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Everything posted by SunLrider

  1. wow 9000 rpms would blow my engine in a flash:yes:
  2. speaking of that, last night was awsome! happy birthday too me:laugh:
  3. ya, i got this thing for 800 from a friend of mine, its a 2007, a steal right!? WRONG! it breaks too much, im restoring the brakes and everything on this thing so i can get al least 600 bucks for a blaster. im still not too sure on what i should sell the sunl for.
  4. i adjusted mine myself, i think its not adjusted right.
  5. i really dont see how it can blow your engine.....
  6. what are you trying to post in your signature?
  7. ya, we just dont have the money for really expensive quads:no:
  8. i dont really go on trails, i just ride out in the woods:wink:
  9. oh i see, well good luck to ya in court:wink:
  10. i completly forgot about sublime:elvis:
  11. hmmmmm, ive been all around mass riding. i think its time for new york or connecticut.
  12. whens the court date? i thought it was august 1st
  13. i held onto the back of a bus riding my skateboard once. it hurt.
  14. the camp i go to, is a week camp and at the dining hall they crank that song and i can hear it 175 yards away! that and sweet caroline [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzsUOmqpaeg]YouTube - Neil Diamond_Sweet Caroline[/ame]
  15. billy joel-piano man [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCyKcwvV5gE]YouTube - Billy Joel-Piano Man[/ame]
  16. rehab;s pretty good too [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x8B6C54ggY]YouTube - Rehab -Sittin at a Bar[/ame]
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