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Everything posted by Raptor8

  1. TOM, if you have heart trouble at your age change jobs NOW cuz it doesnt get better., Everytime I walk into the hospital women faint and doctors point cuz they all know me! My first was at 44 years old. TRUST ME. change your life . You don't want this path! You are HILARIOUS and I want you around! if you are a smoker, STOP NOW. I did when I DIED in E.R. cold turkey. it's been nine years now. Hang in there my friend:confused:
  2. AWESOME. good for you. you can use the break! I hope it is something you LIKE no matter what it pays. that's really more important. Listen to Caesar's mechanic, he's been around.
  3. Yeah that's best cuz if you noticed, those posts are EXACTLY 50 wide......... I'm happy and sad- we could have found another place or accomodated it somehow..... Oh well I'm glad you had a good time after that long drive! THAT was dedication!:rolleyes:
  4. Well you asked! and I was just getting warmed up it's 0722 here what are you doing home?
  5. among other things, I hate: taxes and everyone at the friggin IRS hospitals and insurance aholes heart disease greedy people posers christian posers born again christian posers born again christian posers who are thieves that one again [i REALLY hate them] dumbos who use your ride and leave the damm gas turned on liars thieves heads of knuckle who just got their first quad and it is the BEST of them all. those who cannot complete a thread without mentioning their damm quad [banshee, canam, pullaris, etc etc] and pulling the thread off topic. common diction errors, esp from kids still in school! grrr ppl whom you let use your garage, leave it a mess and steal your tools! YEAH HARRY I MEAN YOU! can't express myself colorfully on this forum.... things that annoy me: why are weathermen always crosseyed and unprepared? why do I always get stuck behind a school bus when I have to pee? why is it that ppl who make signs all flunked spelling? why is it that ppl on radio cant pronounce what they are reading? why is it whenever I go shooting I always forget something? [that's old age OK] why is it always too late to get more beer when someone mentions that we are running low? I now have a fridge in the garage for emergencies. and a bathroom too haha I feel better now, thank you.
  6. GOOD LOOKIN RHINO! I'll bet that's a ball! too bad ya didn't bring it....... I'll show up one of these days. ;p how many trucks do you have? one photo there's a red truck, next pic has a white one. ?? and you were here in a silver one.
  7. OK then, there is a living Neanderthal ! the assault against me should be redirected to another now eh? So you guys on the thread know, I have a couple guys chasing me telling me I'm old. so when you mentioned 70 I HAD to jump on it! We old farts CREATED this activity and BUILT the machines... we deserve respect and sacrifices and donations from these yapping youngsters!. Give it a few minutes, they'll be here! all in fun- I know where they BOTH live so going too far for them is not an option they should take......
  8. just don't pick up hitchhikers in/around Folsom OK?
  9. stay in touch- happy to help! "older than dirt"
  10. the TOOMEY B1 kit not only is the pipe, but jets, airfilter, instructions, lots more stuff. on mine we changed the main jet from 230 to 320 and lifted the needle one step. Also used the unifilter in the kit and left the airbox lid off. IT WORKED GREAT! If you cant fidure it out, we can call Toomey industries and ask them- they are very nice about helping people and they have a pretty cool website too. anubis mentioned tires and that's a good point: the stockers SAY 20 but they are so balloonish they are actually 22 inch. I used ITP 20" XCR on the back and they are noticeably shorter- that solved my gearing problem. let us know how it goes.
  11. my DAD is famous for the barrel chariot.... is this pick on r8 day? by the way, it's off topic, so let's put it back on topic. I've known Stuart since I lived in california, shortly after the dinosaurs died off. When the volcanoes cooled I moved to Oregon. I was having the exact same problem so I called him for advice. Here I am just passing on what he said. I have a lot more friends too. For awhile there Toomey was talking about moving up here to be nearby Rob Muzzy as well as Powroll Ind. But I guess he changed his mind.
  12. HO MAN! there would be nuthin left above his shoulders......what the hell were they thinking???
  13. I had trouble with mine until I bought a unifilter air filter and left the airbox lid off. This is what Stuart Toomey told me to do...he was right.
  14. carb slide mod? like machining the slide? I haven't seen one but imagine soemone has tried it. better on a 2 stroke to machine the piston skirt.
  15. one of us should hear from him today! Don't act yet of course, I don't have the money to loan him, but he makes a good living. and he has a company truck...
  16. I have a son in Bakersfield, trying to get him to buy it!!! that is JUST what he needs! he's gonna kill himself in those stupid stock cars.
  17. yeah... that's right! I keep getting emails from friends about 3wheelers they find for sale....I'm gonna end up being the atc90 parts store! found 2 more, mostly complete, for $100 take it all. I can part them out....ebay here we come! and NO suspension to worry about hehe
  18. take the airbox lid off and leave it off. we have the same problem here [elevation]. you need to get more air thru there, and this is what Yam and Toomey recommend.
  19. If I just hit the lottery I'd get the grizzly. I am familiar with them, and I trust Yamaha.
  20. seems we have gone from front bumpers to suspension.....
  21. nope, didnt see it on your ride Bot!
  22. I always mix up the Foreskin and Rubycorn as they were SO similar for several years, but the Rubicon was the Cadillac of that class. toe out a 4x4, toe-in a sport quad like you would a 2wd car. mine is toed-in 1/4" and it took a whole afternoon to get it all right, but it's worth it! my tires still look like new and steering is smoooooth..... Bot1 will testify to that! I am sorry DrtyGrl didnt get a chance to ride my Raptor- it's kind of an experiment on wheels.... If anyone needs more instruction on how to check alignment, I'll be happy to help you. just let me know! ;p
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