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11 hours ago, davefrombc said:

Randy , to  see  the difference between  seeing  Putin  as  a hunting /  fishing  friend or  one  you  can trust at  all just  search on  " Putin  polonium "  if  you  don't recall  events in  the  UK  in 2006 that  Putin was  accused of  ordering.


Censorship is the one thing you may have against Putin.

In 2013, Russia enacted laws banning "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations"

Putin also defends Russia's controversial gay "propaganda" law. "I don't see anything un-democratic in this legal act," Putin tells 60 Minutes. "I believe we should leave kids in peace. We should give them a chance to grow, help them to realize who they are and decide for themselves. Do they consider themselves a man or a woman? A female? A male? Do they want to live in a normal, natural marriage or a non-traditional one? That's the only thing I wanted to talk about. I don't see here any infringement on the rights of gay people."  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/putin-talks-gay-rights-on-60-minutes/

Grandpa fought in WWII and worked half a century to earn the right to sit in his chair and be compelled to watch to men smooching.  It just isn't right.  Gays can be gay, just stay out of grandpa's living room.  I think that is what Putin is trying to do, but the media wants to paint a picture of how common homosexuality is so it will be more accepted.  It's propaganda and some feel it is helping to destroy the family, which I think Putin agrees.  It doesn't make Putin a bad man.

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Randy , to  see  the difference between  seeing  Putin  as  a hunting /  fishing  friend or  one  you  can trust at  all just  search on  " Putin  polonium "  if  you  don't recall  events in  the  UK  in 2006 that  Putin was  accused of  ordering.

What I have against Putin  is that those that  don't agree with  him  or actively oppose him   have a  strange  habit of turning up  dead.  Putin  is ruthless  in his control  of Russia, and in his  desire  to   hold sway  over  other  nations.

If  you  didn't  bother  to  search on Putin  and  polonium,   I'll  make it simple  for you and give you a  link  to  click.  Litvinenko isn't the  only  one to  die  or end  up   in  a  Russian  prison  because he opposed  Putin.


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1 hour ago, davefrombc said:

Randy , to  see  the difference between  seeing  Putin  as  a hunting /  fishing  friend or  one  you  can trust at  all just  search on  " Putin  polonium "  if  you  don't recall  events in  the  UK  in 2006 that  Putin was  accused of  ordering.

What I have against Putin  is that those that  don't agree with  him  or actively oppose him   have a  strange  habit of turning up  dead.  Putin  is ruthless  in his control  of Russia, and in his  desire  to   hold sway  over  other  nations.

If  you  didn't  bother  to  search on Putin  and  polonium,   I'll  make it simple  for you and give you a  link  to  click.  Litvinenko isn't the  only  one to  die  or end  up   in  a  Russian  prison  because he opposed  Putin.


I did search.  I read:

During his time in London, Litvinenko wrote two books, Blowing Up Russia: Terror from Within and Lubyanka Criminal Group, wherein he accused the Russian secret services of staging the Russian apartment bombings and other terrorism acts in an effort to bring Vladimir Putin to power. He also accused Putin of ordering the murder in October 2006 of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya.

So I figured it's about censorship.

The assassination of Anna Politkovskaya (born 1958), a Russian journalist, writer and human rights activist, took place on 7 October 2006. She was known for her opposition to the Chechen conflict and for criticism of Vladimir Putin.[1][2] She authored several books about the Chechen wars, as well as Putin's Russia, and received numerous international awards for her work. Her murder, believed to be a contract killing, sparked a strong international reaction.

The US does things like that too.  Some accuse the CIA of killing Kennedy and are currently worried about Trump's safety.  All the stories I've read about people being "suicided" in the US over the last year bear little distinction from what Putin is being accused of.

We just don't know the whole story.  Putin is far from Stalin, I think.  We also can't tell if Putin did the killing or if someone else did to set Putin up.  These things are rabbit holes.

Anyway, I think when Stephan Colbert pokes fun at Trump for taking orders from Putin, it's sensationalized.  He's not really taking orders and Putin isn't a big threat, but "Russia" is an emotionally-charged word hearkening from the coldwar period you mentioned in an effort to stigmatize people no different than calling folks "socialists" as a way to rally the mob against someone.  Now if he were friendly with Kim Jong Un, that would be a different story.

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On ‎1‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 10:32 PM, JustRandy said:



I've noticed wherever I go (news sites, financial sites, youtube, atvs, bikes, whatever) it seems to be dominated by conservatives.  How is it that more people voted for Hillary when I rarely see a Hillary supporter?  Do liberals not get online?  Where are they? 


They are in the cemeteries. 

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On ‎1‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 0:43 PM, davefrombc said:


What I have against Putin  is that those that  don't agree with  him  or actively oppose him   have a  strange  habit of turning up  dead.  Putin  is ruthless  in his control  of Russia, and in his  desire  to   hold sway  over  other  nations.



Have you seen the list of mysteriously dead people associated with the Clinton's??

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No deer~ when obama got elected I asked ppl if they voted for him. NOT 1 said they did.

To answer on the liberal question~ they are embarrassed. In my 58 years I have yet to see the dems be for the working ppl like they claim. Yet they keep voting in the ones that bend them over the most.

I wear my trump hat and everyone says they like it and that they voted for him.

Dave, clinton innocent of the things she was accused of??? Same as trump. Both are guilty of SOME of the rhetoric.

The wife looked up on clinton. At least 2 books from former staff  explaining that -> Behind the lines she treats the ppl around her lower than dirt. When Matt Lauer (NBC) unexpectedly asked about the emails, she was furious. Got off stage and mother F'd her staff and Lauer,F-er is going to loose his job. Went on and on f-bombing the NBC uppers. She isn't 1/2 of what you claim to know about her.

Clinton has killed more ppl that ebola.

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As far as pence, really? If he could do 1/2 for America that he did for his state, we'd be in great shape. I look foreward to a Pence presidency.

IMO just another example of how dave doesn't give the republicans the same effort in educating himself as dems. One sided. Trumps allegations are all true, non on killary's side.

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We'll see  who is  looking through foggy  glasses  beginning tomorrow.

As far  as  Clinton being involved in suspicious deaths , all  the accusations against her  are coming  from  the ERW;  even  family  members of the victims  discount any  involvement by the  Clintons.

Clinton  may be, and  most likely  is guilty of a quick temper..  I  know a lot of people  who  are,  but that does not  make her  guilty  of  murder  or any other  illegal  activity. She has not been tried,  let  alone convicted  of anything .. Trump,  on the  other  hand  has been tried and convicted  of bad business  practices,  and faces  more accusations in court than any  other President in history.

You  have  a  very  one sided  and  not very  accurate view of what the  two  political  parties  have done  for the    common   guy  over their  administrations.  There  have been  good and  bad  on  both sides, and the  leanings  of the  Dems  and  GOP  have made a  nearly 180  degree swap  since the  '60's..  The  GOP   was the  party  of the  people, and the  Dems ,  especially  the   Good  ole  boy  Southern  Dems  were  the segregationists  and party  of the elite..  Now the roles  have  been  reversed, and that reversal  started  in the  60's.

Try  doing some reading   and news watching in the  main stream  and stay away  from the   extremists. . That  advice  is for those  on  both  sides of the political  fence.  The truth  is out there , but you won't get it from the  likes  of  Breitbart or  any of the  others  who   wrap themselves in the flag  and spout  conspiracy theories  and outright  lies  for  sensationalism. 

Of the  popular  news  services ,  Fox  is the least  likely  to  stick to  facts, although  the others  tend to  favor  one  view  or the  other  to  some degree.

The  same can  be said  of those  on the  far  left.  There  are  the  far  left  nut case  publications both in  print and online  that  are  no  better  with fact and truth then  those on the far right.

Edited by davefrombc
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OMG, I can't believe it! WTF is Trump going to do without 2 democratic flamers watching? Good for you guys.

The smackdown starts now! LOL

We will have better health care and we need it. I went to a dam osteopath for my vasectomy. All it did was change the baby's color.

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On 1/20/2017 at 11:02 AM, JustRandy said:

I was surprised to see Jimmy Carter.  He's gotta be the oldest one there!


Me too, I was surprised as well.

On 1/20/2017 at 4:03 PM, davefrombc said:

Now time will  tell   if  I  get to say   "I told you so".. I  sincerely  hope I'm  wrong and  he  proves to be  a good President,  but to say  I'm skeptical  would be putting it very mildly.

I think everyone needs to give him a chance and then vote him out if it's no good.

On 1/20/2017 at 6:26 PM, LT80 said:

We will have better health care and we need it. I went to a dam osteopath for my vasectomy. All it did was change the baby's color.

I agree, healthcare will be better and pockets will be hit less. All the non-trumpers should be happy you have businesses looking to now invest in America; Qualcomm, Ford, GM, etc..and there will be more and many more people taking risk to start businesses that aren't dot.coms.

On another note, drives me crazy to see some of these activist actresses saying "he's not my president"...Move to another country then or start your own...lol. They should stick to their movies and not pretend to understand the working class American and our struggles. 

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On 1/22/2017 at 6:15 PM, quadmaniac said:

Me too, I was surprised as well.

Grandpa is 4 months older than Carter and looks about the same, but not quite as healthy.  He just got out of surgery today and still waiting to hear from the dr.


On another note, drives me crazy to see some of these activist actresses saying "he's not my president"...Move to another country then or start your own...lol. They should stick to their movies and not pretend to understand the working class American and our struggles. 

"He's not my president" is one giant ad hominem attack instead of protesting one specific issue they object to.  It's depressing seeing such little intellectual development, but certainly emotional, in light of all the technological progress we've made.  I hope Trump can clean up the mess with his newfound "dictatorial powers."

I'm referencing this:


Because, if there is any truth to this https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2010/12/27/feminism-responsible-for-the-fall-of-rome/

Then I think a dictator is the only thing that can stop the inevitable because the majority of voters are completely looney.


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LOL  Randy ..  That's some  "alternate facts" that site  uses   to describe the  fall  of  Rome. There  were  several  factors  that led to Rome's downfall,  but none of them  had anything to  do  with feminism  or effeminism . .  LOL...  I would suggest  some  real  study  of history, and you won't find  any of it  on those sites  you seem to  like to  hang  out  on for    your information.

 If you really study  ancient civilizations  you'll find   several advanced for the time   ones  that  were  supplanted  by  Rome,  and   that Rome was supplanted  by a ruler that  had a  much  larger  empire  at  its  peak that  was not based on civilization  and  knowledge, but  on pure  brutal  military  power.

Edited by davefrombc
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18 hours ago, davefrombc said:

LOL  Randy ..  That's some  "alternate facts" that site  uses   to describe the  fall  of  Rome. There  were  several  factors  that led to Rome's downfall,  but none of them  had anything to  do  with feminism  or effeminism . .  LOL...  I would suggest  some  real  study  of history, and you won't find  any of it  on those sites  you seem to  like to  hang  out  on for    your information.

 If you really study  ancient civilizations  you'll find   several advanced for the time   ones  that  were  supplanted  by  Rome,  and   that Rome was supplanted  by a ruler that  had a  much  larger  empire  at  its  peak that  was not based on civilization  and  knowledge, but  on pure  brutal  military  power.

I've not found any information to lead me to otherwise opinion.

Molyneux received a B.A. in History from McGill University in 1991 and an M.A. in History from University of Toronto in 1993. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan_Molyneux


FWD to 2:17:00 if you don't want to listen to all of it.  He makes the claim that the increase in the influence of women in public life has often been associated with national decline.  A similar situation was observed in the Arab empire.

It may have nothing to do with feminism per se, but that as empires become more successful, they get more liberal in general and that leads to their fall.

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If they  find any significant voter fraud , I would contend it would be on the  part of ERW conservatives , and should nullify the  election .. Unfortunately there is nothing in the  US Constitution  to   mandate  a redo of an election no matter how badly it was compromised.  You are stuck with Trump  and his "team"   for 4 years . . You  can  impeach , but those down the line of succession  from  him  don't really offer  any improvement.

The fact is ,  even  if they find voter fraud , there  is no way  of telling who the  fraudsters  supported,  so  my  contention it was done by  Conservatives  is  just as valid , and   I believe moreso  than  by  "Liberals "

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12 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

If they  find any significant voter fraud , I would contend it would be on the  part of ERW conservatives , and should nullify the  election .. Unfortunately there is nothing in the  US Constitution  to   mandate  a redo of an election no matter how badly it was compromised.  You are stuck with Trump  and his "team"   for 4 years . . You  can  impeach , but those down the line of succession  from  him  don't really offer  any improvement.

The fact is ,  even  if they find voter fraud , there  is no way  of telling who the  fraudsters  supported,  so  my  contention it was done by  Conservatives  is  just as valid , and   I believe moreso  than  by  "Liberals "

"Von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow and manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at the Heritage Foundation, said voter fraud is prevalent enough that it could make the difference in a close election. The Heritage Foundation, he said, has recorded 430 cases of voter fraud -- proven cases where someone was convicted or a judge ordered a new election.

A former FEC commissioner and counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights at the U.S. Justice Department, von Spakovsky said California is of particular concern because of the rising number of noncitizens illegally registering and voting in elections, as well as the “terrible shape” the voter registration rolls are in." http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/03/voter-fraud-california-man-finds-dozens-ballots-stacked-outside-home.html

Apparently it can be done.

Anyway, fraud, if it exists, would be on the democrats' part for sure.  One look at the protests will tell you that these people would do anything to get their way.

This guy goes undercover in drag to interview them and found they don't even know what they're protesting about.  They just need someone to hate.

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Have you tried seeing what  mainstream sites  say  about voter fraud?.... and  of those convicted of fraud,  how  many  were  Dems  and how  many were   GOP?  Any fraud committed  would not be  from   only  one side.  Voter  fraud,  of which  I also  consider  voter suppression  a  part  of,  is far  more in the  bailiwick  of the  GOP  than the  Dems .

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10 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Have you tried seeing what  mainstream sites  say  about voter fraud?....

Fox news is not mainstream?  Or is mainstream only defined as "against Trump"?


and  of those convicted of fraud,  how  many  were  Dems  and how  many were   GOP?  Any fraud committed  would not be  from   only  one side. 

No clue.   My guess, based on evidence, is the Dems far outweigh GOP in fraud.


Voter  fraud,  of which  I also  consider  voter suppression  a  part  of,  is far  more in the  bailiwick  of the  GOP  than the  Dems .

Any evidence or rationale for that conjecture?  Or are you saying that because you'd like it to be true?

I don't consider myself member of either party and generally think GOP are dumber than Dems, but I don't think they are as crazy and therefore not as likely to commit fraud.  Plus they are religious.  I'd suspect someone displaying jesus in a jar of urine of fraud before considering someone going to church every sunday, but I could be wrong.  The Dems lack any moral foundation because "anything goes" with them.  GOP tends to have values they adhere to, which aggravates the Dems and is pretty much the reason for their existence.  Without conservatism, there would be no tyranny to be free from.

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I  am  a member  of neither  party too.  I  am  Canadian, and I am  not a  member of any of  our  parties here either.

Don't confuse  going to  church or  proclamations of being  Christian with honesty or any  of the social  mores  Jesus  preached.  Most of what   He  preached of social  responsibilities to  His fellow  man are dismissed  as that evil  socialism by   right  wing "Christians".   I'll  leave it to  your fellow  Americans to  point out the  voter suppression in varying degrees  in their  states.

Some of the  most evil  men  in  history  have  claimed to  be  Christian, and some  of the  people  who  most followed the social  mores  preached  by  Christ were  atheists. 

When  you  look at the basic tenets of all  the religions , you'll  find out  they all are basically the  same. The  rituals of the   "Big Three" (Jewish, Christian  and  Moslem) all  pray to the  same  God,  but with  different rituals, and their basic values  are the  same..  It  is only  in  how the  Scriptures of each  are interpreted  and applied  with  cultural  influence  that  you see much difference.  It  is  only when  you see the  extremists and  hypocrites in each of them  do  you see  those religions  corrupted  into  what  they  are not.

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1 hour ago, davefrombc said:

I  am  a member  of neither  party too.  I  am  Canadian, and I am  not a  member of any of  our  parties here either.

Don't confuse  going to  church or  proclamations of being  Christian with honesty or any  of the social  mores  Jesus  preached.  Most of what   He  preached of social  responsibilities to  His fellow  man are dismissed  as that evil  socialism by   right  wing "Christians".   I'll  leave it to  your fellow  Americans to  point out the  voter suppression in varying degrees  in their  states.

Some of the  most evil  men  in  history  have  claimed to  be  Christian, and some  of the  people  who  most followed the social  mores  preached  by  Christ were  atheists. 

When  you  look at the basic tenets of all  the religions , you'll  find out  they all are basically the  same. The  rituals of the   "Big Three" (Jewish, Christian  and  Moslem) all  pray to the  same  God,  but with  different rituals, and their basic values  are the  same..  It  is only  in  how the  Scriptures of each  are interpreted  and applied  with  cultural  influence  that  you see much difference.  It  is  only when  you see the  extremists and  hypocrites in each of them  do  you see  those religions  corrupted  into  what  they  are not.

I made the claim that religious people are more likely to be moral and you basically said "yeah, but I know a guy..."

Molyneux made a video about that very thing and said if someone claims asian people are shorter on average than blacks, then someone who says, "Yeah, but I know a chinese guy who is tall" isn't making an argument.

So what if some religious people were immoral?  It's doesn't disprove my premise, which is the left is tolerant of everyone.  You could drink the blood of aborted fetuses by the light of the moon and the left will stand behind your right to do it.  The only thing the left can't stand is Christianity because it's a religion that claims things are wrong.

Sure, some lefties are moral and some righties are immoral, but that doesn't negate my premise.  To do that, you'd have to show something the left rejects as morally wrong as a group because that's the only way they could have a moral foundation.  You can't have a moral foundation where there is no such thing as right and wrong.  Moreover, the left seems to go one step further and claims a moral foundation is, itself, morally wrong because then you'd be a judgmental and intolerant person.

And my point is if someone has a proclivity for immoral behavior, they're more likely to join the left than the right.  If there is voter fraud, it's more likely to come from the left.  Exceptions notwithstanding.

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18 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Religion  has nothing to do  with morality.  Your premise  is false.

My premise is false because you say so.  LOL!

Because they just have to have their way.

Molyneux's subscriptions are going up by 1-2000 per day.  I thank God for that.  Maybe between Trump and education on critical thinking, we can turn fate around.

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