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2020 Presidential Election Discussion Thread

2020 Presidential Election Poll  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your choice for the next President of the United States

    • Donald Trump (For Re-Election)
    • Joe Biden

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I heard from two people at work yesterday that shared stories of someone sick in the ER and had the vaccine.  Another one has a sister that works in the ER and a majority of the sick are vaccinated according to her but its not being reported, for whatever reason. I think what's happening is that people that got the vaccine 4-6+ months ago are getting sick and the the GOV knows this, hence the boosters. Everyday the media reports on someone famous getting ill and was vaccinated. Its all over twitter and facebook as well, which changes the narrative and reduces public trust. I even think someone sent out a "memo" to the media to stop saying the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" because we don't hear it as much the past two weeks because the eye opener is that the vaccinated are getting sick. It's a problem and people are pissed.

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32 minutes ago, quadmaniac said:

shared stories of someone sick in the ER and had the vaccine. 

Yep I'd be pissed if I took two rounds of vaccine and still ended up in the ER.  Does anyone at least feel like their symptoms are less severe?  It's hard to imagine so if they're in the ER.

39 minutes ago, quadmaniac said:

Its all over twitter and facebook as well, which changes the narrative and reduces public trust.

There's a red wave coming.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
7 hours ago, davefrombc said:

The Washington Post’s forensic findings are unlikely to resolve that debate, offering instead only the limited revelation that some of the data on the portable drive appears to be authentic.

At some point, left wingers will not be able to spin this stuff, its just getting to difficult to protect the Bidens. Even if the word "the" was authenticated as Hunter's, it pours cold water on your doubt mentioned earlier, that's all I was pointing out. Every democrat and left leaning media pundit were so quick to say no its not his....just saying. Kind of hard to argue and say the Russians planted it there.

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I wouldn't trust WaPo to tell me the time of day.  I haven't seen truth from that outlet in years.

Occam's razor says the simplest explanation is the correct one.

The left won't be convinced about Biden just like the right wasn't convinced about Trump.  Dear Leader can never err.

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/14/2022 at 8:13 AM, JayJ3 said:

Anyone think Trump will run again and put a proper hit on Putin and make him the next Bin Laden 🤣🤣🤣

I hope he doesn't, it will split the party. He doesn't have to, really. He's installing his operatives in congress during the mid-terms.

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6 hours ago, Dngrs1 said:

I hope he doesn't, it will split the party. He doesn't have to, really. He's installing his operatives in congress during the mid-terms.

I hope he does and if it splits the party they get what they deserve. Trump is the only one that turned the downward slide of America around and showed us what we could be when set free. They couldn't let that stand and now we have exactly the same problems we had under Obama. This country needs someone like Trump to take all the arrows and push unleash the free market again. i just wish he didn't troll the press so much. Too many people think he's serious when he's cracking jokes at/about them and himself.

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19 minutes ago, Wrapitall said:

Trump is the only one that turned the downward slide of America around

If Trump had lost in 2016 then covid and all the censorship would not have happened.  And I wouldn't be paying 10% tax on all internet purchases for the rest of my life.

For 20 years I paid no internet sales tax until Trump appointed Gorsuch.  The Obama judges voted against it.

Life would be much better now if Trump had never existed.

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2 hours ago, JustRandy said:

If Trump had lost in 2016 then covid and all the censorship would not have happened.  And I wouldn't be paying 10% tax on all internet purchases for the rest of my life.

For 20 years I paid no internet sales tax until Trump appointed Gorsuch.  The Obama judges voted against it.

Life would be much better now if Trump had never existed.

You probably don't know it, but the internet tax thing was in motion back in 1991. Ebay had been fighting it along with the Electronics Frontier Foundation since day one, but states were "missing out" on all that revenue and they didn't like it one bit. It's actually a very interesting read.


The biggest problem is that the rule in a previous case said "No physical presence, no taxes BECAUSE it was too hard to know how much to collect (undue burden) for each state. With the Kennedy statement that things were different now in 2015, South Dakota was like, "Dude, Kennedy said we should try again!" so they did as fast as they could, which happened to land at the supreme court in 2016.

I also hate paying sales tax online. And in some smaller websites you still don't have to (because they just dont, not because it's legal). But if the only reason you could get away without paying tax was "undue burden' to find the tax rates, then yeah...sadly the ruling was right.

The thing that should have happened is for Congress to immediately write a law saying that taxes could not be charged for interstate commerce. That would have killed it immediately, but as we see Politicians only care about donors.

As for Trump, I think I've saved more than enough in gas, made more than enough in my 401k, and got enough raises in 2016-2020 to make up for the piddling amount of taxes I was forced to pay Amazon. I've definitely come out ahead in Trump's economy. If you look closely enough, I'm sure you did too.

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1 hour ago, Wrapitall said:

You probably don't know it, but the internet tax thing was in motion back in 1991.

Well, what's relevant is whether or not Trump's existence cost me 10% for the rest of my life with no possibility of being overturned.

Clarence Thomas (Bush), Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Clinton), Samuel Alito (Bush), Neil Gorsuch (Trump), Anthony Kennedy (Reagan) voted for the tax.
Stephen Breyer (Clinton), Sonia Sotomayor (Obama),  Elena Kagan (Obama),  John Roberts (Bush) voted against.


If Hillary had won in 2016, she would have appointed an "Obama judge" and I would never have to pay sales tax on internet purchases.

On top of that. Gorsuch is a disaster who voted for cops to rummage through phone data without a warrant.  Luckily the libs outvoted him.

I don't think Trump appointed anyone that he didn't regret and later try to fire.  A blind monkey throwing darts could make better choices.  His whole cabinet was nothing but swamp.

1 hour ago, Wrapitall said:

As for Trump, I think I've saved more than enough in gas,

It's true that he did things favorable for low gas prices, but largely the markets are out of the influence of presidents.  Oil prices had been cratering since 2014 under Obama ,which was mostly to do with fracking and fed tightening.

Oil had been cut in half long before Trump:


1 hour ago, Wrapitall said:

made more than enough in my 401k

Stock buybacks accounted for much of that, but Trump did give the robber barons a hefty tax cut (so they could buy back more stock) and then begged the fed to do more QE in 2019, which is funny because he admonished Obama for doing the same thing.

In the 2nd debate with Hillary in 2016 Trump said the stock market was a Big Fat Ugly Bubble, then he drove it higher and at the top he begged the fed to cut rates and relaunch QE to save his Bigger Fatter and Uglier bubble before the election.

You think that is good?

And in the same debate he said he'd put Hillary in jail.  What happened to that?  Oh yeah,,, Trump is a former Clinton supporter.  https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/02/howard-stern-remembers-trump-hillary-clinton-support

1 hour ago, Wrapitall said:

and got enough raises in 2016-2020

If Trump isn't your employer then he had nothing to do with that.

The trouble is people credit things to Trump that he had nothing or very little to do with.

I made 20x more money under Biden than I made under Trump, so does it follow that Biden is a better president?  No, because Biden had zero to do with it.  Correlation is not causation.  The fed and congress had more to do with it by driving up asset prices with stimmies.

Not for lack of trying, but Biden hasn't done anything to hurt me.  His vax mandates were shot down, he isn't coming for my guns, and gas prices are only $1 higher than Trump, which is mostly to do with the war.  The inflation we're seeing now is all about supply problems stemming from covid which never would have occurred without Trump.  Before Trump came along, racists were all over the net and no one cared.  I'll never outlive the damage caused by Trump, even if he didn't himself do it.

I'll vote for any GOP that somehow slithers onto the ticket, but if it's Trump, I'm voting for Brandon and I think a lot of people will.  The GOP would be better off if they pick DeSantis.  I think Trump is Brandon's only chance at reelection.

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19 hours ago, JustRandy said:

Blah,blah,orange man bad

Seems you only want to attribute bad things to him, several very wrongly that started much before he came along, and nothing good. I don't think we're going to come to any agreement here. We'll cancel each other out at the polls.

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37 minutes ago, Wrapitall said:

Seems you only want to attribute bad things to him

No I conceded that he did things favorable for lower gas prices.  Heck I voted for him.

Is it that you can't read or are you blinded by fealty for Dear Leader?

The problem with Trumpers is they never held him accountable for his actions.  They gave him 90% approval regardless what he did, so he just did whatever.

He said so himself.


Pretty much the definition of a cult.

44 minutes ago, Wrapitall said:

We'll cancel each other out at the polls.

I hope you're prepared to cancel out the election rigging too.  Another gift from Trump.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Trump asks Supreme Court to block Congress getting his tax returns  https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/31/trump-asks-supreme-court-to-block-congress-getting-his-tax-returns.html

I never seen anyone allegedly so rich who is so terrified of anyone seeing their tax returns that they'd be dragged kicking and screaming all the way to the supreme court. 

Warren Buffett waves his in front of the camera to prove he doesn't do anything special, but Trump would rather die than have anyone find out that even the poorest person on the planet has more money than him.

I lost respect for him in the 80s after he filed the first of his 7 bankruptcies and never gave him a second thought until 2015 when he ran for president because what kind of financial genius goes bankrupt.


Trump is without a doubt the best conman who has ever lived.  He conned hillbillies into thinking he's just like them.  He conned evangelicals into thinking he supports their interests after proudly proclaiming he never asks God for forgiveness because he never does anything wrong.  He conned republicans into supporting a life-long democrat who supported the Clintons. 

It's incredible how easy it is to fool people.


I can't wait for his tax returns to be public.  It's just a matter of time.  Then we'll discover how many billions in the hole he is and why he really wanted the fed to cut interest rates. Tick Tock.

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I find it hard to understand how anyone can blindly worship one of the most corrupt individuals, never mind politician,  the US has ever produced. Despite all the evidence up to and including the Jan. 6 insurrection,  they refuse to believe any of it.

The cult of Donald and his apologists in the House and Senate  goes against everything Americans claim they stand for.

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23 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

I find it hard to understand how anyone can blindly worship one of the most corrupt individuals, never mind politician,  the US has ever produced. Despite all the evidence up to and including the Jan. 6 insurrection,  they refuse to believe any of it.

The cult of Donald and his apologists in the House and Senate  goes against everything Americans claim they stand for.

No one worships Trump, it could have been anyone in office for those four years that we had record breaking growth and prosperity and you'd have people that want to see it happen again. As for your "insurrekshun!", That was a riot, not an attempted government takeover. If it had been a takeover, you'd have had armed guards keeping it going instead of, 45 minutes later, they asking people to leave and they simply said, 'Oh, ok." and went home.

The BLM riots from the swamp creatures were much more insurrectionist than anything that happened on Jan 6.

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44 minutes ago, Wrapitall said:

KYS Randy. If you were the target of a witch hunt for 4 years then the most corrupt, conspiratorial politicians on the planet said, "We just wanna see them. We won't do anything!" without cause would you blindly roll over?

Submitting tax returns to various entities is fairly routine for us plebs.  Why should our president be any different?  

I don't see why being the target of a witch hunt makes him an exception.  Yeah, there was a witch hunt, but that doesn't let him off the hook for lying about who he is.  And I think the witch hunts are a good reason to not want him around, especially if witch hunts include biological warfare like the covid pandemic, which we know was engineered and it popped up in perfect time for the presidential election and targeted old conservatives while not harming young liberals.

Anyway, he should be proud to show off his wealth.  He's even gone so far as to pretend to be someone else in order to embellish his image  https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/donald-trump-alter-ego-barron/2016/05/12/02ac99ec-16fe-11e6-aa55-670cabef46e0_story.html

So if he had anything to brag about, he'd be bragging about it.  Since he's going all the way to the supreme court to hide it speaks volumes.  From one of his tax returns we learned he lost $1 billion on a casino.  How does a real estate genius lose $1 billion on a casino???


He's a conman.  In spite of 7 bankruptcies and practically every business he started has failed and now he's going to the supreme court to hide his tax returns, people still think he's a successful businessman.

And I couldn't imagine telling a church congregation that I don't need to ask God for forgiveness because I try not to do anything wrong and then win their unanimous support.  How did he do that?

And on the Apprentice he portrayed himself as a good judge of character but then as president he appointed the slimiest swamp creatures he could find.  So all the Apprentice shows were just another big con.

The economic growth you use to justify him was mostly a continuation of what had been growing since 2009.  I don't think presidents have much control over the economy, although he did manage to drive through a large tax cut for corporations which they used to buy back shares to inflate the prices of their personal shares.  And his tariffs, which couldn't have been good for anyone.

The employment numbers Trump said were a lie when he was campaigning, but once elected he used the same numbers to brag about his performance.  So under Obama the employment numbers were a lie but under Trump the same numbers were spot on?

He did the same with the stock market: under Obama it was a Big Fat Ugly Bubble, but under Trump it was a measure of how well he did.

Under Obama he said the fed doing QE would destroy the country, but when he was president he begged the fed to do QE.

I don't think I'm judging him unreasonably.  Everything is there to be seen.  I guess you have to be willing to see it.

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11 minutes ago, JustRandy said:

Submitting tax returns to various entities is fairly routine for us plebs.  Why should our president be any different?  


Submitting tax returns  to ONE entity is reasonable for us plebes. I haven't submitted my tax returns to anyone except the IRS, ever. And if someone asked for them, I'd refuse.Forcing someone to give you intimate details about their finances, particularly when they're your enemies, is an abuse of power.

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1 hour ago, Wrapitall said:

No one worships Trump, it could have been anyone in office for those four years that we had record breaking growth and prosperity and you'd have people that want to see it happen again. As for your "insurrekshun!", That was a riot, not an attempted government takeover. If it had been a takeover, you'd have had armed guards keeping it going instead of, 45 minutes later, they asking people to leave and they simply said, 'Oh, ok." and went home.

The BLM riots from the swamp creatures were much more insurrectionist than anything that happened on Jan 6.

You have just proved  my point.  The farce is strong with tRumpers.


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26 minutes ago, davefrombc said:



One did 2 billion worth of damage to people, killed hundreds, and was perpetuated by democrat governors that refused to act. The other was a bunch of grannies and feds that, once in the capitol, obeyed the velvet roped off areas and left without shooting anyone. Your logic is flawed and your value of life would be fine if you were a psychopath. Not fine if you're a functioning member of society.

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7 hours ago, Wrapitall said:

Submitting tax returns  to ONE entity is reasonable for us plebes.

The bar should be higher for the president.  He shouldn't get security clearances without being vetted.  And since the public is the president's employer then the public participates in the vetting.  If in 2015 the public discovered that he's so deep in debt that the bankers own him, how would that have affected the election?  Republicans use Stacey Abrams financial situation to question her ability to manage the finances of Georgia because if she can't handle her own finances how could she handle the State's?  And it's a lot like the Hunter laptop story that would have affected Biden's election.  Hiding relevant information isn't good.

3 courts and 14 judges so far have unanimously agreed that he should hand them over:

Last December, Washington, D.C., federal court Judge Trevor McFadden, who was appointed by Trump, ruled that the Treasury Department had to turn over the tax returns as requested. McFadden said that even if the committee’s request was politically motivated, as Trump has argued, its chairman had stated a “valid legislative purpose” in seeking the returns, as the law required.

Trump then appealed McFadden’s ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

In August, a three-judge panel on that appeals court unanimously ruled against Trump.

The panel noted that while tax returns are generally confidential under federal law, one exception is when the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee requests such returns in writing from the Treasury Department’s secretary.

“The Chairman has identified a legitimate legislative purpose that it requires information to accomplish,” Judge David Sentelle wrote in the panel’s opinion. “At this stage, it is not our place to delve deeper than this.”

Trump then asked for a re-hearing of his appeal at the same court in a so-called en banc hearing, in which most of the court’s judges would consider his arguments.

On Thursday, a slate of 10 judges on the appeals court unanimously rejected Trump’s request. The same group of judges denied a request by Trump to stay its denial pending his expected petition to the Supreme Court.

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, in a statement Thursday said, “The law has always been on our side. Former President Trump has tried to delay the inevitable, but once again, the Court has affirmed the strength of our position.”

“We’ve waited long enough — we must begin our oversight of the IRS’s mandatory presidential audit program as soon as possible,” Neal said.

7 hours ago, Wrapitall said:

I haven't submitted my tax returns to anyone except the IRS, ever. And if someone asked for them, I'd refuse.

If you don't want to release your returns then simply don't run for president or ask the public to employ you in high office.  No one is forcing you.

7 hours ago, Wrapitall said:

Forcing someone to give you intimate details about their finances, particularly when they're your enemies, is an abuse of power.

If he hasn't broken any laws, then what could his enemies do with the information to hurt him?

It seems the only fear is of the truth being exposed.

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7 hours ago, Wrapitall said:

So you're saying Jan6 was worse than the BLM riots?

I think the BLM riots were more of an insurrection than jan6 which was mostly just a bunch of people walking around taking pictures after being invited into the capitol by the police.  Sure there were a couple scuffles but nothing like BLM riots that were mostly about violence.

Jan6 is another witch hunt.  The more the democrats try to make big deals of nothing, the stronger it makes Trump.  I'm surprised democrats haven't figure that out.  Look at his popularity after the FBI raid.

There is plenty of legitimate things to complain about Trump without having to make stuff up.  If they'd leave him alone he'd probably sink himself.

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37 minutes ago, JustRandy said:

If he hasn't broken any laws, then what could his enemies do with the information to hurt him?

It seems the only fear is of the truth being exposed.

This has to be the most head-up-your-butt statement I've ever heard. "If you ain't doin nuttin, why aint you lettin the cops in yo house?" Because it's not legal, it's not their business, and it's persecution. We don't do that in this country. Maybe you're from somewhere else though.

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