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ok so heres the deal, im new to this site and i need help with my arctic cat. so last night i ride it all night through water, mud and it did great. it does blow a little white smoke but im trying to fix that now. thats not my problem tho. my problem is that i tried to start my bike today and it ran for abut 5 seconds and died. i figured mabye out of gas or spark plug..so i changed the spark plug and i checked to see if its getting gas. its etting gas and spark. i checked compressionn and it was right below 100 on my gauge. an every now and then ill get one little sputter as it tries to start, i pulled the carb and cleaned it and the slide was kind of sticky so i cleaned it up and made it where itll slide real smooth, i figured that would be the problem, so i just got done putting it back together and now it still dosent do anything..i need help cuz im getting pissed at it. this is the first arctic cat ive owned and it has 500miles on it and my honda 350 has over 5000miles on it and it hasent skipped a beat...so i need help and it might be something simple. Thanks alot. and sory it is soo long.

Posted (edited)

Your white smoke and hard starting could be the same problem, a blown head gasket. A compression reading under 100psi is low, a bad head gasket can cause that. White smoke is usually a sign that you are burning coolant, a bad head gasket will cause that as well. I think that your problem could be that you have had a leaky head gasket, and when you started it last, it blew out between a water jacket and the cylinder causing the water leak into the cylinder to get much worse and that is when the motor died. If alot of water is entering the cylinder, there is a good chance that it is getting pushed past the rings and into the crankcase. So I would check your oil as well.

Edited by DirtDemon
Also how could I check/adjust the valves and where can I get all the torque specs for rebuilding the top end? Thanks


Here is a link to the service manuals. Checking/Adjusting the valves in in there.

There are also know problems with the starter/flywheel in the H1 Motors. Describe the problems a little more in detail and if it cranks or not.

Wires under the rear fender have also been know to rub so that is another easy check.

My Cat never burns oil so that is a sure sign of a problem. Should be too early for rings unless it was swamped.


It cranks and sounds fine, and it sometimes studders and tries to start...im working right now on it and i am pretty sure it is a carberator problem. But the bike only has 500miles on it and yeah thats what i was thinking, why would it have blow by this early...? the guy said he hasnt flooded this bike but he flooded his other bike..but you cant always take someones word. So the bike has spark, cranks good, fuel pump works, stutters sometimes and tries to start but doesnt. and about the white/blue smoke. the oil is a good color, i tried to put some STP smoke stop in with the oil to see if that would help since tthe bike has low miles. but dont know if that will help since i cant get the thing started lol. but hopefully once we work out the carberator bug and get it running, ill see if the additave will help. i dont think the rings would be worn or bad. mabye need a little of that additave up in there to help seal it and mabye itll seal for good..?


Ok I found another problem. I put the carb back on and tried to start it. The drain hole In the carb is overrunning. It'll fill the bowl and keep filling until it comes out the bottom. I checked the float and needle and everything seems free and not gummed up...so the carb is messed up somehow..so any help would be appreciated. Thanks


Ok here are some things to check.

Change the plug anyways, sometimes it has enough spark to fire when out of the atv but not under compression.

The carb drain can be opened to drain the carb. Make sure it is closed and not in the open position.

Can you be flooding it from trying st start it?

If its not the carb I would be looking into the stator and magnets on the flywheel. I know there are specs in the manual for testing the stator.


Alright I changed the plug, the drain screw is closed for sure. It's overflowing from the bowl and I'm nt giving it any gas. I havent checked the stator, would that cause it not to start? I hooked a timing light up to the plug wire when the plug was In the engine so I know it's getting fire when I'n the engine. But Ill look into the stator..thanks.


Is the autochoke stuck on?

Is the intake and air filter free and clear?

Sounds like it would be a good idea to get the carb squared away first.

The stator issue is a low probability but does exist with the 07s.


Alright I think it's the needle valve. I cleaned it and hooked the carb back to the fuel line and turned the bike over and I could see the gas going I'n and it never came out of the overflow. I shook the carb a little bit and saw a few drops come out of the overflow. So hopefully I fixed that problem. I'm going to hook it back up and see if it starts, the air filter is off of it right now. And yea it's pretty clean.


It would be reving high idle if you can get it to start. The flooding made me think of it.

The most simple answer is the best so I would make sure you are good with the carb first.

I think you are headed the right way checking the jets for debris and tracking down the needle valve and see if it is seating.


It's does idle high when it used to run. I would stick my hand over the intake snorkel to slow it down. Then it would shoot white/blue smoke out the exhaust. But te jets are clean and I guess it's the needle valve but it seems to e working properly when it's out. I cleaned it and it didn't overrun so I'll try that and hope it works

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm new to the fourm but I am an Arctic Cat Tech.

First which bike are you working on, I read that it is an 2007 but which Model/Engine.

Question on your compression test, 100 psi is a little low. when you did the compression test did you have the throttle in the wide open position?

Posted (edited)
I'm new to the fourm but I am an Arctic Cat Tech.

First which bike are you working on, I read that it is an 2007 but which Model/Engine.

Question on your compression test, 100 psi is a little low. when you did the compression test did you have the throttle in the wide open position?

Welcome Texas glad to see another cat guy on the forums.

Edited by swampcat07
its a 2007 650 H1 FIS, and no i didnt have it Wide open throttle, i did find out then problem, the rings were gone and timing chain jumped, and with the carb, the needle and seat wernt sealing.

Wow sounds like the bike needed a good tuneup. I am glad you found the problem.

its a 2007 650 H1 FIS, and no i didnt have it Wide open throttle, i did find out then problem, the rings were gone and timing chain jumped, and with the carb, the needle and seat wernt sealing.

Happy you found the problem, Sorry it isn't a simple fix. Unusually for this cam set-up to jump time.

Be interested to see pictured of the disassembly. if your doing a top end job pay attension to the cam tensioner and make sure it is working properly and it would be a go idea to replace the chain guides.

It's not a hard job to do yourself but pay close attension to the cam timing to get it right. This is where most people make an error.

Keep us updated, and if you need help, feel free to pm me.

I'm new to the fourm but I am an Arctic Cat Tech.

First which bike are you working on, I read that it is an 2007 but which Model/Engine.

Question on your compression test, 100 psi is a little low. when you did the compression test did you have the throttle in the wide open position?

Welcome to quadcrazy!


  • 4 weeks later...

ok guys...just got the bike back..rebuilt the entire top end and it had trouble starting..it would start if you jumped it off or had the batttery charged at 100% brand new starter, selonoid, and wires, new battery, we did switch the battery to a 325cca batttery instead of a 220cca. but now it wont start even if you jump it off, and when it did start the clutch made a lot of noise, is their supposed to be grease or something in there to keep it from making noise? but now the bike wont start, i cant pull the starter off because one of the bolt is totally stripped...idk what to do. ive had the bike for months now and have only ridden it 2 times...all the other days it has been broke. so far i am NEVER going to buy arctic cat again unless this one gets fixed and NEVER breaks again or somthing, i have a 2003 honda and it has pver 5000 miles. nothing has ever needed to be rebuilt and it dosent smoke and we ride it pretty hard. ive flooded the honda about 5-6 times since ive had it and never had to trailor it home broken, all i had to do was drain the bike then it starts right back up. so if this one dosent pick up its sh** then im selling it and probaly going to a honda..


if someone knows anything that would be wrong with it or something very important that i should know could yall please txt me or call me because i might not get an email on saying that yall replied on here. thanks 281-508-1289


Under thread tools choose subscribe to this thread. If that does not work please PM me so I can figure out what is going on.

Also fell free to PM me with questions I have two 2007 ACs and work on it myself.

I will read through your post when I have a little more time tonight and post up some suggestions. I think we have an AC tech on here also so hopefully he will chime in.


ok cool, and i did get the email. but the other ones i didnt.? im not sure lol i will just check when i can, and yea it used to turn over slowly and now the selenoid just clicks. clutch sounds like a rattle or something like that. but main problem is the starting issue...tommorow when the dealership is open we might take it to them..i know itll cost an arm and leg but something gotta be done...im mad. bought the bike for 4000, spend 1000 in repairs..still dosent run, only good thing now is that it dosent smoke when it did run the one time i saw it.


i was thinking something with the compression release, does it have one? because if we pull the spark plug out it will turn over just fine because of no sompression but it still seems kinda slow when the plugs out. so im not really sure what to do. sorry for the double post. but let me know thanks!

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