizations is still about 60% unvaccinated and 40% vaccinated, and of those hospitalized the severity and death rates are many times lower among the vaccinated than of the unvaccinated.. Tell me JR why is the admission rate 60% unvaccinated when the population rate is only 35% unvaccinated ? The Vaccines work in both reducing the load on the hospitals and in protecting people from serious outcomes when infected. As I said before , I am very thankful the internet wasn't around for vaccine deniers and conspiracy theorists to spread their misinformation to convince so many to refuse vaccination when the Polio vaccines first came out. Had it been , I'm afraid they would not have brought it under control nearly as fast as they did. We were also very fortunate to not have administrations like the tRump one to initially deny the existence of the pandemic and seriously delay the efforts to bring it b under control.. In that tRump and his minions were not alone unfortunately. We had our deniers in provincial legislators and too slow an uptake in out federal government. Boris Johnson ( in some ways a tRump clone) and some of the other European governments were also far to slow to take the pandemic seriously.
  21. No vaccine is 100% effective in preventing infection of the primary virus or its variants. It is to prevent infection in the majority and reduce the severity of the infection of those that become infected despite vaccination. Yes that definition is correct, but incomplete. Masks, social distancing are further measures to REDUCE the transmission of the virus, again, not totally prevent it. They help protect the unvaccinated as well as the vaccinated and those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. A non-medical analogy would be comparing the wearing of seat belts .. They don't prevent accidents or injury, but they do greatly reduce the severity of injury in most cases , even though in some cases they have caused increased injury and even death. Big difference is that seat belts are mandatory in most jurisdictions and there are legal consequences for not wearing one , but few refuse to wear them because they interfere with their "freedom". There are no legal consequences for going unvaccinated, although there are economic ones if one refuses to be vaccinated in a job that requires it. You still have the "freedom" to seek employment where vaccination is not required. \
  22. What do you think they would want your DNA for? More BS claim from the conspiracy theorist crap. If they wanted your DNA because you were suspected of something there's much easier ways to get it than wait for you to take a COVID test and they certainly don't need it to build a DNA data bank on everyone who has a COVID test in the good ole U.S. of A. I don't know about your area, but here they don't ask for any personal information nor even your name when you take a test. Pretty useless collecting rafts of DNA with zero information to go with it . This pandemic has shown the bad side of the internet and social programs . .They far too easily allow the spread of misinformation, outright lies and conspiracy theories world wide that too easily confuse people and confirm the worst fears of the paranoid and easily influenced. Fortunately for all, the internet and its easy access to factual information on just about anything a person wants to search for, easy communication between far flung family and friends and allowing us to interact with people of other nations and culture has greatly helped in more ways than the bad side has hindered understanding. Seeing what has happened with the COVID pandemic makes me thankful it wasn't around when the Polio vaccine came out, and especially when the bad batch of vaccine actually caused Polio infections rather than prevented them. Those of us that were around to see the devastation Polio caused before the vaccines came out are glad there was no internet at the time to spread the resistance against it. About the only ones who didn't go for the vaccines were those fundamental religious groups who are against vaccines, blood transfusions and similar medical treatments. I do hope you know the mRNA vaccines cannot give you COVID since they do not actually carry any virus in them, unlike the old vaccines that used killed or weakened virus in their makeup. mRNA technology is not new. It has been studied and used for several years, even though the COVID vaccines are the first I know of where it has been used in development of a major vaccine. It has been used in development of several treatments for other ailments though. Yes Freedomflyer, I know nothing I can say will sway your convictions, nor will my convictions be swayed by the deniers. I have one family member (a great nephew) who refuses to believe the mainstream and several contacts and friends that are also immune to mainstream news and fact. They think those of us who do believe and are part of the mainstream are just as crazy as we think they are. The world would be a much worse place if everyone agreed on everything and nobody questioned dogma.
  23. Search on "influencers who have died of COVID" for a growing list of those deniers who spread the misinformation of its seriousness until they caught it themselves. Unfortunately they didn't live to tell people they were wrong, and became dead wrong ..
  24. Nobody is being forced to get vaccinated.. They are however required to be vaccinated for some jobs and activities.. You are free to choose whether you are vaccinated or not; just as you can refuse to get a drivers license, or any other required license, but you can't legally participate in them without one. I am fully vaccinated and had the booster , all in my family except for 1 have also. I know some who refuse to be vaccinated but the vast majority of my contacts are fully vaccinated with NO adverse effects. Most were like me , no more than a sore arm the next day and nothing beyond that. My fully vaccinated son-in-law is a paramedic. He caught the Delta variant, likely from one of the victims he had to transport to the hospital. He had a rough time from it for nearly two weeks , but didn't require hospitalization. He said he knows full well if the vaccine hadn't limited the effect the virus had on him, COVID-19 Delta would have killed him.. If you are in an occupation that requires vaccination , you are free to choose to get the vaccination or seek other work. It is YOUR choice. You are free to risk your own life; you are not free ( or should not be free) to risk the life of others because of your decisions. The families of all those who have died from COVID itself, or from other ailments COVID complicated would argue with you about the seriousness of the pandemic, and the "rights" of others to risk their own lives, but more importantly , the lives of others they may infect by passing on the virus because they got a mild case of it, refused to follow recommendations to limit its spread. To put it simpler , you are free to risk your own life and health. You should not be free to risk that of others needlessly.
  25. Did you lot actually have COVID or just a cold or the Flu? Were you all tested for it or just blamed the COVID for your ailments.. The experience by Canadians who have contracted COVID haas been much different than you describe , and Ivermectin has been proven to be next to useless against it.
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