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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2020 in all areas

  1. So with this mess going on outside and the stay at home thing happening i wanted to ask who's getting what done around there house, apartment and property or toys? I honestly cannot believe what my wife and i have accomplished over the last few weeks. Unfortunately we have worked ourselves out of work!!! I have to give all the credit to my daughter for the below listed work. She came to me a few weeks back and said daddy since we are stuck in the house can we do my room over. I was in a keep away from everyone hunker down and lets just get through this Coronavirus mess. She changed the entire direction of our mood and how we would push through this. I have painted all the kids rooms and did a make over per say for each of there rooms. While the painting sh** was out i decided to continue and paint the moldings over with one coat of semi gloss in the entire house. After that we decided to tear the closets and drawers apart and sort out all clothing, donate what we are not keeping etc. I picked up a couple of shoe racks to organize my sneaker collection from BJ's $20 bucks for a 3 tier rack. Cleaned every nook and cranny of the house, windows, walls, radiators, ceiling fans you name it including pulling the furniture out and getting behind everything! (Scary back there) lol. Sh** we even did the inside of the oven with easy off! That stuff is no joke btw..... I assure you we are clean people but after pulling the furniture out and the oven and refrigerator i have to say we need to do better with that sh**. We decided to go to the back yard and see what we could do. I went ahead and painted the foundation walls, added mulch and set the furniture up, bbq included. I added some cool light stringers across the yard as well from Amazon. We are looking at what to do in the front of the house next. We made a list and tackle a little each day, Saturday and Sunday are big task days. Im still working so afternoon tasks are maybe an hour or two each day. We have been very productive to say the least. I feel like this is the perfect time to make the best of a bad situation and it keeps our mind off of the sh** going on in the world while we work. This may sound like a lot but making a list and tackling realistic goals at the end of each day works well. Plus a lot of 🍺 and 🍷!!!!! The kids have been helping out big time and we try to keep it fun. We hopefully will never have the chance to do this again but i was wondering who's doing what if anything at all. Our regards go out to anyone that have been affected by this virus weather it be family or friends. I recommend making early trips to Home Depot and BJ's and the grocery stores to stay away from crowds and lines, its a ghost town early in the morning. Believe it or not that Suzuki Eiger is fixed but still needs to be put back together and here i am on Quadcrazy asking who's doing what around the house but the Suzuki can wait for a little while. Keep ya head up and stay motivated!!!!
    1 point
  2. @Frank AngeranoSolid info as usual. He said earlier it would jump crossing the solenoid so that means power is good to the starter. The issue can only be neutral safety switch, solenoid white wire, ignition switch, start push button or relay...in that order.
    1 point
  3. No problem. Keep us posted and be sure to take and post progress photos.
    1 point
  4. Good idea and then you can adjust everything properly. Study the manual while your at work if you can.
    1 point
  5. I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been working on my friends quads because I have nothing else to do. Lol. So why not. It’s killing time and keeping me busy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. I traced a similar issue on a Bayou once, and it turned out the solenoid was bad. There is a white wire that comes out of the solenoid and it's the 12V+ that goes to the ignition switch (on a 98 anyway). Somehow the solenoid was bad internally and not allowing power through to the white wire. Replaced that and then I could hear the starter relay click, then traced it from there and had it turning over about an hour later.
    1 point
  7. I seem to have that happen to my videos quite often😃
    1 point
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