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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2019 in Posts

  1. I was 50. a used 2005 Suzuki King Quad 700. I wasted a lifetime without it. I've got a post in here somewhere that describes the feeling of exploring for the first time. I really kicked myself in the a$$ for not doing it much much sooner. For what I am going to use it for … trailer exploration, getting to fishing holes, putting along trails for birds and bunnies, it is likely going to last me a lifetime. My only concern being my age and the age of the quad and its reliability as I do much of our outings solo. Regardless how small the outing I am always prepared to spend the night. My advice to those who are on the fence... do it, you will have it for years... and the cost of that entertainment /hr keeps going down each time you use it. especially if you have friends to go with... man... the years I wasted not being able to get to the back country and having to share the spaces with everyone in a car or truck. something smaller would have probably been better a 450/500 maybe vs the 700 (though to pull over on a dead batter, will get tougher as I get older. My overnight kit has a spare deep cycle and solar panel. Just do it! Unless of course that is the money you need to feed your kids and wife with !
    1 point
  2. sweet bike brother!! how much you pay for it? Thats probably what my next bike would look like after I fix up my current ones
    1 point
  3. Wow nice bike. Good luck with it.
    1 point
  4. Got my first quad back in 2007 so I only been riding for 14 years. It was an Arctic Cat.
    1 point
  5. 63. 1996 Sportsman 500, had it out yesterday at my buddy's wood lot, still over a foot of snow in some places. Quite impressed with its' performance and capabilities.
    1 point
  6. I think I was 6 or 7 when got my first atc. was a 1979 honda 110. Then I had a little street legal trail 90. Then a 84 atc 125m. Then a 85 200x. Then a 85 250sx. Then I quit riding for some years because i just worked too much and one day i went and bought a 85 350x and my daughter a lt-a50 quad and i was hooked again. Now Ive got the 85 ATC 350x, and just bought an 85 ATC 250r and few months ago bought a 05 Honda Rancher 350 and I like it but im still moren fond of 3 wheelers because I like the drift style of riding. Pitching it and powering out instead of steering. Its just a crazier style of riding. Anyone who grew up on 3 wheels knows what im talking about. I ride them both but Atc riding was always more fun to me
    1 point
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