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this should not even be a contest. the guy who runs the register at 7/11 or the guy who knows how to run the whole parade?

One guy needs to go home smelling like corn dogs and the other does not. Barry may make a great pres, but not yet. he needs more seasoning. He could be leading the next generation [oh no that's the 'Y' generation] maybe theyll learn to pull their pants up before it becomes a campaign issue.

Barry could be a great President, but I think it's too soon. Ditch the African names, guys, we all know you were born here.

I don't care if I offended anyone, it's my opinion, and everyone has one.

Safety tip: If you live in a place that is devastated by flooding and hurricanes every year, why? are your batteries dead? get the heck out. Taxpayers in Oregon cannot be expected to pay for your continued stupidity. Move to higher ground kids. Good God, even He has thrown his hands up at this point.....

oops, my nickel ran out, catch ya later! ;p

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I not even sure Obama is legally running for President. I think he is a very good speaker but I don't think that is agenda is the same that this country is based upon. I do think McCain is more aligned with what our country was founded on and not just out to please as many people as he can. I liked Palin's speech and I think she would make a fine VP. She is a looker and seems very tough. I don't think much anymore it is a choice of voting for someone you want to win as it is voting against the ones that you don't want to win. I don't know if it is we know more about stuff today with all the media B.S. where anything that people in the spotlight do is bad. I think that the media wants to dig up dirt or try and report what is bad that is all we see anymore. Everyone has faults and everyone has done something they are ashamed of or regret. We are all human. Wanna guess how many pregnant 17 year olds there are out there right now? :rantc: :twocents:

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Sarah Palin is actually one of the reasons I got really into the political scene. I never much cared before to be honest....But now, I'm growing up and growing wiser.

I think she's one tough cookie and I think her family is handling the pressure well. I think sometimes to often the people that sit in the offices governing this great nation are too perfect. Or, so they seem to be....but if everything in their life is perfect and none of them make mistakes, how do they really know what's happening here in everyday America?? It seems like weekly some sex scandal comes up involving some big name, Elliot Spitzer...Bill Clinton....and so on. How many men or women out there are having affairs? Plenty. How many pregnant teenage daughters out there? Plenty. Oh, and DUI's?? All too many of them also.

I think Sarah not only brings a fresh face, but a good background history of overcoming things. She's got a very diverse background, which is what I truely like about her. She wasn't raised in a political household like Bush...she made it there on her own and with dignity. I just really like her and what she stands for.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

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I, personally, am going to make myself look very stupid, but...I don't know anything about any other states governor, senator(s) or mayor(s), other than my own....I don't even know much about TN and I moved from there in April!!!

Hell, for that matter, I don't know too much about any political figures except the ones you hear about daily on the television. So, when she popped up looking like the average everyday momma, I took an interest in her and learned more about what she's accomplished.

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Personally, i dont think he could have done any better out of who is out there, yeah she has family issues.. but she is sharp as a tack and has a great eye to pick through the political B.S... :rantc:

I dk know if you heard about some feds and special interest groups were wanting to put polar bears on the endangered species list?? They are trying to play on peoples hearts and get support for that, and it sounds like a great idea..But she was the first to buck and pulled bear population records, and they are at a 40 year high and on the verge of over population.. she did her homework and bucked:smackbum:.. despite the bleeding hearts that are just trying to fool the american ppl into uknowingly supporting their hiden agenda. (if they had made it happened it would have blocked off ALL oil and natural gas drilling in alaska). AND BEWARE!! THOSE SAME GROUPS ARE AFTER OUR RIDING AREAS!!!!!!:skeptic:

I honestly think that she would get in there and serve the needs of the population as a whole, instead of feeding lies for personal popularity. This is a very important office and a real job that needs filled. Not a prime time political news show that needs a new smoothtalking host.....:cool:..

I'm not a big fan of McCain, I think his brain gets a lil foggy sometimes, but he can fill the position sufficiently for now. Out of who we had run, Huckabee was my pick.. He never wavered beleifes for personal popularity.. I think Zell Miller(DEM) would be a better republican candidate(LOL!) than McCain.:laugh:

And as for Obama, He changes like the wind for popularity:kissbutt:.. he is a smoothtalker, but has no true plan on accomplishing anything. He says he can fix the economy, and thats where all his votes and will come from.. but the only thing that can do that is the Feds dropping interest rates and tapping alaska and more offshore wells until hydrogen and other technologies are refined to the point of taking over the oil industry. even if the cost of crude didn't plumet from us becoming self suffecient, the money would stay in our economy, not over seas!!!!!!:aargh:

And what good is a fixed economy WITH NO SECURITY TO PROTECT IT???:beatdeadhorse5c:

thats just my :twocents: :wink: You guys have a good one!

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Personally, i dont think he could have done any better out of who is out there, yeah she has family issues.. but she is sharp as a tack and has a great eye to pick through the political B.S... :rantc:

I dk know if you heard about some feds and special interest groups were wanting to put polar bears on the endangered species list?? They are trying to play on peoples hearts and get support for that, and it sounds like a great idea..But she was the first to buck and pulled bear population records, and they are at a 40 year high and on the verge of over population.. she did her homework and bucked:smackbum:.. despite the bleeding hearts that are just trying to fool the american ppl into uknowingly supporting their hiden agenda. (if they had made it happened it would have blocked off ALL oil and natural gas drilling in alaska). AND BEWARE!! THOSE SAME GROUPS ARE AFTER OUR RIDING AREAS!!!!!!:skeptic:

I honestly think that she would get in there and serve the needs of the population as a whole, instead of feeding lies for personal popularity. This is a very important office and a real job that needs filled. Not a prime time political news show that needs a new smoothtalking host.....:cool:..

I'm not a big fan of McCain, I think his brain gets a lil foggy sometimes, but he can fill the position sufficiently for now. Out of who we had run, Huckabee was my pick.. He never wavered beleifes for personal popularity.. I think Zell Miller(DEM) would be a better republican candidate(LOL!) than McCain.:laugh:

And as for Obama, He changes like the wind for popularity:kissbutt:.. he is a smoothtalker, but has no true plan on accomplishing anything. He says he can fix the economy, and thats where all his votes and will come from.. but the only thing that can do that is the Feds dropping interest rates and tapping alaska and more offshore wells until hydrogen and other technologies are refined to the point of taking over the oil industry. even if the cost of crude didn't plumet from us becoming self suffecient, the money would stay in our economy, not over seas!!!!!!:aargh:

And what good is a fixed economy WITH NO SECURITY TO PROTECT IT???:beatdeadhorse5c:

thats just my :twocents: :wink: You guys have a good one!

our riding areas!!!!! oh noz

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