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2020 Presidential Election Discussion Thread

2020 Presidential Election Poll  

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  1. 1. Vote for your choice for the next President of the United States

    • Donald Trump (For Re-Election)
    • Joe Biden

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Far too many fail to realize it is foreign trade that pays the bills at home .. American  industry and agriculture would be in terrible shape if they could only deal  in domestic markets . every country  depends on trade with other countries. It's what pays the big bills and employs people .  When you have friends and family on both sides of the border  and  your job depends  on  international  trade  you  also  should   understand  at least something about others . Yes,  quadmaniac  I know a little  about US  education.  As I said it's hard not to when you have family and friends in both countries .  I  don't  know how it is  now  but I would guess it  isn't a lot different when  I was in school in the '50's.  Most of our text books were  printed in the  US and very heavy  with US content  with a nod to  our own  history  and a mention there were other countries ut there somewhere.

The right  in the US  likes to vilify anyone in the center and  left. Accusations against the Clintons, , Biden  and others before them  are constantly being made without a shred of evidence of wrongdoing  despite  investigation after investigation. Mention  social  reforms and programs that benefit all , not  just the rich  and you get the screams  of  "SOCIALISM,  COMMUNISM"  without  any understanding of  what  both of those  systems are and  that they  are unworkable  except in very small  communities,  but the   military / industrial  powers  have used those scare words to  keep control  for the last century.  Social  programs  and social  responsibility are  not  communism  ... and democracy  is a  form  of socialism.  Without socialism  you do not have a society.  Where do you think the word came from?   If you are a Christian  and believe in Christ's principles and teaching  then if you put them  into   practice , you are practicing  socialism.   tRump   has been dividing the country  not  for any particular agenda.  He is a narcissist, thinking only of himself .He   has no empathy , or responsibility . Everything he does   is to try to enhance himself and he  couldn't care less   who  it  hurts as long as he gets what he wants . He  is a product of the worst of America , not the best.

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Yup.. Here it's big business that does nearly all the exporting, and they pay most of the taxes.. and dividends. And it's the taxes, corporate and private, that give us a free health system, education, social security, and all the infrastructure...

And we have good relations, and cooperative trade arrangements, that benefit everyone involved.  

Not only that.. People like Kiwis.. We go on peacekeeping missions.. armed with guitars, not guns..  Haha.. seriously.. We send out male and female peacekeepers and they leave their guns behind..  And it works, where years and years of armed attempts have failed..

And we've got the "America's Cup"... hehe.


I'll shut up now...

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1 hour ago, Mech said:

And it's the taxes, corporate and private, that give us a free health system, education, social security, and all the infrastructure...

US - 37% individual top rate, 21% corporate, 0% sales tax, 15.3% social security of which employer pays half.

Canada - 33% individual top rate, 26.5% corporate, 5% sales tax, 14% social security of which employer pays over half.

New Zealand - 33% individual top rate, 28% corporate, 15% sales tax, employee pays 8% and employers pays 3% social security tax.


New Zealand taxes the poor more than US and Canada.

It takes a decade to become a NZ citizen, but billionaires are instant.  Kiwis should wise up.

I don't think any US state has more than a 10% sales tax and it's usually only in states with zero income tax.

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Most people pay a lot less personal tax than that site you cite says. I was self employed and paid about ten percent. My sons are both self employed and pay about ten percent. We don't have a social security tax. We have a voluntary retirement fund you can join, and the govt and employer both contribute if you do. We have a tax on consumption, called GST, it's 15%.  We pay a tax on land we own which pays for local infrastructure, libraries, pools, non-highway roading, public halls etc.

We have very few homeless people living on the street, and they are often doing it by choice.. mostly young people. Health care is free and income support is available to all. The govt pays a pension fund to everyone over 65 no matter your circumstances.The govt has public housing which at the moment is short of houses following a big sell off a few years ago of old stock. There's a building initiative on at the moment to correct that, in the meantime they are providing "emergency housing", in motels.

People in New Zealand are well taken care of and there is practically no racial or any other sort of discrimination. Discrimination because of race, religion, sexuality, or impairment of any sort is banned and enforced by law.

Most people enjoy a good standard of living.


Edited by Mech
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So tell me what your grudge with New Zealand is, and I'll see if I can answer them for you.

I'm not sure what the relevance of citizenship is unless you think we are sellouts for money.. We aren't. We are an independent lot..  Check out our nuclear free policies which was one source of disagreement with America when we first implemented it. America seems to have accepted we make our own choices. Check out our policies on free trade. We are very careful to remain independent on all matters on the world stage, and get respected for it.

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And just to reiterate J, and others, my beef with the ex-big T is that's he's been trying to curb free trade, which effects us down here, and that he's a threat to world peace, which effects us down here

If you think we, little old New Zealand, is stepping on your toes in some way. well I'm happy to discuss that.. 

Fire away with any genuine concerns or criticisms..

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The top rate taxes have little bearing on the real world taxes paid . Those top rates are on net  income after all deductions.  Far too many  millionaires  pay  less income taxes  than the  cashiers at  local stores  or  service workers . Far to  many corporations that  were profitable end up  paying zero  taxes  and claim subsidies  in both the  US  and  Canada.  There's  another factor  never  considered in  when surveys comparing taxes  are quoted.  What are those taxes paying for ?   How  much goes  into social programs and infrastructure,  things that benefit everyone  and  how  much goes into  military spending in the desire to be the  dominant  power in the world?  How many  of those tax dollars go into   programs  that help internationally  and build friends for the country  and how  much of it is spent  on actions bringing hatred  to  those trying to  dominate and exploit other countries resources ?

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I believe you guys Dave have a similar relationship with the Americans, to what we have with the Aussies across the ditch from us. They view us as the poor country cousins, and a bit slow, and we think they're load arrogant and brash..  Not saying any of it's true though..

It makes for a bit of good friendly rivalry and kidding..  As it should be.

The Aussies are always trying to win the rugby against us, and the cricket, and basketball, and sailing, and they like to claim our race horses as celebrities as their own... We let them sometimes.. 

I think you should cut your buddies over there some slack..

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1 hour ago, Mech said:

Most people pay a lot less personal tax than that site you cite says.

That is true anywhere, but the point is to show the tax on the rich and compare it to the tax on the poor across different countries.

1 hour ago, Mech said:

We don't have a social security tax.

Then what is this?  https://tradingeconomics.com/new-zealand/social-security-rate

The Kiwisaver Rate in New Zealand stands at 11 percent. source: New Zealand Inland Revenue Department

1 hour ago, Mech said:

We have a tax on consumption, called GST, it's 15%.

That's sales tax.  Europe calls it a VAT tax.  It's a tax on the poor.  If someone has zero income, they pay no tax on income, but they still pay sales tax.

1 hour ago, Mech said:

We pay a tax on land we own which pays for local infrastructure

Same in the US.  Schools are funded through property taxes until retirement when the school tax is waived.

1 hour ago, Mech said:

We have very few homeless people living on the street, and they are often doing it by choice.. mostly young people.

Hmm.. maybe because of suicide?  “Horrendous” increase in New Zealand suicide rates  https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2019/09/09/nzsu-s09.html

1 hour ago, Mech said:

practically no racial or any other sort of discrimination.

Yeah but NZ is not very diverse.  "As at the 2018 census, the majority of New Zealand's population is of European descent (70 percent), with the indigenous Māori being the largest minority (16.5 percent), followed by Asians (15.3 percent), and non-Māori Pacific Islanders (9.0 percent)."

2 hours ago, Mech said:

Discrimination because of race, religion, sexuality, or impairment of any sort is banned and enforced by law.

Same in the US.

1 hour ago, Mech said:

So tell me what your grudge with New Zealand is, and I'll see if I can answer them for you.

Nothing really.  I just didn't care for the way kiwis dutifully handed in their rifles in response to one shooting and based on others I've talked to who live there, there is quite a bit of poverty.  You brought up the taxes funding healthcare and I was just pointing out that the tax situation is not too different across the 3 countries, so the US doesn't have free healthcare for reasons other than taxes.  And NZ taxes the poor too heavy in my opinion.

2 hours ago, Mech said:

I'm not sure what the relevance of citizenship is unless you think we are sellouts for money

Well yeah, you are.  NZ is where billionaires have their bunkers.  I watched a documentary on it and discovered it takes 10 years to become a citizen unless you're a billionaire.  The NZ gov doesn't even acknowledge the existence of the bunkers.

so people are upset that Peter Thiel got
a citizenship in 12 days, do you think
it's fair that people like him should be
able to buy their citizenship in New
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1 hour ago, davefrombc said:

The top rate taxes have little bearing on the real world taxes paid

All good points but I was just trying to compare the 3 countries in terms of burdens on the rich vs the poor.  Do you know of a better way of doing that than to quote the top rate for income taxes and compare to the sales taxes?

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And you don't need to be a billionaire to come here, or even a millionaire.


Not that that has anything to do with this discussion.

Would you like to come live here Randy ?


You just need some useful skills.. Useful to us that is.

And tell me how N.Z. is possibly impinging on your safety or lifestyle.. 

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8 minutes ago, JustRandy said:


Well I'm not rich, not by our standards or your countries..But I'm happy, and enjoy a good life.. I reckon that's what's important..

8 minutes ago, JustRandy said:

All good points but I was just trying to compare the 3 countries in terms of burdens on the rich vs the poor.  Do you know of a better way of doing that than to quote the top rate for income taxes and compare to the sales taxes?


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1 minute ago, Mech said:

So how exactly is any of that impinging on your lifestyle or security ?

Me?  Nothing.  You were holding NZ up as a model to mimic and I'm challenging that notion.  That's all.

I was watching that video again and they were describing quite a bit of poverty and a housing shortage while many homes are empty because they're owned by the rich who never spend time there.

1 minute ago, Mech said:

And you don't need to be a billionaire to come here, or even a millionaire.

In the video they said it took 12 years for their friends to get citizenship and didn't think it's fair that Peter Thiel could buy his way in.  If billionaires can buy citizenship then NZ is for sale and corrupt.  I'd be concerned about that.

Anyway it's getting late on this side of the pond so I'll check in tomorrow.  I don't mean to sound like I have something against NZ.

2 minutes ago, Mech said:

Well I'm not rich, not by our standards or your countries..But I'm happy, and enjoy a good life.. I reckon that's what's important..

Yep, I reckon that too :)

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6 hours ago, JustRandy said:

All good points but I was just trying to compare the 3 countries in terms of burdens on the rich vs the poor.  Do you know of a better way of doing that than to quote the top rate for income taxes and compare to the sales taxes?

Yes Randy . A better way is to compare the actual taxes paid as a percentage of real income  as opposed to the top rates that you know  are v very , very  seldom ever paid.

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I also  find it very ironic that so  many of tRumps inner circle have been charged and convicted of the very crimes the  extreme right  are constantly accusing the Dems of without any  evidence of misconduct on their part.  How many of Obama's administration were convicted or left office  because of illegal  activity?  How many lawsuits has tRump  faced  over his business practices compared to  Biden and his family? Finally,  will the "unindicted co-conspirator"  face the charges among many  others I'm sure are pending tRump leaving the White House?

17 days to go.

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On 10/18/2020 at 3:23 PM, davefrombc said:

Medicare for all is really Obamacare under another name. Biden is a lot more middle of the road than Bernie. You can see that by how the far left cry he is on theright and a supporter of the rich over them ; and the right cry he is taking everyone to  "socialism"  The left have to face reality that the right is going to be kicking and screaming at any move towards a single payer, medicare for all. It has to be done a step at a time just as it has been done in every other western nation. Ours has been a work in progress since 1947 and it is still evolving with our right wing Conservatives trying to gut it and bring back private insurance, A lot of the attempts by the right to take us back are funded to  some extent by the US  private healthcare industry.

I must say I see a lot of Jimmy Dore Utubes posted up  in other forums I'm  in  and  they all twist the truth and facts  to  an ERW slant.  Dore , Carlson , Hannity  and most of Fox "news" are all as full  of it as a major stockyard

There are others that may have been  a better choice than Biden, but for the realists that see improvements to healthcare and other social issues can  only be achieved through middle of the road policies that neither too far left  at once nor allow the right to  continue as it  has. America has been  kept divided  and controlled by the military / industrial complex through their "anti-socialism"  rhetoric and scare tactics  for  the  last century.  Changing that  doesn't come swiftly or painlessly.  Americans have been  told the lies so long they are  very reluctant to  realize they are not the truth.













Are you from Canada? 

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Yes, I  am Canadian  living in Canada with no desire to  live in the US.  As I've said  many times in this and other forums ,  I also  have friends and family in the US.  I  am not anti- American  as some seem to think.  I am against the extremists on both the right  and on the left ..... in both the US  and Canada.  We are not immune from  some of the warts we share  with our sister country to the south of us .  We  are children of a common  mother. As such  we can be proud  of the good we do, but must also acknowledge our faults and strive to eliminate them , not hide them  while demanding better of everyone else.

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Morning(well it is here)..

Ok Randy..To address some of the things you raised.. First off, we all need to be wary about what we read online, or see on t.v.

That taxation web site you quoted from has some mistakes in it as I've said. I see it's a .com, which to my understanding means it's a business organisation. Perhaps it has a reason for saying the things it does. Here in N.Z. our official govt websites all end in .co.nz. or .govt.co.nz. I believe that's quite the normal practice with most countries. The taxes are as I stated, and we have no social security tax. "Kiwisaver" is the voluntary saving/pension scheme that I mentioned. As I also mentioned though, the govt pays everyone over 65 a pension regardless of their financial situation. If you want to check, and it would be a good idea because I'm quite likely to be out of date with a lot of what I'm saying, then check the official .govt.co.nz web sites.

Schools here, and the lower level education system, is paid for by central govt and out of income taxes. University education is a balance of funded and paid for, depending on a persons families circumstances . Our land tax is only for services in the local area and mostly as I stated earlier.

The documentary you watched..  We don't let people buy citizenship. As I said, we will let people come into the country and reside here, either temporarily, or long term, if they have an identified skill that the country needs. We need to have a demonstrable shortage of that skill, and have the shortage accepted by the govt for that to apply. We also allow people in if they bring money to invest in a business that benefits the people of the country. The amount used to be approximately half a million, and again they can get residency. A common and popular sort of business is to buy a farm. To buy a farm you need to prove that you are going to bring benefits to the country that are above and beyond the benefits that would arise from it being in a New Zealander's ownership. Residency though Randy, in both cases, is not citizenship. To gain citizenship you need to be here a certain amount of time, it used to be seven years, and then you have to apply, you have to convince the govt of your good character, and then attend a ceremony in which you pledge allegiance to the country.

Bunkers.. Yes we'd let someone build a bunker. People have underground "bunkers" for wine, pool/billiard rooms, car parks, a variety of things. If they want it to be legal they would need a building permit. If they want to live in it, we'd let them if the thing they built satisfied our building code for dwellings. That though I think would be very difficult to do. It would need adequate ventilation, heating, water and sewage, drainage, insulation, and probably the most difficult, natural lighting. All I'm sure possible, and allowable if a person really wants to do it. If they satisfy all the requirements, we'd let them.. but we'd think it very strange and most of us would view it as a little sad that a person would come here to live a life like that.. In Australia though people do live like that, because it's cool in their deserts. Personal choice I guess. If someone came and built an underground bunker illegally before they had citizenship, they'd be breaking the law and would probably fail the character test for citizenship.

Suicide, and social issues, as with all countries we have our problems.

The guns. Yes I agree that was unreasonable. It got quite good support though and I think it was in part because of our leader. We don't elect leaders, we elect people to govt, and then the political party, or coalition of parties in power, vote for who's going to be leader. Our current leader ran for parliament as a political part member,  and her personal campaign was that she would bring "transparency" and "kindness", to parliament. As leader, she was determined to make the country a family safe place. As the leader she was determined to make the country safe from the virus. She is very popular and she managed to achieve her aims as regards guns and the virus. I don't think anyone in N.Z. needs fully automatic weapons. I think the limits on gun styles and magazine sizes was excessive though. Perhaps this a potential issue of national safety for us, but not you, and I think it pales into insignificance compared to T's rhetoric towards "Rocketman", and China.

So, yes Randy, our two countries have different social policies, and probably neither is perfect, both have shortfalls and both have advantages, but up unto now both countries have been working towards a world of peace and free trade and with world health as an objective. As see it, your ex-president has done immense damage to these things, and the damage and dangers he's bought about effects my country and yours, which is why I condemn him. You can critisise our social issues and choices, but they aren't issues that effect you, and it's not addressing the issues that are effecting me.

As I understand it your country has suffered a lot of hardship through his actions. He's put you all at greater risk of war and the virus. If you have no regard for anyone outside the United States of America, you should at least care for your own country and it's people... That is the first and foremost requirement of patriotism surely.

I'm interested to hear how you see it Randy, how you think he's benefited or or bettered your country, how he's benefited the world, but not in comparison to this country, only in relationship to how your country and the world was before him. I don't think he's made America great again.. not at all.. Tell me how you see it.

And peace, and good health to you all over there.


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First calm down you are pushing your views on other even though you don't think so and I get it you are allowed to say what you want but I ask you to think before you speak. Here in American most of us don't want to be told or have sh** pushed down are throats and the way you talk sounds alot like my liberal son that went to college and had all sorts of crap put into his head. And you might be be child of a common mother but not my mother as I have grown up to do as I want. So think of what you say before you push your thought on other. By all means I am not saying your a bad guy you are probably a good guy I not sure you understand that you are being a bully using social media. 

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11 hours ago, davefrombc said:

A better way is to compare the actual taxes paid as a percentage of real income  as opposed to the top rates that you know  are v very , very  seldom ever paid.

Yes but I can't do that because I have no access to such precise data in other countries.  And I think comparing the top rates is still indicative of what the rich pay because the assumption is that they avoid taxes equally across the 3 countries.

US - 37% individual top rate, 21% corporate, 0% sales tax, 15.3% social security of which employer pays half.

Canada - 33% individual top rate, 26.5% corporate, 5% sales tax, 14% social security of which employer pays over half.

Do you really think there is a significant difference in what the rich pay in those 2 countries?

I've already done the research for the US:


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Ok. Fair enough.

I take it all back and apologise.. 

So you guys just get two candidates and have to choose one ?  No other parties big enough to be contenders ?

I guess you had a read.. We don't get to vote for a leader, but there are always plenty of potentials..


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1 minute ago, Mech said:

So you guys just get two candidates and have to choose one ?

Yeah pretty much.  The RNC picks their representative and the DNC picks their representative and then the people picks one of them.  Every time a 3rd party gets support it just sways support to their worst enemy.  In 1992 Perot cost Bush the election and gave us Clinton.  Perot voters would have voted for Bush if not for Perot.  In 2000 Nader cost Gore the election and gave us Bush Jr.  Nader voters would have voted for Gore if not for Nader.  And in the early 1900s Teddy Roosevelt got mad at Taft so he formed the Bull Moose Party which split the republican vote and gave us Wilson.  3rd parties never work, so we pick the lesser of 2 evils.

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